CLASSIC Joe C posts


Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
We euthanize him for his own good?

Natural Selection would be far to painful for him and the suffering it would endure is not humane. So, i we just put the guy to "sleep" everyone is happy.

He refuses to cite sources or read peoples posts before responding.

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Some days he's conservative.

Other days he's a real nanny stater.

When you're a paid poster, most any point of view will do.

A severe mistake to pay a guy like that to post. No thought goes into his posts. No sources, no controversial and debatable material. I provide links and facts to back up my arguments, theories, and convictions. He provides no such evidence.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
MARK L (joeC) is not being paid for the quality of his posts.

He's paid for the Number of his posts

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Hey Joe, sometimes the best defense is a great offense.

It's all about framing the debate and picking the fights you want to fight. I'll ride shotgun for ya.


Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
he's obnoxious, doesnt read previous posts, changes the subject every chance he gets

And for that I will probably stop posting in the RX soon. I have a thread in the poly forums that has a ridiculous amount of views and posts in a short amount of time. People like to read quality posts. They leave when the see the forum become garbage.

I want all JoeC's posts deleted out of my "CIA Dr. Bruce Ivins" thread, but a mod won't do it because they think Joe is good for business. Any other thread I wouldn't care.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
And for that I will probably stop posting in the RX soon. I have a thread in the poly forums that has a ridiculous amount of views and posts in a short amount of time. People like to read quality posts. They leave when the see the forum become garbage.

I want all JoeC's posts deleted out of my "CIA Dr. Bruce Ivins" thread, but a mod won't do it because they think Joe is good for business. Any other thread I wouldn't care.

Michael Scott<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5617373", true); </SCRIPT>
Posts: 320

320 posts - and this "quality" poster says Joe C ain't good for business.

Goodbye Mikey!

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Michael Scott<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5617373", true); </script>
Posts: 320

320 posts - and this "quality" poster says Joe C ain't good for business.

Goodbye Mikey!


You were much better a few years back ;)

And you still have he same avatar. Time for a change, isn't it.

Aug 6, 2006
LONG LIVE JOE C :103631605


Can you fucking people be reasoned with or are you so far beyond hope it's a complete waste of time?
Show me one statement from any American official or Israeli official, which is the equivalent of the Bin Laden fatwa du jour; Ahmajenidad's classic "Israel must be wiped off the map"; Hezbollah's leadership saying, "we are fighting to eliminate you."
Who started the violence, again?

Ohhhh.the Palestinians lost their Get over it, people!
Honest to God, I wish I could round up all the far left nut jobs -- Jon Stewart, Cyndi Sheehan, Martha Murtha, Mickey Moore etc., including the ones on this board, you know who you are -- put them on a one-way ticket to the ME, mandating they'd have to "negotiate" the enemy's surrender in order to stop the violence, knowing if they failed, they'd suffer the same fate as their heroic martyrs: Mohamed Atta; Zarqawi, Uday and Qusay Hussein.

Islamofascist apologists in these parts, are so consumed with their own hatred for Bush and co, they have lost sight (and their marbles) of the big picture - the real war.

In his book The Russians, Hedrick Smith relates an old Slavic folk tale about a peasant farmer who is approached by an angel who promises to grant him any material fate or reward he wishes. There is one caveat, however. Whatever he receives, would be awarded twofold to an arch-enemy, for whom he is consumed with hatred. After much deliberation and inner turmoil, the farmer decides to have one of his eyes put out.

The parable seems to summarize the rationale and motivation of the Arab world (and their liberal apologists) in dealing with Israel since 1948 - not to mention the middle east after 9-11. Yes, the Palestinians have grievances and a sense of lost honor. So what? Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

There is hardly a nation in the world whose territorial boundaries have not been subject to dispute, or claims that they were stolen from someone else. Many certainly feel that my country -- Canada -- was stolen. At some point, you cut your losses and you move on. Nobody ever said life was fair. (Except liberals of course, who always seem to designate themselves as the morally self righteous "sorcerers of fairness.")

Why is it then that Palestinians (and their liberal apologists) almost uniquely, have such difficulty making compromises and accepting reality? As I have stated, the smart Palestinians, have long cut their losses, packed up their families and left for greener pastures. Please, someone tell me, how you 'negotiate' with a mindset of, "We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you." I'm waiting, people.

And what's this nonsense that Israel is exercising "disproportionate force?" This happens in virtually every armed conflict. If Hezbollah launches 50 rockets, how many should Israel be allowed to lob back? Well, if your name is Kofi Anus, apparently none, or under the Hezbollah limit - whatever the fuck that means. No, the correct answer is: as many as it takes to eliminate the threat of more Hezbollah missiles.

All you "see no evil, hear no evil" parrots, posting the latest pathetic strawman, from Jon Stewart, or, have to be the most ignorant monosyllabic idiots on the planet -- and I'm being kind. At least the Islamofascists are honest -- well, sometimes -- in their declarations.

Liberals with their sneering "moral relativist" theoretical terms, believe the savages are entitled to more benefit of the doubt, than their own democratically elected leaders, who are doing everything they can to curtail the violence.

I must have missed the BBC evening news: what moral authority does Hezbollah have again? If I'm negotiating a cease-fire my first question will be: by who's authority, do you make these statements? My second question will be: what assurances do I have you will keep your word?

What's that, Mr. Nasarallah? You're just a well financed street thug with no official political mandate from the people? See ya! Head for your bomb shelter, asshole!

