
Oct 29, 2004
I can answer that question, just bet Hawaii, what is their record in covering? whether it's cbb of nccaaf bet them and you can find his record! Captain you know I had to pull that card, even though you had a good season in cbb it was always on Hawaii and that last lost cost me big!


New member
Nov 8, 2004
Sorry, that should have been posted under my name and not one of the services that I host, the last comment came from me.


Sep 20, 2004
MikeNowlinWins said:
I can answer that question, just bet Hawaii, what is their record in covering? whether it's cbb of nccaaf bet them and you can find his record! Captain you know I had to pull that card, even though you had a good season in cbb it was always on Hawaii and that last lost cost me big!

No No No...dont ever just bet Hawaii on the side, in both CBB and CFB...Only time I usually bet them on the side only is when I have them as a BIG GAME PLAY selection....My suggestion when betting on Hawaii games is to spread it out in other wagers...I know how terrible their ATS records have been...that is why even though I have played them a lot, only a few time have I played them on the game Big....Most times I will also play them in multiple wagers like 2nd HF, Over/Unders game and 2nd HF, and on Teasers...and doing this is how I make money playing them...There is sort of a system to playing Hawaii games, especially on the 2nd HF sides and O/U...that have been working pretty good for me....Each season though, I will isolate at least two games in both CFB and CBB that I have been able to Bank My Biggest Bets on, and as you can see by my posted Record on Hawaii as a BIG GAME PLAY selection, I have been spanking the Man Big Time....

Mike, if your talking about that last lost vs Neb in the NIT tourney...I know exactly how you feel....that one was a winner from the start...I couldnt believe what happened, and how it ended up not covering....Unreal!...I am still kicking myself cause I initially wanted to just play it on the ML since the line was so low...damn 1/2 pt killed me...BTW, in CBB I think I played against Hawaii was with SMU and cant remember the other one...but guess what happened...yep, I lost both of them..go figure.:think2: LOL.

Hey, are you the same guy from the other have your own website right?...Anyways, GL to you tonight....Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
Iceyone said:
Sorry, that should have been posted under my name and not one of the services that I host, the last comment came from me.

No dont post at the other place anymore?

New member
Nov 8, 2004
Very Seldom, to many bashers and to much trash talking, seems a person gets on a streak and he is GOD, loses 3 in a row and he sucks, I'm a long haul player, and no, he's not a fraud as far as I know, I've known him from cbb last year.

Sep 20, 2004
harrington said:
Co-Cap is a fraud boys and girls.
LOL Harrington you clown...What you cant handle my BIG GAME PLAY record, huh...Typical!

Hey, I dont know whats your problem...but I dont believe you have the credibility to be calling anyone anything...Do you remember telling everyone that its stupid to bet more than a few games a day....I saw you saying this several times....Yet, I see you posting up to 5 times what you usually play.....How come your going against yourself now?....Oh yeah, and I like the post where you came in and posted how you went 12-0 one day in FB....You didnt even post one play in the forum, yet you come in and state you just went 12-0 on your games that day..LOL....Plus, do you think anyone cares?....First off, you played 12 games huh....What happen to your hardcore belief that people who play a lot of games are losers?...Second, who do you think is going to believe that you went 12-0, when you didnt even post one of the plays to which you stated you won.:EEK: ...C'mon Chief...You better wake up!...

You tell everyone not to bet more than a few games...yet you come on the forum and tell everyone that you just hit 12 games on one day...and you do this, for what didnt post any of them....I think us Boys and Girls, after you posted that shiat know who the Fraud is...C'mon.:nono5:

BTW...if you cant control spreading your negativities in my threads, then stay out...:kicking: ...I really dont think anyone listen to you anyway....What do you think about that?..:heh:
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New member
Nov 8, 2004
Dude, I know you are not talking to me, I havn't posted a winner or loser, but, you can go to ppp and I went 4-1 on cbb over the weekend, I joined here because I was told there were no bashers? if I'm not welcome let me know, and all I'm doing is telling you what I know of this guy from last cbb, take it for what it's worth.


Sep 20, 2004
Iceyone...every place has jealous insecure bashers...Only difference is that some places handle them better than others...Dont worry about that guy...I dont think he post plays and I know you do..and have had some solid results from what I seen from the other side as well....This poster is probably someones Ghost...43 post and already talking trash...makes you wonder...:WTF:
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New member
Sep 21, 2000
Your record on this site is not accurate. Enough said. And I beleive my last 5 CFB posted plays were all winners. If you don't belive I went 12-0 a few weeks back then so be it, what the hell do I care. But I will tell you one thing son your record is not accurate. Just curious as to why you were booted?

