Gravy, any into why clev is a pk against the pale hose tonight?
I unloaded on them when I heard the line I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Thx in advance
bet2win, Just had the local TV sports on and They didnt say anything at all on the Indians so I cant help you at all on that and everybody is allright that I know of on the team.All I can tell you is that Westbrook has had good success in Chicago in the past and I bet them also so either we look like a genius or not.BOL Gravy
gravy, one thing 100% 4 sure, no one in the world would look at you and I and call us a genius
Pops,That might be the case but guess what I could care less what people think and you and me will laughing all the way to the bank my friend with all are winnings just to damn bad my electric bill will sky high next month and takes out of the profits.GL Gravy
that was a nice call cincy on eddings. that under was pounded long before I got to it.