Liberals in their self-righteous hysteria, get all teary-eyed over civilian casualties inflicted by a carefully planned military operation designed to mitigate them, yet become mysteriously silent (the very nervy self-righteous bastards, cheer on the enemy!) when the savages TARGET innocent civilians.

Saddam killed over 1 million - you can hear the crickets chirping. The US inadvertently kills 30,000, in removing the tyrant that killed 1 million++ -- liberals scream "impeachment" and stage street protests.

It's bad enough we're in a war against Islamofascism: gorillas who have no moral authority from anyone except other like-minded Islamofascists who know the secret Jihadist handshake (how cute). It's worse, by the fact liberals have no moral bearing on the current situation, having lost all common sense and perspective.

God gave humans a unique ability to reason - the pursuit of independent intellectual enquiry. Well that explains it, then. Since liberals don't believe in God, common sense and true wisdom goes out the window, in place of brainwashing and indoctrination: the peaceful, picture perfect, secular progressive society.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001

You were much better a few years back ;)

And you still have he same avatar. Time for a change, isn't it.

I considered Al Bundy as an avatar for a while, but I like Homer - he reminds me of me! There's a genius hidden under that gruffy pot bellied exterior.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
LONG LIVE JOE C :103631605


Can you fucking people be reasoned with or are you so far beyond hope it's a complete waste of time?

It's bad enough we're in a war against Islamofascism: gorillas who have no moral authority from anyone except other like-minded Islamofascists who know the secret Jihadist handshake (how cute). It's worse, by the fact liberals have no moral bearing on the current situation, having lost all common sense and perspective.

God gave humans a unique ability to reason - the pursuit of independent intellectual enquiry. Well that explains it, then. Since liberals don't believe in God, common sense and true wisdom goes out the window, in place of brainwashing and indoctrination: the peaceful, picture perfect, secular progressive society.

Damned Scott - you're good when you're angry!

Don't you wish Israel had a PM with cojones?

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
I considered Al Bundy as an avatar for a while, but I like Homer - he reminds me of me! There's a genius hidden under that gruffy pot bellied exterior.

Nah BB, I like the homer avatar. Just giving you a hard time.

Aug 6, 2006
Damned Scott - you're good when you're angry!

Don't you wish Israel had a PM with cojones?

I do BB. But I don't want to redirect such a "Great Topic" that we have going on here. In Israel when the PM loses majority new elections are called. And when there is relative quiet the doves come out in Israeli politics. A few bombs go off and the hawks take over. If it gets too quiet Iran and Syria stir up shit. Or Egypt opens a few weapon smuggling tunnels. I don't worry about Israel's survival. But what made you think I was angry today? The games have hardly started and no one's given up 10 runs in the 7th just yet :lolBIG:

Aug 6, 2006
I just got a weird [prerecorded] call from McCain saying, "I'm conducting a townhall meeting over the phone right now. Sorry I missed you. Please visit my website....."

Problem is, I picked up and said hello. If I wasn't on the other phone betting I wouldn't even have waited the 10 seconds it took for his voice to begin. Terrible Job by McCain's campaign!


Jan 15, 2005

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by kingbill
You're a sick f*Ck
Thank you. :toast:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">I hope someone rapes your mouth and gives you AIDS. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Can't get AIDS from "someone raping your mouth." Much to the chagrin of liberals and gay activists, the AIDS virus does discriminate. Unless you're a hemophiliac, a druggie, or a sodomite, you can't get AIDS. Strange...while AIDS continues to pulverize the gay community, we're still waiting for the liberal media's lies and fear mongering back in 80s and 90s to materialize: namely, for AIDS to ransack mainstream America. :think2:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Something wrong with a war when more children are dead than Armed men. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Write a stern letter to Nasallah and President Ahmajenidad. I'm sure they'll be more than willing to listen to your rational, humane line of reasoning.

Look Kingbill, up in the Vancouver's a's a's a... North Korean missile!!!
<!-- / message -->

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">Originally Posted by kingbill
You're a sick f*Ck
Thank you. :toast:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">I hope someone rapes your mouth and gives you AIDS. </td></tr></tbody></table>

Can't get AIDS from "someone raping your mouth." Much to the chagrin of liberals and gay activists, the AIDS virus does discriminate. Unless you're a hemophiliac, a druggie, or a sodomite, you can't get AIDS. Strange...while AIDS continues to pulverize the gay community, we're still waiting for the liberal media's lies and fear mongering back in 80s and 90s to materialize: namely, for AIDS to ransack mainstream America. :think2:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">Something wrong with a war when more children are dead than Armed men. </td></tr></tbody></table>
Write a stern letter to Nasallah and President Ahmajenidad. I'm sure they'll be more than willing to listen to your rational, humane line of reasoning.

Look Kingbill, up in the Vancouver's a's a's a... North Korean missile!!!
<!-- / message --> of our finer...classless exchanges...

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Rubber Room political Spam Thread...newer guys won't remember it but there are a lot of Joe and Doc well Mostly Doc...28 pages of Shite but there are some nuggets of hatred and gold in there.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Seriously, I'm sure you're a hottie, but quit chasing boys so much and start paying attention to people who understand how the world works -- like your humble, sexy informant, Joe C.

Sweetlou is a many showers will you have to have to erase this post from your mind....

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Given that MarkL does not interact with females in the real world save for middle of the night sweaty dream battles of fending off a punishment session from his mother, any hint of a cyber relationship with a woman-thing draws out his A-game.


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