Can you believe this!!!!! Soldiers... i think not.



May 16, 2006
Sorry I dont run spell check and I type sixty plus words a minute(but not well).

Dec 12, 2006


May 16, 2006

Sorry Texansfan, I know you like me and thats why you edited your post. I dont want to shit on your pride or take anything away from the power of the words Semper Fi, but you know Uncle Sam is fucked and the mission is not clear. I respect the people in the uniforms but not the entity the represent, nooone deserves to die unless the cause is just. Waste of good lives going on, I just dont get it. I will refrain from posting shit I know nothing about. Great post by you by the way.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Let's fix the your and you're while we're at it. Maybe they're, there and their too.
hey i only do then and than......the rx knows this.....please ask a mod to e-mail you the playbook ........jeesh
Sep 21, 2004
This is fake; the puppy is either already dead or a stuffed animal. Amazing that several sites have pulled the video because it's too "graphic" while keeping videos of people brawling.

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
And a 12 or 13 girl that was raped in Iraq a while ago and then killed with her whole family is FAKE TOO ?

Tom Ace, Pet Detective
Nov 8, 2005
In Memory of the Fallen

If this video is real, then it's clear these Marines are a disgrace to the Corps. I have USMC friends fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan, and I promise you that none of them would do something like this, even during their worst bouts of combat fatigue. Their unit lost 4 good fucking Marines last Monday in an RPG ambush, and some of the posts in this thread are disgrace to their memory. Yes, some of them will, rather IF, they come home, will have mental health issues. Our nation should seek to embrace them and do everything possible to help them.

Korn is right, we as civilians cannot even imagine what they have to do just to survive. Imagine having your best friend bleed out in your arms or seeing another of your friends getting his legs and an arm blown off by an IED. Despite what these two individuals did, the Marines are held to the highest standards of morality and honor. I will always honor the loving memory of those who have fallen.


They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Iraq: Raped

An Illegal War Degenerates

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<!-- -->A few months ago, Abir Al-Janabi was just another 14-year-old Iraqi girl in a small town called Al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad. Both of her parents are from the Al-Janabi tribe, one of the biggest tribes with Sunni and Shia branches.

Omar Al-Janabi, a neighbor and relative, was informed by Abir's mother that the young girl was being harassed by U.S. soldiers stationed in a nearby checkpoint. That is why Abir was sent to spend the night in her neighbor's home. The next day, Omar Al-Janabi was among the first people who found Abir, with her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah, her 45-year-old father Qasim, and her 7-year-old sister Hadil, murdered in their home. Abir was raped, killed by a bullet in her head, and then burned on March 12, five months before her fifteenth birthday.
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Muhammad Al-Janabi, Abir's uncle, reached the house shortly after the attack as well. Iraqi police and army officers informed him and other angry relatives that an "armed terrorist group" was responsible for the horrifying attack. This is exactly what the angry relatives of the 24 Iraqi civilians killed in Haditha four months before this incident had been told as well. In that case, U.S. officials initially claimed that a roadside bomb planted by terrorists had killed the 24 Iraqi civilians and one U.S. soldier in Haditha, but the Iraqi people knew that it was the Americans.

Unlike the case of Haditha, where Iraqi public opinion was furious about the massacre months before it reached to the U.S. mainstream media, the Iraqi press had not even heard of Abir until the U.S. army accidentally found out information about her while investigating another incident. This raises questions about the number of other similar cases that were never investigated and were blamed on non-occupation parties instead.

According to Iraq Body Count, a credible project documenting Iraq's civilian casualties, the occupation armies are directly responsible for killing more than one fourth of civilians in Iraq since the beginning of the war. This makes the assumption that Abir's case is just one of many even more plausible.

The "Hadji Girl" song is yet another indicator that what happened to Abir is most like not an anomalous case. "Hadji Girl" is a videotaped song about killing Iraqis written and performed by U.S. Marine Corporal Joshua Belile while he was at the Al-Asad Air Base in Iraq. The song became controversial a few weeks ago when the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) discovered it on the internet and objected to its lyrics.

The lyrics, accompanied by loud laughter and applause, include lines as such as "So I grabbed her little sister and pulled her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally. Then I hid behind the TV, and I locked and loaded my M-16, and I blew those little fuckers to eternity. And I said Dirka Dirka Mohammed Jihad, Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah, they should have known they were fucking with a Marine". A two-week investigation held by the U.S. army ended with no punishment for Corporal Belile. Furthermore, according to the spokesperson for the Mike Church Show, Mike Church is planning to record and release "Hadji Girl" and give royalties to Belile. The right-wing presenter will sing and release the song on air this week.

But even if you believe that the case of Abir is a rare exception, it is still a major scandal in Iraq. Issues relating to honor are even more sensitive for the Iraqi public and government than the ongoing daily civilian murders. The first Iraqi governmental reaction came when an Iraqi female member of Parliament asked for an urgent session for which Prime Minister Al-Maliki was called back home to attend. The Iraqi Parliament described the rape as a crime against "the honor of all Iraqis". As a result, Al-Maliki asked for a review of the laws put in place by U.S. Ambassador Paul Bremer, giving foreign troops immunity from prosecution in Iraq. This seems to be an Iraqi public demand. Iraqi tribal leaders had a number of meetings across the country last week on the anniversary of "Thawrat Al-Eshrin", the 1920 revolution against the British occupation. The largest meeting was that of the mostly Shia Middle Euphrates Tribes. During this meeting, they threatened to initiate a full-scale revolution against the occupation, similar to what had happened in 1920, unless the U.S. army hands over to them all soldiers accused of raping the "Al-Mahmudiyah Virgin," as she is now known.

What is happening in Iraq is a rape of a nation, not just a rape of a 14-year-old girl, and it has to be stopped as soon as possible.

Tom Ace, Pet Detective
Nov 8, 2005
Yes, isolated members of our military are bad people. Those who commit such acts are subject to the code of UMJ and should be court martialed. However, are you trying to say that because of few FUBAR Soldiers and Marines, that we should hate all those who serve? I'm not following your logic, Brainiac.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell

Oct 19, 2006
However, are you trying to say that because of few FUBAR Soldiers and Marines, that we should hate all those who serve? I'm not following your logic, