Clear Choice Dental


Jan 14, 2012
Mexico and DR? I'd be very concerned.

Youre probably fine going to Mexico. There are dentists that practice in both countries. I've crossed over on foot in Laredo and would do it again. Wouldn't recommend driving. Once you cross there's a line of armed soldiers. Anything within like a 3 block radius is going to be safe. There are more dentist offices and pharmacies than everything else combined.

Oct 12, 2008
$40,000 and the treatment plan involves no implants or bridge work? what exactly r they doing, did they explain ? at that number am assumming its full rehabilitaion

dentistry (healthcare) is lucrative , so its no surprise corporate America jumped in with both feet and sadly continues to take market share from the private practice model. Make no mistake a corporate dental office is there to maximize profits. This can often set a stage for, well, creative treatment plans .....a polite way to put it :).

3 of the top 10 r dental specialties, and a GP is at #14. BUT that total is an average and includes private practice owners and non-owners, the former can make signifcantly more than average - so again , not surprising private practices are being bought by large Dental Corps

A dentist working in a corp gig largely has his/her hands tied , as they aint the boss. A private practice dentist is calling the shots, has the freedom to adjust prices , heck even do pro bono work to help a family out

corporate dental can streamline, make more efficient. The specifc chain in question is a good example, Clear Choice Dental is a one-stop shop for implants. For those stating the quality of work suffers in the corporate world that aint necessarily the case and certainly is NOT the case at Clear Choice. Treatment is done by specialists, NOT general practitioners . Oral surgeons and prosthodontists.

for those having implants placed abroad-- get a copy of the implant details, or have them transfer that info to ur dentist . He/she may need in case any issues going forward with the implant/abutment. Parts in the implant world are not necessarily interchangeble , there r many different implant systems. Foreign dentistry is not substandard-- passion for excellence comes from within. However, its important to do your due diligence ,ideally choose a clinic that specilizes in placing implants

Oct 12, 2008
The DR is legit as all get out, I know that for sure...

Sounds like Mexico is too, but it does sound more concerning, considering it's Tijuana as well. I mean the DR would be way cheaper for me anyways because I live on this side of the US. None of my needs are cosmetic, they're molars in the back that can no longer be filled, and I wouldn't go the front veneer route anyways as to me they stick out like a sore thumb and look fake from 50 feet away, and most aren't sized right and look like Mr. Ed, same goes for over white teeth, I'll keep my mildly stained coffee teeth and be thankful...

I do eventually need to get this done, though, because i'm afraid of sepsis or bone decay, eventually. Will make an appointment in the next few weeks and see what the estimate and route of fixing seems to be, and go from there...

there will be no sepsis if you dont have implants. There will be bone atrophy , the rate varies from person to person

Jan 16, 2010
there will be no sepsis if you dont have implants. There will be bone atrophy , the rate varies from person to person

my teeth haven’t been removed, nor am I having them removed until I figure out what I wanna do, so they could easily get infected and cause sepsis...

And I shouldn’t have said “afraid”, because I’m honestly not worried about it...

What I’m worried about the most is not being able to eat comfortably, the occasional toothache, and the money it’s gonna

Jan 16, 2010
And, I guess I should add that I doubt I’ll call and see anyone in the coming weeks as stated either because 1) I grow to live with things as long as humanly possible 2) I’m just that guy that doesn’t call or go to the doc until it’s completely unavoidable and 3) as stated, the cost is beyond ridiculous and I cannot fathom spending the coin at this time, or anytime really...

Dec 13, 2007
Youre probably fine going to Mexico. There are dentists that practice in both countries. I've crossed over on foot in Laredo and would do it again. Wouldn't recommend driving. Once you cross there's a line of armed soldiers. Anything within like a 3 block radius is going to be safe. There are more dentist offices and pharmacies than everything else combined.

By foot is the way to go..the dentists driver will meet you at the crossing on the Mexico side then drive you to and from the appointment or hotel. 20 bucks to park in a secure lot in the US over night.

Joint I went to...

Hotel/ with casino basically across the road.

I didn't need to stay after the extraction witch is the worst part but I didn't know what the deal would be was great.
6 months later you return for the tooth..

good source if you want info

Dec 13, 2007
I can vouch for this as I have a couple of childhood buddies who live in San Diego and they've said many good things.

Hey Bozzie did you go to the Hong Kong? :103631605

Nope, strip joint? but I do visit the pharmacy and duty free every trip.

Oct 12, 2008
my teeth haven’t been removed, nor am I having them removed until I figure out what I wanna do, so they could easily get infected and cause sepsis...

And I shouldn’t have said “afraid”, because I’m honestly not worried about it...

What I’m worried about the most is not being able to eat comfortably, the occasional toothache, and the money it’s gonna

k, misread

check ur PMS, hope its helpful

Oct 12, 2008
By foot is the way to go..the dentists driver will meet you at the crossing on the Mexico side then drive you to and from the appointment or hotel. 20 bucks to park in a secure lot in the US over night.

Joint I went to...

Hotel/ with casino basically across the road.

I didn't need to stay after the extraction witch is the worst part but I didn't know what the deal would be was great.
6 months later you return for the tooth..

good source if you want info

curious, they extracted and palced the implant on the same day, correct? u came back 6 mths later to have the abutment/crown placed, then u were done? was there any post-op after the implant was palced, or u left to USA?

quickly scanned the website-- the crown material they r using is Zirconia (Bruxzir actually, that's a trademark)-- Top notch, AND the lab they are using is one of the largest labs in USA, Glidewell . The same lab that 50% of dentists in California liekly use , ha!

