Challenge to SBD RE: Trump's "Return" on July4


Nov 11, 2007
I haven't started a new thread in a while, and I think this one is worthy of it.

Anyways since sbd has told us countless times in his thread beginning after Election Day as well as after Inauguration Day that Trump would

either be declared the winner of the Election or after Inauguration Day, would "return" to be reinstated as POTUS with the latest date being

July 4 of this year, I offer this challenge/bet:

If by July 4th Trump has returned and by whatever means is deemed to be the OFFICIAL RECOGNIZED POTUS by the Government

and by who all of see him calling the shots on tv, etc., I agree to leave this forum FOREVER with ZERO posting rights.

Conversely if on July 4, Biden is still the officially actingPOTUS, all you have to do is refrain from posting in your thread as well as entire

forum for ONE MONTH.

That seems pretty fair to me-how about it?

If is is not acceptable to you, please state why and/or if you would care to state your own terms of the wager.

Nov 11, 2007
Tell you what, sbd-since you are so cocksure of yourself, I am going to leave the terms of the above bet unchanged.

However, if you win, not only will I be banned from posting in this forum forever, but I will also send you 2K as a further incentive.

On the other hand, if I win, you just have to leave for a month and send me nothing in money.

How does that sound!!

If you got something better, let me know and I will consider it!

Nov 11, 2007
What was results of X-ray on ur back

No change from July MRI-lots of arthritis and natural spinal degeneration as one gets older.

If you are interested, I also got an XRay done on my chest today because I am getting unusually short winded when walking and exercising .

Thankfully it came back negative.

Some of it may be due to the terrible allergy season we are having out here, which can have an effect on one's breathing.

My eyes have been so swollen at times before taking medication hat I can hardly see.

I also have an appointment with a pulmonologist coming up as well as my annual physical.

ps I wasn't tested for being "long winded" while posting because I already know the result. lol

Sep 5, 2010
No change from July-lots of arthritis and natural spinal degeneration as one gets older.

If you are interested, I also got an XRay done on my chest today because I am getting unusually short winded when walking and exercising .

Thankfully it came back negative.

Some of it may be due to the terrible allergy season we are having out here, which can have an effect on one's breathing.

My eyes have been so swollen at times before taking medication hat I can hardly see.

I also have an appointment with a pulmonologist coming up.

ps I wasn't tested for being "long winded" while posting because I already know the result. lol

Best wishes, dude!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
No change from July MRI-lots of arthritis and natural spinal degeneration as one gets older.

If you are interested, I also got an XRay done on my chest today because I am getting unusually short winded when walking and exercising .

Thankfully it came back negative.

Some of it may be due to the terrible allergy season we are having out here, which can have an effect on one's breathing.

My eyes have been so swollen at times before taking medication hat I can hardly see.

I also have an appointment with a pulmonologist coming up as well as my annual physical.

ps I wasn't tested for being "long winded" while posting because I already know the result. lol

i have heard people say “worst pollen year in ages “

Nov 11, 2007
i have heard people say “worst pollen year in ages “

Its funny you said that because the guy who takes care of my lawn maintenance and owns his own business came over today to do some maintenance.

I have known this guy for 30 years, and asked him how he has been doing or whether he has been affected or not

He told me essentially what you did, namely that it has been really brutal and that his throat, eyes and nose have been awful for the last few weeks.

To be blunt he looked terrible and didn't look like his normal healthy self.

Nov 11, 2007
i have heard people say “worst pollen year in ages “

Here is the answer to why what you stated is so true:

Why Has the Allergy Season of 2021 Been So Bad? The bad allergy season so far is largely the result of the mild winter seen across most of the country. Mold that would normally die off in the winter months remained due to warmer temperatures. That, combined with unusually high levels of tree pollen, has set off severe allergies for many people.
Allergy Season 2021: Why Your Allergies Are Worse This Year


Nov 11, 2007
So far no response from sbd to my challenge bet which is as onesided in his favor imaginable.

Then again this is the kind of "response" which is typical of bullies/cowards and overall lowlifes when someone calls their bluff and they ignore it for

the simple reason that they don't have any kind of explanation for declining a bet of this nature which will fly, probably not even with their

fellow gutter slime!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am going to offer a SPECIAL to sbd good until Friday, May 21 at 12:00 AM EDT.

The special is that everything is the same including my lifetime ban from this Forum, giving you 2K if Trump wins if he is officially declared the winner or before

July 4 of 2021.

The difference is that instead of having no post rights for one month if Trump has NOT returned by July 4 to be the acting and official POTUS by that time,

I am going to cut in half you ban from posting anything for a mere two weeks, meaning that you can return to doing and posting what you are doing now

on July 19.

Lets see if you are a REAL man here and have the courage of your convictions, or as I suspect, you are a QAmouse!!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Here is the answer to why what you stated is so true:

Why Has the Allergy Season of 2021 Been So Bad? The bad allergy season so far is largely the result of the mild winter seen across most of the country. Mold that would normally die off in the winter months remained due to warmer temperatures. That, combined with unusually high levels of tree pollen, has set off severe allergies for many people.
Allergy Season 2021: Why Your Allergies Are Worse This Year

It’s never bothered me until this year. Only outside in the yard doing some work.

