Ridiculous......no doubt. No one can possibly convince me these outcomes aren't influenced. I used to make fun of the "fix is in" guys.......not anymore. There is just too much inexplicable monkey business.
You guys get to fixated on end of game plays.
For this to be fixed, it has to be orchestrated from the jump. And for what? A chance to lose the game, lose a shot a championship worth millions of dollars.
If games were fixed, we would know about it. You think fixing games is a secret everyone can keep?
What is the motivation behind fixing games? Who is in charge of the fixing? The coach? The guy making 10's of millions of dollars.......is going to risk that by fixing a game. You're serious.
Sometimes people just do shit that makes you scratch your head. It has nothing to do with a "fix". Someone mentioned the mediocre kicking game, and Auburn's inept offense all game. Perhaps Sweeney didn't want a kick blocked and returned for a TD? What are the odds? What were the odds that inept offense could go the length of the field?
Yes, they had a couple end zone shots. But Clemson won the game.
- Who is fixing the games?
- How are they fixing the games?
- How much do they receive for fixing the games?
- What is the risk/reward for fixing the games?
No way a coach making 5 mil per year is fixing a game. How about the QB? Sure. Let's throw away a career where you can make millions of dollars in the NFL, so you can make X dollars throwing a game.
The kicker? How does anyone know that the kicker will be in a position to throw the game? The coach and/or QB would have to orchestrate that. The guys worth millions already.
The referees? Maybe. In what way did they alter the outcome tonight? The only other person(s) that can alter a game besides coach/QB are the refs.
I didn't see any calls tonight that altered the outcome. If I missed any, then let's hear them.