On Friday I logged into my account as Chase and I noticed I was short about 20K - I went through the transactions and found the check below for $18,600 to Raynell Tirado - I didnt write the check - I dont even have check numbers that go that high yet - my highest future check is 3101 - and the handwriting is not mine - however, the signature looks like mine - after an hour at the bank and the fraud department I got home and was looking at the check - if you look at the $18,600 it is obvious that the 18 was added before the $600 and the $600 looks like my writing - so I did a search for checks that I have written for exactly $600 in the last two years - there happens to be only one - it is attached below - the signature from the $600 check is the exact same and as the new check (not similar but an exact copy) - it was copied somehow to the new check - I wrote the check to cash but I know the guy that I wrote it to - I have spoken to him - he's claiming he has no clue what happened - he says he has a check processing machine at his office and says that is how he deposited it - and claims he "should" have the actual check at his office in a file somewhere - what happened and is this guy involved?