New member
Sep 21, 2004

why are you calling me a basher ?

i asked ONE legit question. and your answer would help people who wonder about following your plays or not. be a man, and just post your record. overall it is a losing one and we both know that. nothing wrong with having a losing season, but at least don't act like you are a winner, when in reality you are not.

i have a good news for you. since you refused to keep an up to date record in college basketball last year, i decided to do that work for you this year. every single play of yours will be posted in rr and counted, win or lose.

aloha co-cap.

Sep 20, 2004
harrington said:
Your record on this site is not accurate. Enough said. And I beleive my last 5 CFB posted plays were all winners. If you don't belive I went 12-0 a few weeks back then so be it, what the hell do I care. But I will tell you one thing son your record is not accurate. Just curious as to why you were booted?
Oh really...and what record are you talking about Clown?...I havent posted an updated record of all my plays for a while now...So I dont know where you are coming up with this accusation....I just updated and posted my BIG GAME PLAYS YTD RECORD....which was also only the second time this year I did it....and I know you arent talking about that record....

Furthermore, you talk about other peoples records..not being accurate which I think is hilarious, because you yourself dont even post your own records at all...not one time have you posted any records, accept the one when you said you went 12-0 one day....LOL...Why is that?....And what gives you the right to complain and make accusations about someone else's records in the first place, knowing that you yourself dont post your own records....C'mon stop acting like a idiot already....If I can see your BS and little games, I think everyone else can as well.

So what that you went 5-0, I dont follow you or your plays at all...but what about the rest of them...

As far as you going 12-0 on your non-posted plays...I really could care less as well...I was simply commenting on how you contradicted yourself to everyone here...Which made you look rather foolish if you ask me....Remember all the comments and post you made which you called people who played more than a few games a bunch of losers and idiots...Then you come on the forum telling everyone that you just played 12 games..WTF!....make up your mind...your either for or against..or inbetween.....

And I will tell you one thing dont have the credibility to being making accusations about anyone here....Believe That!...If you dont care what I think, then why all the comments and bs in my threads...Just stay out..your not accomplishing anything but show everyone your inability to control your weakness.....Always easy to find fault with others, not so easy to find fault with yourself, huh.

Sep 20, 2004
PRatings said:

why are you calling me a basher ?

i asked ONE legit question. and your answer would help people who wonder about following your plays or not. be a man, and just post your record. overall it is a losing one and we both know that. nothing wrong with having a losing season, but at least don't act like you are a winner, when in reality you are not.

i have a good news for you. since you refused to keep an up to date record in college basketball last year, i decided to do that work for you this year. every single play of yours will be posted in rr and counted, win or lose.

aloha co-cap.
PRating...didnt you bash me several times in the SP area, as well as in my FB threads?...What dont tell me you have abnisia(sp)...if so, I gotta LMFAO!..You call me and others here liars, yet you are lying right now...Thats why I call you a Clown....I think I have saved your post, would you want me to retrieve it...or maybe we should look it up in the archieves to see who is the liar....This is funny, I got two hypocrites and one investigative reporting mod coming into my threads to instigate problems for me today...LOL.

Hey, if my record is a losing one and your so sure of this...then why the need to even ask me about it in the first place, huh?...Those who follow me consistantly and who come into my threads on a continuous basis, know how I am doing....If I am losing like you say I am, it surely doesnt make any sense for me to alway be getting a continuous large amount of views to my plays now would it...and Dont tell me its to Fade my plays either...You and I know that no one wants to fade me....

Furthermore, what makes you so sure that I am losing in the first place...Do you know how much I bet on each and every play I make?...I will tell you, like I have been telling everyone for some time now,.. I do not follow a strict money management systems like some here do...I dont play that way....and this is also why I dont tell anyone how much to bet on a game...all I do is share my plays and opinion on a game and post a rating of them for others to see how I value them...Not how much I am playing on them...I will let you know though, since I already told another poster here several times...that my BIG GAME PLAYS...which are my BEST PLAYS I got, I wager them for an extremely higher amount then any other play I post and this gap between my BIG GAME PLAYS and the other plays is HUGE....These plays are my bread and butter plays...and by my record of success with them, in all major sports combined, as well as with the huge Write-Ups I provide on them, I am sure everyone can see why..

You see you want to make an issue of my record and you state that I am losing, yet you dont know how much I am betting on each play....How can you say this, when I am sure you know that one can have a losing record yet be making money, right....You are aware of this arent you?

You are volunteering to keep my record in BB this year....Well, that is good news to hear...I may not be posting here as much as last year, as I have several business ventures coming up in the beginning of the new year though, and I may be at another forum more this season instead, but I will stop by to post some plays....So your offer to provide me your services is appreciated....Honestly, I really hate to do it especially after such a long draining week before, during, and after the games are done....Its even more of a hassle during bb season as the games are everyday....Also, I am really more concerned with counting my money instead....But if you want to do it that will be perfectly and absolutely fine with me...Just make sure your accounting is accurate....I dont want to have to come and correct my record for you like I had to do for the General several times in bases this year...LOL.

