Canada Issues Alert on Severe Respiratory Disease in Mexico

Oct 30, 2006
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:34 PM
Subject: Fw: Flu Update from Dr. Gitterle (some good tips)

This comes from a very reliable source and I would recommend reading it all the way through. Good info even if it is scary!

A good friend got this from her daughter. Daughter's friend is the ER Dr in New Braunfels, about 30 miles away.

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 7:21 PM

Hillary, This email is from an emergency room doctor who is a good friend of Mark and Lisa.

Good morning family and friends,
We got this e-mail from our friends Marc and Heather. Marc is an ER doctor in New Braunfels. I just wanted to pass this on.

Stay Well out there. Love to all,


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:55:31 -0500
Subject: Flu Update from Dr. Gitterle

After I returned from a public health meeting yesterday with community leaders and school officials in Comal County, Heather suggested I send an update to everyone, because what we are hearing privately from the CDC and Health Department is so different from what you are hearing in the media. Some of you know some or maybe all of this, but I will just list what facts I know.

- The virus is infectious for about 2 days prior to symptom onset

- Virus sheds more than 7 days after symptom onset (possibly as long as 9 days) (this is unusual)

- Since it is such a novel (new) virus, there is no "herd immunity," so the "attack rate" is very high. This is the percentage of people who come down with a virus if exposed. Almost everyone who is exposed to this virus will become infected, though not all will be symptomatc. That is much higher than seasonal flu, which averages 10-15%. The "clinical attack rate" may be around 40-50%. This is the number of people who show symptoms. This is a huge number. It is hard to convey the seriousness of this.

- The virulence (deadliness) of this virus is as bad here as in Mexico, and there are folks on ventilators here in the US, right now. This has not been in the media, but a 23 month old near here is fighting for his life, and a pregnant woman just south of San Antonio is fighting for her life. In Mexico, these folks might have died already, but here in the US, folks are getting Tamiflu or Relenza quickly, and we have ready access to ventilators. What this means is that within a couple of weeks, regional hospitals will likely become overwhelmed.

- Some of the kids with positive cases in Comal County had more than 70 contacts before diagnosis.

- There are 10-25 times more actual cases (not "possible" cases -- actual), than what is being reported in the media. The way they fudge on reporting this is that it takes 3 days to get the confirmatory nod from the CDC on a given viral culture, but based on epidemiological grounds, we know that there are more than 10 cases for each "confirmed" case right now.

- During the night, we crossed the threshold for the definition of a WHO, Phase 6 global pandemic. This has not happened in any of our lifetimes so far. We are in uncharted territory.

- I expect President Obama will declare an emergency sometime in the next 72-96 hours. This may not happen, but if it doesn't, I will be surprised. When this happens, all public gathering will be cancelled for 10 days.

- I suggest all of us avoid public gatherings. Outdoor activities are not as likely to lead to infection. It is contained areas and close contact that are the biggest risk.

- Tamiflu is running out. There is a national stockpile, but it will have to be carefully managed, as it is not enough to treat the likely number of infections when this is full-blown. I don't think there is a big supply of Relenza, but I do not know those numbers. If I had to choose, I would take Relenza, as I think it gets more drug to the affected tissue than Tamiflu.

- You should avoid going to the ER if you think you have been exposed or are symptomatic. ER's south of here are becoming overwhelmed -- and I mean that -- already. It is coming in waves, but the waves are getting bigger..

- It appears that this flu produces a distinctive "hoarseness" in many victims. The symptoms, in general, match other flu's; namely, sore throat, body aches, headache, cough, and fever. Some have all these symptoms, while others may have only one or two.

- N-Acetyl-Cysteine -- a nutritional supplement available at the health food store or Wimberley Pharmacy, has been shown to prevent or lessen the severity of influenza. I suggest 1200mg, twice a day for adults, and 600mg twice a day in kids over 12. It would be hard to get kids under 12 to take it, but you could try opening the capsules and putting it on yogurt. For 40 pounds and up, 300-600 mg twice a day, for less than 40 pounds, half that..

- Oscillococinum, a homeopathic remedy, has been vindicated as quite effective in a large clinical trial in Europe, with an H1N1 variant. You can buy this at Hill Country Natural Foods, or the Wimberley Pharmacy.

