Co-Captain Tracker Thread


Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Anyways, I hear what you are saying and I am aware of the fact that the BEST sport ever created "FOOTBALL" is approaching really soon....YEAH BOOEY!....I am almost prepared for this year, and I am expecting nothing less than another Break Out Year for me and all who follow me....Better plays, better Write-Ups....And Lots more continued Sun, Fun, and Mon....this football season.....I cant freakin wait!!!!.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am looking forward to winning with you.

Sep 21, 2004
will he have a bankroll for football

yes + 201
no - 219

come on co capt i hear you were down more in baskets then this plenty of time left

just play your 3 best plays i dont need action on 10 of the 15 games

about 105 days of bases left only down about 50 win 1 unit a day + 50


good luck as always we all need it to win some cash


Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Atlanta -130 -390

Florida +105 210
Cubs -1.5 -120 200

Yanks -184 -552

WS -102 -204
Oakland -1.5 +100 200

Cincy -150 300

Houston +110 -200
Boston -210 200
Cincy -1.5 +142 284

SF +105 -200
SF -1.5 +155 -200

Angels -150 -450
LA/Zona UNDER 9 -110 -330

SD -140 200
Angels -1.5 +136 -200

110-115 -54.53

Sep 21, 2004
Enough Said!!! Just starting upping your units and the Favs have to start winning eventually and you'll be right back on top. CO-CLOWN, CO-TOUT, CO-CHASE.

Sep 20, 2004
General.....I am looking forward to the upcoming FOOTBALL SEASON as well....Last year was fun, especially in Colleges....NFL Championship didnt end the way I wanted it to with Brett Farve taking the Pack Attack all the way, and Carolina doing a lot of damage in the playoffs, but we still had a very successful run to end the year on a very postitive note....

Shit I cant wait....and them dam Arena Football just doesnt do it for me....We have a team here in Hawaii in Arena II ball, and the other night the total score was almost 200 points combined between the two teams....Just wasnt any fun to watch....

Do you know who is playing in the Kickoff Classic, and exactly when it is.....I know its usually played in August.....Dam I am itching for Football Bad.....ALL these dam baseball BAD BEATS, and Bull Pen screw ups is simply driving me nuts and taking all the fun out of the

Anyways....This year in Football will be a good for many, I can feel it....I have a feeling this year is the players year to beat the Man....Just cant wait!.....Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by slapshot:
will he have a bankroll for football

yes + 201
no - 219


Slapshot, dont worry I have padded my Bankroll pretty dam good from the Awesome year I had in FB and CBB....especially from my success with my BIG GAME PLAYS, inwhich only 4 of them big games went down and approximately 5 times as much Big Game Plays hit bringing home the Big Profits for me and all who followed me.....

Plus, in MLB, I am not as hardcore and dont risk as much Unit wise as I do in FB and CBB due to the high Vig amounts, but also because it is my third and youngest Major Sport to cap out.....If I was to bet the same amount per a Unit in MLB as I do in FB and CBB, then I would have definately put a Big dent in my Bankroll based on this current losing streak of -50+ Units that I am down right now in the bases......

MLB, like I mentioned, is my third best Major Sport to Handicapp, so until it comes up to par with FB and BB, my investments in MLB will always stay several notches below that which are made in FB and BB.....It just doesnt make any sense to risk the same amounts in MLB as I do in FB or CBB.....And this should be the same approach for those whose strenghts are in MLB and FB, for instance, is a weaker sport for them.....People need to invest more in their strenghts and a little less in areas that they are not as strong or confident in....Plus, the outrageous ML vigs and RL's definately dictate that one make big adjustments in the amounts played in bases compared to the other sports like FB and BB....

Adjusting your Bankroll and/or investment amounts is the smart thing to do, and something that will help you to insure you appropriated the right investment amounts towards the appropriate investments(ie: FB, BB, MLB, ETC)...

My bankroll that I am using in the Bases is purely a portion of my overall profits made from the other sports investments.....So, to answer your question and/or concerns regarding my available bankroll.....Just know that my Bankroll and available capital is very much intact and very much healthy.....It and me are ready right now to invest in another successful FB Season this year.... and my investments made in the bases will not affect it one bit, as both investments are kept separate......So, to answer you questions further, whatever the end results I have in the Bases after the World Series is completed, wont factor in or affect the start of my Sports Investments made in Football for the upcoming year....I hope this helps to answer your concerns.....