Nov 11, 2007
It’s never bothered me until this year. Only outside in the yard doing some work.


I have had allergies all of my life, which varies season by season and year by year.

This as you stated previously has been one of the worst for me.

It can change day by day.

For example yesterday I went out for a jog and after five minutes my eyes were watering, I was catching my breath after few seconds and to be blunt,

felt so lousy, I quit the workout and just walked home.

Today for some reason the air just felt better and I tried my jog again.

To cut to the chase my 35 minute jog was much better and I completed it although I did get a bit winded near the end.

I am not taking any chances however, and as I think as I already stated, I have an appointment with a pulmonologist and a physical to

be sure everything is ok.

Personally I think I MAY have some asthma for the first time, but that is just speculation.

Enjoy your evening!

Nov 11, 2007
As stated in post 11, the deadline for my new proposed bet to sbd, which is is tilted to the max in sbd's favor, ends tomorrw, Friday morning at 12:00 AM.

If he doesn't respond to this, which is a 99.999999999999999999999999% certainty, it will for the zillionth time just show what a bullshit artist,

coward and bully he is, and most importantly prove what a GLARING and I mean GLARING example he is of a person who loves to "talk the talk,"

but who refuses to "walk the walk" when someone tells him to put up or shit up!

He wouldn't dare take me up in this bet because he realizes no matter how relatively little he would have to do on his end if he loses as compared to me if

I lose, he realizes that he would lose, and that it would just push himself even deeper in the shitter than he already is in the eyes of 99.9%

of the people who read his daily commentary!!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

I have had allergies all of my life, which varies season by season and year by year.

This as you stated previously has been one of the worst for me.

It can change day by day.

For example yesterday I went out for a jog and after five minutes my eyes were watering, I was catching my breath after few seconds and to be blunt,

felt so lousy, I quit the workout and just walked home.

Today for some reason the air just felt better and I tried my jog again.

To cut to the chase my 35 minute jog was much better and I completed it although I did get a bit winded near the end.

I am not taking any chances however, and as I think as I already stated, I have an appointment with a pulmonologist and a physical to

be sure everything is ok.

Personally I think I MAY have some asthma for the first time, but that is just speculation.

Enjoy your evening!

Had a lot of rain so hope that’s help wash all the pollen away.

Seems better

Nov 11, 2007
Had a lot of rain so hope that’s help wash all the pollen away.

Seems better

Well all I can say is that even though we didn't get any rain over the last few days, where I live things are much better today and my eyes

feel a lot better, which in all fairness was also helped by some prescribed eye drop medicine.

Its another sunny and nice warm day near 80 where I live.

Usually from early May until sometime in September are my times of year, and hopefully the last few days will bring some fairly

sustained weather of this type even though it will heat up even more starting shortly, which is fine by me and sure as

Hell beats late autumn and even early spring sometimes as we have seen this year.

ps hopefully the rain will continue wash away that shit for you as you just said.

Nov 11, 2007
Well to sum up, the deadline came and went and the FU CKING coward sbd, who has no balls nor the courage of his convictions, chose to ignore/not accept

my bet, which would only cost him a mere 2 weeks suspension from posting if he lost and 2 thousand dollars from me and a permanent ban if he won the bet.

Sbd keeps using the word "truth" politically speaking all of the time to try to make his points.

Perhaps he should consider/face the truth about himself, which as shown above, is that he is a liar, someone who will talk the talk but when challenged

such as I did, will like a true coward/bully, head for the hills, when confronted with a strong adversary.

For those who are not yet familiar with the modus operandi of this despicable/lying. dreck in the body of a human being, hopefully now

you are.

That said, even though sbd fled from the challenge, I want to personally thank him for giving me the opportunity to show what

this slime is made of, at least to the 1% who do not already know!!!

Nov 11, 2007
In view of the fact that sbd has become very militant in his thread during the last few days( which is obviously a corollary of his

frustration because nothing he WANTS and hopes to come true has come true), and has thus stepped up the rhetoric

to imply that the military will take over the Govt., and reinstall Trump as POTUS as early as this weekend, I just want

to remind folks one last time of this thread, and the incredible terms and money I am offering to snd if he wins the bet,

and which actually sets the deadline as July 4 for Trump to return.

Just ask yourself the question which is if you were really all that confident of something to happen and someone offered you a bet such as I offered to sbd

in opposition to it happening, would you take the bet or not???

That's it!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Well all I can say is that even though we didn't get any rain over the last few days, where I live things are much better today and my eyes

feel a lot better, which in all fairness was also helped by some prescribed eye drop medicine.

Its another sunny and nice warm day near 80 where I live.

Usually from early May until sometime in September are my times of year, and hopefully the last few days will bring some fairly

sustained weather of this type even though it will heat up even more starting shortly, which is fine by me and sure as

Hell beats late autumn and even early spring sometimes as we have seen this year.

ps hopefully the rain will continue wash away that shit for you as you just said.

Heating up here. Hitting 90*

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