I will try to keep everyone posted if I have any new information. Meanwhile, don't be afraid just avoid infection. The fewer people infected the easier it will be for our public officials to manage it.


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
the dodge. I know that you believe the swine flu is now a hoax after telling us it was the real deal and it was being distributed by the Dept of Homeland Security.

Kinda like TR helping to save a planet from destruction last summer, thank you.

Distributed by the Homeland Security? LOL...This Straw man Routine is growing old Willie....if you going to mock and ridicule...just do it without all the extra Lies on top.....I told all of you that this so called Flu was not the real thing but a run up, a pre-requisite of something much more sinister...and all you have to do is go back through the threads...Nice try Tho...

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
RR, how many times are you going to rush in here to Paste an email which is contains hoax information?

The "letter from the doctor in New Braunfels email is 95% hoax

lol...not that I support the Flu Hoax..but Snopes also believes Bin Laden was responsible for the 911 a of a credibility problem there..don't you think?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
SNOPES does not take positions on topics. They simply expose clear and obvious hoaxes.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Distributed by the Homeland Security? LOL...This Straw man Routine is growing old Willie....if you going to mock and ridicule...just do it without all the extra Lies on top.....I told all of you that this so called Flu was not the real thing but a run up, a pre-requisite of something much more sinister...and all you have to do is go back through the threads...Nice try Tho...

you mean when you said that it was being distributed by Homeland Security and posted a video to support that position, you didn't mean it?

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
SNOPES does not take positions on topics. They simply expose clear and obvious hoaxes.


i read this and immediately thought of Kate saying "Senators and presidents don't have people killed"

c'mon barman, don't ever think a media source doesn't have an agenda

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
lol...not that I support the Flu Hoax..but Snopes also believes Bin Laden was responsible for the 911 a of a credibility problem there..don't you think?

errr, noooooo

you see, OBL was responsible for 9/11.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
snopes = c.i.a you who ISN'T CIA? this is your fn answer to anything. The one clear voice in government, Ron paul, you declare as CIA or weird handshake man. Then, the only national radio voice for "conspiracy talk", Alex Jones, to you is CIA .... c'mon now, enough already!


see how gay this is?

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
errr, noooooo

you see, OBL was responsible for 9/11.

lol...ummm yea.

"We have never argued that somehow Osama Bin Laden was involved in 911, that evidence has never been forthcoming" - Dick Cheney - March 29th 2006

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Loren, I'd love to hear your explanation on what the US Gov't gets out of blaming OBL for planning 9/11 ... a man they apparently cannot find and has been "on the run" for the past 8 years. What do they have to win by doing this? I'm all for deflecting attention but the normal ending for this is OBL getting zapped in the EC in front of 100M viewers. I'd love to know what you think the gov't gets out of looking like a bunch of fools, unable to find the 'mastermind of 9/11'.

much like all the lefties on this forum I really don't expect a response except maybe


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Tokens you who ISN'T CIA? this is your fn answer to anything. The one clear voice in government, Ron paul, you declare as CIA or weird handshake man. Then, the only national radio voice for "conspiracy talk", Alex Jones, to you is CIA .... c'mon now, enough already!


see how gay this is?

LOL....who told you I think everybody is CIA...?William Cooper wasn't CIA...where is he? in a Wooden Box....Kennedy disbanded the CIA, where is he? In a Wooden Box...Pope John Paul the 1st wasn't CIA...where is he? Thats a Wooden Box...

And why do you conspiracy folks keep toting Ron Paul..?.he's a fraud...I dunna wanna hear his name anymore....enough...lolol....Alex Jones is CIA.....He works for the Genesis Radio Network...Who owns Genesis? ABC News....Who runs ABC News? C.I.A.........Screw Alex Jones....

What do top Jesuits, CFR Members, Major Corporations, and Alex Jones(GCN) have in common?


Remember Alex Jones sold a video of a family he interviewed involved with Waco to 20/20(ABC). And that ABC is owned by the Walt Disney Co. GCN is an ABC affiliate playing on over 128 + ABC AM/FM Channels

The following information is currently published on
GCN Network 3 programming is on Starguide III
* Starguide III – GE-8, Transponder 23, Provider: ABC NY, Channel ID: WWEI/GCN (right channel)
Orbital Location 139 degrees West Longitude
Required Hardware - 12 foot stationary dish, Starguide III receiver

Youtube places CIA Recruitment Ads On Alex Jones Website...