BTW, dont be counting me out just yet in the bases.....I have alway, like you said bounced back from tough losses, and this year and my current standings shouldnt change this fact....Believe That!.....Continued hard work, focus, determination, confidence, and my ability is what I have and use on a daily basis to do the best I can, when I can......I follow this quote, "Victory belongs to those that believe in it the most and the longest!".....Losses are part of the game and so are wins, and one must always remember this and always stay the course, if success is what they want to achieve......GL to you Slapshot and Aloha CC.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on June 06, 2004 at 11:24 AM.]

New member
Jan 20, 2001
Addendum to yesterday's recipe:

Follow up the Dry Whine with a Chalk Chaser

Mahalo and Aloha!

Sep 20, 2004
Trytofade and Madcapper.....LOLs...."Never lose your sense of humor or the ability to laugh at yourself"....You guys crack me up!
....and again you continue to remind me how intimidated and insecure you really are by my past and present successes, as well as my continued support, popularity, and value amongst those that view the RX.....Thanks and Aloha for your continued acknowledgements of this, through your jealous attempt to unneccesarily bash and attack me....Have a Great Day Ladies!...LOL....CC.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002

Now after proving you are possible the worst baseball capper at this site, you now tell an unsuspecting poster that your "units" in baseball are less than they were in football..

That might have been a good detail to include before you lost over 50 units betting chalk..

I hate to inform you , but a unit is a unit...

if you cap better at baskets and football, then u simply bet more units (of course, count the vig this year)....

But to your "legions of followers", you might want to let them know that your "units" are less in bases...

Wow, backpeddling is becoming an are for some people...

But i can finally say, that CoCap and i agree on something, its amazing...

You and I both agree your "value" to the rx, is unsurpassed.....

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bucsfan67:

Now after proving you are possible the worst baseball capper at this site, you now tell an unsuspecting poster that your "units" in baseball are less than they were in football..

That might have been a good detail to include before you lost over 50 units betting chalk..

I hate to inform you , but a unit is a unit...

if you cap better at baskets and football, then u simply bet more units (of course, count the vig this year)....

But to your "legions of followers", you might want to let them know that your "units" are less in bases...

Wow, backpeddling is becoming an are for some people...

But i can finally say, that CoCap and i agree on something, its amazing...

You and I both agree your "value" to the rx, is unsurpassed.....

LMFAO...You see, this is the type of shit that an insecure emotional little kid like bucsfan does and says because he is just to weak to control his lack of inner strength, most likely due to his own unhappiness with his life.....

This is funny....Hey bucsfan, maybe you should read what I wrote a little more carefully before you open your mouth and show your stupidity because of what your insecurities will only allow you to see, think, and believe....

I said that my amounts per a Unit in bases is less than the amount that I designate per a Unit in FB and CBB.....Dont tell me you dont understand what I am saying....Please you cant be that stupid can you?....On the other hand, I think you showed all of us a lot about the type of person you are....

I made reference to the difference of amount per unit wise that is placed on a Unit in FB and CBB, compared to what amount I designate per a Unit in MLB....I even go on to state that you need to adjust your unit value because of all the different ML vig amounts.....Why dont you start reading more carefully, and work on not shooting off at the lips without thinking first....What a dumbass....

Hey, here is an example to educate your dumb ass.....First, this was a responce to a poster asking about whether or not I will have a bankroll for football, because of all the units I am down....Now, and this is just an example for you only, if I was to designate in FB that I will invest $300 per a Unit....Meaning $300= 1 Unit in FB......and in MLB I decided because of the different ml vig amounts and because it is not my strongest sport to cap, that I will designate a lesser amount of $100 per a Unit of play....Meaning $100= 1 Unit in MLB.....Dont tell me that you cannot see how eventhough a Unit is a Unit, the value per a Unit can be different, so the amount won and losses in comparing two,three, etc, different sports investing ventures(FB,BB, and MLB) can result in different amounts won or loss.....

Again, this means that although a Unit is a Unit, the amounts that you actually win as lose in FB compared to MLB is going to be totally different.....Here is another example for your dumb ass.....A 3 unit play in football wins...You win $900....Now, a 3 unit play in MLB wins....You win only $300.....You won 3 units in FB, and 3 units in MLB.....But the amount that you designated per a unit based on your strengths in a particular sports is adjusted to risk more in your better sports, and less in your weaker ones, and also in sports where the vigs are not usually 10%....but can be as high as 50% for instance in MLB....

