What an odd person. I think the more lies stupid people throw out, the more they believe them. How does someone go from betting 20-50 a game to 5000-7000 a game? And it's amazing when called out on it, it's met with gay comments, (maybe Chuck's still in the closet), Mom jokes, (maybe Chuck wasn't weened long enough) or even crazier chasing bets. As humorous as it is, it's really sad. If a grown man, that old, needs to write about how fast he is/was, how much money he supposedly bets, where he lives, etc, it's a sad commentary on their life. And to call an online community a "family" is even sadder. But with Mods protecting him, it's very funny. They are smart enough to realize the drama that is stirred up is bringing hits and members and posts. Even though they write that it should be stopped, they don't have the balls to back up their talk. And that's just as sad. Spark tells everyone "I don't back Chuck", yet his old, spineless and testicleless ass doesn't have the sack to ban him;if even for a day. And Wayne is just as stupid. Maybe his dumbass is too high or too lazy to do something either. Since he brought his cunt of a girlfriend up in the past, maybe he can ask to borrow her set of balls and step up to the plate. But it's much easier to protect an idiot who plays big moneyline favs like a square then to do what's right. Pathetic.
And I know Chuck, come and respond how I'm gay, you know my Mom, blah, blah.