according to that logic Verne Lundquist must have a vagina since he's my all-time most hated...
well done sdf...pull that racism or sexism card when someones viewpoint differs. that's america in 2015
you definitely got it twisted.
i didnt say you disliked Doris because she was female
i never said or implied that if a guy dislikes an announcer, they must be a female announcer. not sure where you got that from with your reference to Verne.
there is no sexism card being played. simply stated that some guys (never said YOU) do not care for female announcers....
actually i cant think of an announcer I really dislike these days. There used to be some (Thiesmann was one of the worst IMO) but maybe my tolerance level is higher these days or they just removed the terrible ones.
actually take that back.....Dicky V annoys me terribly but I can easily turn the channel and watch something better if he gets too grating....