So bucsfan, do you see the difference in the investments amounts per the different sports your investing in?....Can you see that in different sports you invest in, you may be strong in, and in others your not so strong in .....Hence the adjustment to the amount you might chose to invest towards a particular sport......Also, do you see that in sports like MLB it is simply smart to lessen your investment amounts per a unit, especially if it is not ones strenghts, but equally because of the different vig amounts your dealing with.....

Do you actually think that if, for instance, I was to bet $100 per a Unit in FB and CBB(my strengths)....that I would risk the same amount per a Unit in MLB(my third best sport and one with fluctuating Vig Amounts)?....Are you that dumb to think this?.....Yep, you sure are!......Bucky, this would be stupid for me to do and basically dumb in my opinion, primarily because of the different Vig amounts designated for each game.....But hey, each person is responsible for how much they want to play on a game, and what value they want to designate toward each Unit of play.

The problem with you is that you are stupid enough to designate the same dollar value per a Unit in FB, BB, and in MLB, huh.....Well knucklehead, I dont do that......It would be stupid for me to risk the same amounts per a Unit on my strengths(FB and CBB) and on my not so strong sports(MLB)....Idiotic!.

By doing this, although a unit is a unit, each unit per a particular sports(depending on my strengths and weakness, and also on a different sport like MLB with different vig amounts)has a different value I set per each Unit of bet.....Are you following me....

Your ignorance and assumptions of what you think I do and how I bet is ridiculous and idiotic....I dont tell others what amount they should designate per a unit they play, and I dont tell them what amount I personally designate to a Unit of play for me.....Why?....Because it is up to each individual to decide this....Everyone has a different bankroll amount, if any bankroll at all, and they need to adjust it as they see fit to what is beneficial to their success....I do the same thing according to my bankroll and what sports investment I am making.....

So, if a person follows me and wants to designate $10 per a Unit of play, and I designate $350 per a Unit of play.....Can you see that we will win different amounts and lose different amounts.....And again, if I designate $100 per a Unit of play in MLB......and in FB or BB I designate $450 per a Unit of play....Can you see that eventhough I may lose, lets say 5 Units in MLB, the losses would = -$500.....But if I designated $450 per a Unit of play in FB, and I lose the same amount of 5 Units in FB, as I did in MLB, that now my losses in FB would = -$2475.....Do you see how a unit in one sport can be different in some ways, compared with a unit in another sport

Now if we were to use the same example, but this time I won 5 Units in MLB and in FB, my amounts won for MLB would = +$500....and my amount won for FB based on 5 units would = +$2250.....See the difference in the unit value....

I think this is elementary stuff to figure out and see......But your problem is you think you know everything about what another person does, how he does it, and why he choses to do it.....This arrogant attitude of yours is why you cannot see the truth which is right in front of your face.....That truth bucsfan, is that you dont know shit when it comes to someone other then your silly ass self....

As far as backpeddling.....Pleassse, bucsfan.....Backpeddling I am NOT, running right over all your stupid, meaningless, and made up accusations and attempts to cause controversy to me, is more like it.....I have nothing to hide....You and the other jealous bashers just cant handle the truth I speak and the value I have been bringing this place and to many many people here....Regardless of whether I win or loss, which is a part of the game, others witnessed all the Winners I produced and they know that I can do it again.......

This you yourself know is the truth.....but your just to insecure in yourself to admit it....The truth hurts, especially weak asses like you.....Thus, because of it, you now are resorting to making up lies and twisting words and statements around in order for you to run away from the truth and face your unhappiness with yourself.....How pathetic.....Do you actually think that others here cannot see what you are doing?....Just because they dont say shit, and leave it up to me to handle, doesnt mean they dont see right throw your pathetic attempts at trying to make trouble for me......

Do you know how I know others agree with me and believe in my work and value what I bring here....Also, do you know how I know that others believe and know that my hard work is done through nothing but honest hard work and my own abilities to produce winners.....I know this, because it is shown day in and day out in the amount of views and supportive comments I get in my threads.....The amount of views and comments, is feedback to me that what I am doing is appreciated, respected, and valued....This feedback becomes even more valuable reflecting how others see me and my ability to produce a lot of the amount of overwhelming hits to my thread following a losing day and even days......So you see bucsfan, your pathetic attempts is worthless.....and I laugh at all your wasteless attempts, only to see that more and more people come in to my thread.....This I know is killing you.....Be a Man and Deal with it!