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
LOL....who told you I think everybody is CIA...?William Cooper wasn't CIA...where is he? in a Wooden Box....Kennedy disbanded the CIA, where is he? In a Wooden Box...Pope John Paul the 1st wasn't CIA...where is he? Thats a Wooden Box...

And why do you conspiracy folks keep toting Ron Paul..?.he's a fraud...I dunna wanna hear his name anymore....enough...lolol....Alex Jones is CIA.....He works for the Genesis Radio Network...Who owns Genesis? ABC News....Who runs ABC News? C.I.A.........Screw Alex Jones....

What do top Jesuits, CFR Members, Major Corporations, and Alex Jones(GCN) have in common?


Remember Alex Jones sold a video of a family he interviewed involved with Waco to 20/20(ABC). And that ABC is owned by the Walt Disney Co. GCN is an ABC affiliate playing on over 128 + ABC AM/FM Channels


The following information is currently published on
GCN Network 3 programming is on Starguide III

* Starguide III – GE-8, Transponder 23, Provider: ABC NY, Channel ID: WWEI/GCN (right channel)

Orbital Location 139 degrees West Longitude

Required Hardware - 12 foot stationary dish, Starguide III receiver


Youtube places CIA Recruitment Ads On Alex Jones Website...

you really are deranged. Basically you're saying that if you get to any sense of prominence, you must be CIA since almost all radio stations are owned by a major corporation, like ABC, which of course must be CIA? :ohno: by the way there is no proof on how deep ABC's tentacle's fall into Genesis' business

You're also indicating that Alex Jones, who seemingly tries daily to make people aware of the global elite, is doing so while making his employers mad? Or, is he just throwing us all off the path?

ah, fuck it, it's too late to debate with a youtube whore

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
you mean when you said that it was being distributed by Homeland Security and posted a video to support that position, you didn't mean it?

He already answered that question.

You have to "go back through all the threads and read all his posts, all the content from all his links and of course watch all the video clips."

Then it will all be clear

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
c'mon barman, don't ever think a media source doesn't have an agenda

SNOPES is a media source??

Maybe I've overlooked that on their site.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Loren, I'd love to hear your explanation on what the US Gov't gets out of blaming OBL for planning 9/11 ... a man they apparently cannot find and has been "on the run" for the past 8 years. What do they have to win by doing this? I'm all for deflecting attention but the normal ending for this is OBL getting zapped in the EC in front of 100M viewers. I'd love to know what you think the gov't gets out of looking like a bunch of fools, unable to find the 'mastermind of 9/11'.

much like all the lefties on this forum I really don't expect a response except maybe


Looking like a bunch of fools? hahaha...

Let me ask you something...The Carlyle Group run by the Bush Crime Family...who we know own General Electric who own NBC...made a few trillion off this war....

And all they had to do was blame the kin of their own business partners...The Bin Laden Group...whom had most of their family members flown out of the country on 911...instead of interrogated like a bunch of terrorists the Patriot Act would seemingly deem them to be...

Meanwhile, the public, (thats me and you) know somebody who knows somebody affected by what happened that day...We are not wiser, We are not richer...We are not apparently the border is left wide open because Bin laden hasn't been caught yet...they figure they'd set a trap...lololol

Now tell me...rolltide.....Does God Choose the Foolish To Shame the Wise?

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
you really are deranged. Basically you're saying that if you get to any sense of prominence, you must be CIA since almost all radio stations are owned by a major corporation, like ABC, which of course must be CIA? :ohno: by the way there is no proof on how deep ABC's tentacle's fall into Genesis' business

You're also indicating that Alex Jones, who seemingly tries daily to make people aware of the global elite, is doing so while making his employers mad? Or, is he just throwing us all off the path?

ah, fuck it, it's too late to debate with a youtube whore

You answered your own question.....You really think Alex Jones isn't getting a check under the table? think he is some kind of freedom fighter? Why is he still alive? This Naivety is starting to aggravate me...They are throwing the NWO in your face for a reason....despite all my ranting and raving...I am also a pawn....but at least I know it...

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