They dont get any way near the credit they deserve. Kerr wins coach of the year and all you hear is he didnt deserve. Steph wins mvp and everybody cries it should have been Lebron. I have said this before Curry makes his team better and Lebron divides his. Look on this forum just for one example all the talk is what great value cleveland is and how they will win.
Clev, any team with Lebron fetching 2-1 is great value. I hate Lebron, one of my least admired athletes ever, but he is still the best player in the nba. The guys a total pos, a phony, narcissist, a cowardly flopper. I hope GS sweeps them, but as a gambler, you got to look at the numbers without emotion. Side note, I am very much looking forward to Tyrone Lue fucking up this series cause you know, he s Lebrons choice as coach.
Far as respect, its hard to play the card when you have the coach of the year, and every single voter thought that curry was the mvp of the nba my man. Clev is going to go small ball with the team that invented it? Yeah.