You seriously need to get some confidence counseling and try living on your own merits and worry about yourself....Your lack of control in your bashing and slanderous campaign against me is only showing how insecure, weak, and unhappy you are with your life....Because if this were not true, you wouldnt have the need or want to waste your life and energy making up all those BS lies about another.....

Like I stated bucsfan.....Your winning in bases at the moment, but your actions against me is surely showing that your losing in Life.....Again, I feel for you......GL and Aloha CC.

BTW: I am not Matlock, and I dont need to be as your colors is showing very clearly in your actions.....Plus, if you dont think that you are doing this bashing of me because of your own jealousy, insecurity, or weakness, then why are you and your basher buddies wasting time creating all these BS....And please, dont be saying that your doing it for other people.....Pleassse you know and I know that you only do things for yourself and thats it.....So dont try to pass that BS...

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on June 06, 2004 at 02:10 PM.]

Aug 20, 2002
Question -

Do you think people will make more money fading Co-Chalk this year than they did fading Kody the Chalk last year?

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadCapper:
Question -

Do you think people will make more money fading Co-Chalk this year than they did fading Kody the Chalk last year?


I don't think that is possible. I mean Kody is in his own league!

Homie Don't Play That
Sep 20, 2004
Co-Cap is making a stretch run at Kody. Please don't count him out yet. Co-Cap don't let the bashers here get you down forcing you to change your method. Keep up the good work. I challenge any poster on this board to come up with more losers than Co-Captain. It is a difficult thing to do. Thank you Captain you are quickly becoming a Fading Legend. Kody does not have a chance. AND DOWN THE STRETCH THEY COME. GO CAPTAIN, GO CAPTAIN, ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY WE GONNA PARTY, LIKE ITS YO BIRTHDAY. GO CAPTAIN. GO CAPTAIN.

New member
Jan 20, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>....Plus, the outrageous ML vigs and RL's definately dictate that one make big adjustments in the amounts played in bases compared to the other sports like FB and BB....


I'll wager two hotels and the B&O Railroad that this wins Clueless Statement of the Month for June. LOFL

Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by bucsfan67:

Now after proving you are possible the worst baseball capper at this site, you now tell an unsuspecting poster that your "units" in baseball are less than they were in football..

That might have been a good detail to include before you lost over 50 units betting chalk..

I hate to inform you , but a unit is a unit...

if you cap better at baskets and football, then u simply bet more units (of course, count the vig this year)....

But to your "legions of followers", you might want to let them know that your "units" are less in bases...

Wow, backpeddling is becoming an are for some people...

But i can finally say, that CoCap and i agree on something, its amazing...

You and I both agree your "value" to the rx, is unsurpassed.....

LMFAO...You see, this is the type of shit that an insecure emotional little kid like bucsfan does and says because he is just to weak to control his lack of inner strength, most likely due to his own unhappiness with his life.....

This is funny....Hey bucsfan, maybe you should read what I wrote a little more carefully before you open your mouth and show your stupidity because of what your insecurities will only allow you to see, think, and believe....

I said that my amounts per a Unit in bases is less than the amount that I designate per a Unit in FB and CBB.....Dont tell me you dont understand what I am saying....Please you cant be that stupid can you?....On the other hand, I think you showed all of us a lot about the type of person you are....

I made reference to the difference of amount per unit wise that is placed on a Unit in FB and CBB, compared to what amount I designate per a Unit in MLB....I even go on to state that you need to adjust your unit value because of all the different ML vig amounts.....Why dont you start reading more carefully, and work on not shooting off at the lips without thinking first....What a dumbass....

Hey, here is an example to educate your dumb ass.....First, this was a responce to a poster asking about whether or not I will have a bankroll for football, because of all the units I am down....Now, and this is just an example for you only, if I was to designate in FB that I will invest $300 per a Unit....Meaning $300= 1 Unit in FB......and in MLB I decided because of the different ml vig amounts and because it is not my strongest sport to cap, that I will designate a lesser amount of $100 per a Unit of play....Meaning $100= 1 Unit in MLB.....Dont tell me that you cannot see how eventhough a Unit is a Unit, the value per a Unit can be different, so the amount won and losses in comparing two,three, etc, different sports investing ventures(FB,BB, and MLB) can result in different amounts won or loss.....