Sep 21, 2004
Nope, strip joint? but I do visit the pharmacy and duty free every trip.

Yes but mostly American clientele. Wild, fun and many hot babes. Recommend it after the Covid era.

Dec 13, 2007
curious, they extracted and palced the implant on the same day, correct? u came back 6 mths later to have the abutment/crown placed, then u were done? was there any post-op after the implant was palced, or u left to USA?

quickly scanned the website-- the crown material they r using is Zirconia (Bruxzir actually, that's a trademark)-- Top notch, AND the lab they are using is one of the largest labs in USA, Glidewell . The same lab that 50% of dentists in California liekly use , ha!

Ricboff are you a dentist?

Thats good news... someone else recommended them who works for a dentist I went to at one point. I'd say the biggest deal is the esthetic of the whole deal, it's off putting at first..Older buildings, smaller office spaces... nothing flashy. When they do the moulds for the tooth pre extraction you get in a small car with some dude who drives you to a different weird unassuming office for the casting and if you don't speak Spanish that well it's a bit confusing for all I knew it was a drug deal...It's not sketchy as much as zero frills but you do need to keep your imagination in check at moments for sure.

Same day, they extract and place the implant ...Yes 6 months later I went back for the tooth that's it....

If I was to do it again I'd fly into SD then take the train to the boarder (45min ride) walk across into mex ,stay over night in TJ do the appointment and stay another night and chill.. I'd bring the GF...great restaurants in TJ, although for a few days after the extraction you need to be easy....I learned, by trying to eat too quickly afterward and chewed up the inside of my mouth having a steak and a few cocktails the same day as the extraction at some joint near the hotel ...really dumb.

This casino isn't too can bet sports but some of the clientele look like big time Mexican mafia a lot of uber rich Mexicans in TJ..big money and not afraid to show it cars, gold, suits and lady friends.

Also always have tip money 5s and 10s and be low key as possible , tips get you a long way with drivers and hotel people in Mexico.
I waked all over TJ without anyone giving me a second problems, no hassles.

Good experience all the way around.

Jan 16, 2010
k, misread

check ur PMS, hope its helpful

got it, and thanks for the reply. We’re on the same page for sure. I’ll keep ya posted if I bite the bullet and do/have to do something about it soon, thanks again...

Sep 21, 2004
Yes but mostly American clientele. Wild, fun and many hot babes. Recommend it after the Covid era.

it way more than just a strip joint if you know what i mean. it is in the heart of the red light district or zona roja.

Sep 21, 2004
Know many that have had dental work done in Mexico and Costa Rica. Excellent advise by Ricboff on getting the paperwork on all the stuff done and the parts used.

Most people would be surprised on how clean , up to date equipment, and the skill of the dentists in these places. i am referring to Mexico and Cost Rica.

The one thing one must think about though, is if you don't have easy close access to where your having your work done when you get back to the States and you have a problem with the work you then have to go to your local dentist to have it looked at.

Jan 16, 2010
got it, and thanks for the reply. We’re on the same page for sure. I’ll keep ya posted if I bite the bullet and do/have to do something about it soon, thanks again...

Broke down and saw the dentist this morning after the pain became unbearable last night and this morning with one of the broken filling ones. He recommended having the 3 extracted (two being on top on one another), and then another extracted above that needed work also. He said, sure I could tell you root canals and take you for $10k or so, but if your not too worried about losing them, I’d recommend that route as you’re probably just looking at more mo way and problems down the road with the root canals and crowns. I, of course, ask and said I was concerned with my teeth moving and bone atrophy/decay. He said the teeth movement wouldn’t be a problem, but the bone may take years if so, and I can always get implants down the line. He said he thought I’d probably know pretty quickly if I’d want implants or could live without the teeth permanently. I guess that’s where Mexico could come in, as I’m leaning towards going there in the future if I follow through with these extractions.

Next step is an oral surgeon is gonna have a consultation with me and go over everything and cost when I set an appointment for later this week. I’m currently having to get a passport, so I hope the price isn’t too much because Mexico isn’t an option for anything for another 3 months or so, and no way I can manage this pain for that long...

Ricboff, got the amoxy and a few 5mg tabs to last a few days for now. What say you about this, or anyone?

Once again, my dentist is a straight shooter and isn’t out to get you, but we both admitted all the ones down the street would, and I already know...

Man, all in all, this sucks, hurts mentally and physically with the pain and the pocketbook. Tooth pain and burns have gotta be some of the worst pain out there, for me anyways...

Jan 14, 2012
If you're getting implants you might be better doing it in the states. Unless you're not worried about follow ups. It was a 6 month process and had a total of 9 appointments between the dentist and surgeon.

Jan 16, 2010
If you're getting implants you might be better doing it in the states. Unless you're not worried about follow ups. It was a 6 month process and had a total of 9 appointments between the dentist and surgeon.

I’m not worried about follow ups, it’s two trips, one for the implant, 3-6 months later for the abutment and crown. No biggie.

As far as care afterwards, they send all the X-rays and info to your local dentist, and mine isn’t against it. He actually went out of the country to get his training and do his first 25 implants anyways, and he also only does the same day ones currently I believe, and I’m looking for something a little more long term, hopefully lifetime, and I can’t drop $3500 a piece when I can’t get all of them and a vacation for less than that...

I’m not all in on the idea, yet anyways, but I heavily lean that way...

Oct 12, 2008
clear your PMs Matt

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