All you have to do is register with the site, them you can click on anyone's name, and track their past posts to see if they're legit. Usually people with lots of views, and responses, are doing pretty well, or really bad. So that's where i start. Then I'll start breezing through all the threads, to find the guy nobody is noticing yet...... Seriously, I have 10-15 names from 4 different sites, of posters hitting over 63% this season, and one guy 23-5 at the moment, I think that's right around 80%. Then I'll find guys with good 56-57%, but do well with their bigger plays, and I write them down. Names of poster, site, picks, and w-l above the pick are filled in notebooks of mine, that I've kept over the years. It all started with Jonpistone2 from pregame, he's as good as they came, and he had a 5* record something like 48-13. The best was the steelers gb super bowl, he must of been waiting for the matchup, because as soon as that last championship game was over, be put up I believe it was pitt and ov pitt both 5*, obviously it being right after the champ game, no line was out yet..... Cha ching $$$$$$$$ he was just waiting for that match up. Any way, I've babbled on enough, gl.