Defense always calls fouls in hoops
Im not afraid to compete versus anyone
And the events I named vs chop i said could be negotiated
Funny thing is chop runs his mouth i know i would win these 4 events. Look back and see his arrogant post
I would simply like chop to tell me why he would win those events he named he would
Just an educated guess .
Im pretty accurate with the football .
Not saying you can't win cause I don't know you but against random opponents I would win most of the time.
Same thing with hoops and golf.
If you are truly a body builder like you proclaim on this forum you may be able to squat, deadlift, and bench more then me.
I never said I was a power lifter never once. Don't know know where you got that from.
Right now I bench 230 5x5 for reps. I have no idea what my 1 rep max is I don't care.
So 230 5x5 is nothing special .
Im more about being cut with sub 12% body fat.
Its very difficult for my body type to obtain a ton of mass natty without adding a lot of body fat.
So I would rather be cut and lean, then bulky and fat.
Im not the type that can be both without spending 24 hrs in the gym .