BTW, arent you going to answer the questions I asked you?...and please dont deny that you didnt bash me...that just makes you look more foolish then you already do...And believe me you, like harrington have no credibility here at trying to pass off your BS lies is rather pathetic.:movingeye ...Lastly, why did you stop posting your plays, after you got killed on a Monday Night game?...Alooooha PRatings.:howdy:

Oh yeah, just to let you know...these two past Saturdays, I couldnt post here, but I killed the Man Big Time...So I wouldnt be so sure about your belief that I am losing..
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Sep 20, 2004
Co-Captain said:
PRating...didnt you bash me several times in the SP area, as well as in my FB threads?...What dont tell me you have abnisia(sp)...if so, I gotta LMFAO!..You call me and others here liars, yet you are lying right now...Thats why I call you a Clown....I think I have saved your post, would you want me to retrieve it...or maybe we should look it up in the archieves to see who is the liar....This is funny, I got two hypocrites and one investigative reporting mod coming into my threads to instigate problems for me today...LOL.

Hey, if my record is a losing one and your so sure of this...then why the need to even ask me about it in the first place, huh?...Those who follow me consistantly and who come into my threads on a continuous basis, know how I am doing....If I am losing like you say I am, it surely doesnt make any sense for me to alway be getting a continuous large amount of views to my plays now would it...and Dont tell me its to Fade my plays either...You and I know that no one wants to fade me....

Furthermore, what makes you so sure that I am losing in the first place...Do you know how much I bet on each and every play I make?...I will tell you, like I have been telling everyone for some time now,.. I do not follow a strict money management systems like some here do...I dont play that way....and this is also why I dont tell anyone how much to bet on a game...all I do is share my plays and opinion on a game and post a rating of them for others to see how I value them...Not how much I am playing on them...I will let you know though, since I already told another poster here several times...that my BIG GAME PLAYS...which are my BEST PLAYS I got, I wager them for an extremely higher amount then any other play I post and this gap between my BIG GAME PLAYS and the other plays is HUGE....These plays are my bread and butter plays...and by my record of success with them, in all major sports combined, as well as with the huge Write-Ups I provide on them, I am sure everyone can see why..

You see you want to make an issue of my record and you state that I am losing, yet you dont know how much I am betting on each play....How can you say this, when I am sure you know that one can have a losing record yet be making money, right....You are aware of this arent you?

You are volunteering to keep my record in BB this year....Well, that is good news to hear...I may not be posting here as much as last year, as I have several business ventures coming up in the beginning of the new year though, and I may be at another forum more this season instead, but I will stop by to post some plays....So your offer to provide me your services is appreciated....Honestly, I really hate to do it especially after such a long draining week before, during, and after the games are done....Its even more of a hassle during bb season as the games are everyday....Also, I am really more concerned with counting my money instead....But if you want to do it that will be perfectly and absolutely fine with me...Just make sure your accounting is accurate....I dont want to have to come and correct my record for you like I had to do for the General several times in bases this year...LOL.

BTW, arent you going to answer the questions I asked you?...and please dont deny that you didnt bash me...that just makes you look more foolish then you already do...And believe me you, like harrington have no credibility here at trying to pass off your BS lies is rather pathetic.:movingeye ...Lastly, why did you stop posting your plays, after you got killed on a Monday Night game?...Alooooha PRatings.:howdy:

Oh yeah, just to let you know...these two past weekends, I couldnt post here, but I killed the Man Big Time...So I wouldnt be so sure about your belief that I am losing..Plus, this Monday Night game is shaping up to be a Huge day for me as well....

Sep 20, 2004
155mph said:
nice call on hawaii cap;congrats:105317756
Thanks 155mph...tonight is looking good as well...I posted my plays at Covers tonight, but will be around to try to get us more winners later...GL to you and Aloha CC.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I apologize if I missed the answer to this somewhere in this thread, but I do not read 1,000+ word posts. Co-Captain, what is your record this year, sir? Thanks. Again, I apologize if it is posted in this thread and I missed it.

Sep 20, 2004
Bismarck said:
I apologize if I missed the answer to this somewhere in this thread, but I do not read 1,000+ word posts. Co-Captain, what is your record this year, sir? Thanks. Again, I apologize if it is posted in this thread and I missed it.

LOL...Sorry that you dont read 1,000 word posts, but the answer is in their and I am to drained to repeat it...and for this, I apologize as well....Aloha CC.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Co-Captain said:
LOL...Sorry that you dont read 1,000 word posts, but the answer is in their and I am to drained to repeat it...and for this, I apologize as well....Aloha CC.

You are drained to repeat it? You have no problem typing multiple 1,000+-word posts, but you are too drained to type a "??-??"

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