Again, this means that although a Unit is a Unit, the amounts that you actually win as lose in FB compared to MLB is going to be totally different.....Here is another example for your dumb ass.....A 3 unit play in football wins...You win $900....Now, a 3 unit play in MLB wins....You win only $300.....You won 3 units in FB, and 3 units in MLB.....But the amount that you designated per a unit based on your strengths in a particular sports is adjusted to risk more in your better sports, and less in your weaker ones, and also in sports where the vigs are not usually 10%....but can be as high as 50% for instance in MLB....

So bucsfan, do you see the difference in the investments amounts per the different sports your investing in?....Can you see that in different sports you invest in, you may be strong in, and in others your not so strong in .....Hence the adjustment to the amount you might chose to invest towards a particular sport......Also, do you see that in sports like MLB it is simply smart to lessen your investment amounts per a unit, especially if it is not ones strenghts, but equally because of the different vig amounts your dealing with.....

Do you actually think that if, for instance, I was to bet $100 per a Unit in FB and CBB(my strengths)....that I would risk the same amount per a Unit in MLB(my third best sport and one with fluctuating Vig Amounts)?....Are you that dumb to think this?.....Yep, you sure are!......Bucky, this would be stupid for me to do and basically dumb in my opinion, primarily because of the different Vig amounts designated for each game.....But hey, each person is responsible for how much they want to play on a game, and what value they want to designate toward each Unit of play.

The problem with you is that you are stupid enough to designate the same dollar value per a Unit in FB, BB, and in MLB, huh.....Well knucklehead, I dont do that......It would be stupid for me to risk the same amounts per a Unit on my strengths(FB and CBB) and on my not so strong sports(MLB)....Idiotic!.

By doing this, although a unit is a unit, each unit per a particular sports(depending on my strengths and weakness, and also on a different sport like MLB with different vig amounts)has a different value I set per each Unit of bet.....Are you following me....

Your ignorance and assumptions of what you think I do and how I bet is ridiculous and idiotic....I dont tell others what amount they should designate per a unit they play, and I dont tell them what amount I personally designate to a Unit of play for me.....Why?....Because it is up to each individual to decide this....Everyone has a different bankroll amount, if any bankroll at all, and they need to adjust it as they see fit to what is beneficial to their success....I do the same thing according to my bankroll and what sports investment I am making.....

So, if a person follows me and wants to designate $10 per a Unit of play, and I designate $350 per a Unit of play.....Can you see that we will win different amounts and lose different amounts.....And again, if I designate $100 per a Unit of play in MLB......and in FB or BB I designate $450 per a Unit of play....Can you see that eventhough I may lose, lets say 5 Units in MLB, the losses would = -$500.....But if I designated $450 per a Unit of play in FB, and I lose the same amount of 5 Units in FB, as I did in MLB, that now my losses in FB would = -$2475.....Do you see how a unit in one sport can be different in some ways, compared with a unit in another sport

Now if we were to use the same example, but this time I won 5 Units in MLB and in FB, my amounts won for MLB would = +$500....and my amount won for FB based on 5 units would = +$2250.....See the difference in the unit value....

I think this is elementary stuff to figure out and see......But your problem is you think you know everything about what another person does, how he does it, and why he choses to do it.....This arrogant attitude of yours is why you cannot see the truth which is right in front of your face.....That truth bucsfan, is that you dont know shit when it comes to someone other then your silly ass self....

As far as backpeddling.....Pleassse, bucsfan.....Backpeddling I am NOT, running right over all your stupid, meaningless, and made up accusations and attempts to cause controversy to me, is more like it.....I have nothing to hide....You and the other jealous bashers just cant handle the truth I speak and the value I have been bringing this place and to many many people here....Regardless of whether I win or loss, which is a part of the game, others witnessed all the Winners I produced and they know that I can do it again.......

This you yourself know is the truth.....but your just to insecure in yourself to admit it....The truth hurts, especially weak asses like you.....Thus, because of it, you now are resorting to making up lies and twisting words and statements around in order for you to run away from the truth and face your unhappiness with yourself.....How pathetic.....Do you actually think that others here cannot see what you are doing?....Just because they dont say shit, and leave it up to me to handle, doesnt mean they dont see right throw your pathetic attempts at trying to make trouble for me......

