Teddy Merry Xmas buddy , I hope you like your gifts ...
First things first , we need a tree to put the gifts under ...
Now for your gifts ...
Heres your chance to go back to the future and start life over again, this time as a WINNER ..
Well , your not gonna win shit ,unless you are privvy to certain information .... And here's just that ... Instead of the laughing stock of the gambling world like you are now ... You would become the orginal mover and shaker of Vegas once you had your hands on Biffs orginal sports Almanac
Well Teddy , its caviar and yatcht rides from here on out .... YOUR RICH !!! and RESPECTED !!!
When are you inviting the RR locals over to your new digs ?
Gonna be fun partying at Teddys with all dem biatches ....
Merry Christmas bro ....
Florida -3 (to get you started on the right foot in the new year ...)