So much hate in this country and in this thread. Very sad.
a "Full Stop" there tho, at just a Focus upon how Sad the vitriol is would be similar to a focus only on rude Parking Attendants outside The Roman Colosseum at the same time that within that Christians are being thrown to the Lions.
I don't mean this rudely or with any disrespect to you at all but how has this "Love Everyone" mantra humans have drilled into their brains via some story of some Deity's Son saying that and also to "Turn the other cheek"
how have these things worked out for us?
Have these things left us with a Peaceful, Stable World?
And if you yourself needed to devise a way to make The Masses docile thus easily controllable
wouldn't succeeding in convincing most of them to Focus ONLY upon how Sad it is, "Hatred"
rather than looking PAST that Hatred to what the real important issues are....maybe, all I mean
and it is difficult to explain in words
but maybe all I am trying to say is Yes, It is Sad but maybe this is just Our Universe unfolding as it is supposed to be?
So possibly the Sadness you describe is unavoidable?
Again: Meant with ZERO Disrepect, Discourtesy to you: I'd be very interested in hearing any Ideas that have occurred to you on how the Hate might be decreased
and thus the amount of Sadness lessened.
I am more, in fact, hungry to hear any and all suggestions on this than I've ever been in my whole life. Starving for such.