Do you know how I know others agree with me and believe in my work and value what I bring here....Also, do you know how I know that others believe and know that my hard work is done through nothing but honest hard work and my own abilities to produce winners.....I know this, because it is shown day in and day out in the amount of views and supportive comments I get in my threads.....The amount of views and comments, is feedback to me that what I am doing is appreciated, respected, and valued....This feedback becomes even more valuable reflecting how others see me and my ability to produce a lot of the amount of overwhelming hits to my thread following a losing day and even days......So you see bucsfan, your pathetic attempts is worthless.....and I laugh at all your wasteless attempts, only to see that more and more people come in to my thread.....This I know is killing you.....Be a Man and Deal with it!

You seriously need to get some confidence counseling and try living on your own merits and worry about yourself....Your lack of control in your bashing and slanderous campaign against me is only showing how insecure, weak, and unhappy you are with your life....Because if this were not true, you wouldnt have the need or want to waste your life and energy making up all those BS lies about another.....

Like I stated bucsfan.....Your winning in bases at the moment, but your actions against me is surely showing that your losing in Life.....Again, I feel for you......GL and Aloha CC.

BTW: I am not Matlock, and I dont need to be as your colors is showing very clearly in your actions.....Plus, if you dont think that you are doing this bashing of me because of your own jealousy, insecurity, or weakness, then why are you and your basher buddies wasting time creating all these BS....And please, dont be saying that your doing it for other people.....Pleassse you know and I know that you only do things for yourself and thats it.....So dont try to pass that BS...

Sep 20, 2004
Funny how the BASHERS are all non cappers and do not post their own plays yet BASHES others with the guts to post something for everyone to see.....How can anyone take these assholes seriously?.....Oh yeah thats right, no one does.....

Oh, I forgot one of the BASHERS is a Moderator as well....LOL....Way to promote the RX to others...Maybe thats why this place seems to be fading....That would be a shame....

Not enough credibility to be talking trash about me and expecting others to believe in what you state Ladies....You need to Get a Grip and GET a LIFE!....LOL.....Aloha CC.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jimmyk:
is this guy serious ?? !! WTF..........<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unfortunately JimmyK, he is...

He really believes this crap he spews....

He has gotten himself so confused now he doesnt know what to do...he claimed to everyone when he was winning, what a great capper he that all the chalk has caught up with him, he is backpeddling, saying he isnt really playing much on bases...unfortunately he never told that to others....

Then he claimed that a poster was stupid and useless because they claimed to know what was going on in his life, however he repeatedly tells everyone here what is going on in our life...Cuz in cocaps mind, if you are winning at betting (when he isnt) its because your life is horrible.....He claims anyone who points out his lies/discrepancies, etc. has no life because they spend time doing this, however look at the time he spent to respond to them, that is HIS insecurity there, trying to cover the issues with "words", upon "words"...remind you of anyone?..

thirdly he claims anyone who questions him, isnt gutsy enough to post their plays, then he forgets about me and madcapper, so he backpeddles and claims i am bringing the rx down for exposing a wannabe tout who is lying, and deceiving posters....

He was stopped from promoting his email in his posts before, then claimed not enough time to post his "record", yet he has all the time in the world to post these bs replies all day....once tracked officially, his "winning" days came to a quick halt...

He even tried the "im leaving the rx card", but no one really cared, so that quickly died...He tried posting at another site, no one cared, he lost, so that ended.....

Now everyone who doesnt agree with him is a jealous basher....Oh he will tell you he is just here "to help everyone", yet check the times on most of his posts, he posts games right at gametime...WHO IS THAT HELPING?

He is worried to death about attention, even worried one time when we moved his thread he said "what about the views?", thats all it is to him....

He even posts "crazy" lines that he gets from his "local"....who is that helping?

Its the same old story, guy hits a few games (not counting vig in losses) decides he is the best CAPPER IN THE WORLD, decided to try being a tout, people start paying attention, see what his picks really do (under the microscope), then he attacks anyone who questions him, because if he can impune us, or make us look like we are "bashing" maybe new people wont believe what is going on, and still blindly follow him....

By the way CoCap, if the rx is going downhill so bad as you say? why are you here? who are you helping, if no one is here?

Once again, i say, your "value" to the rx, is unsurpassed, no doubt...

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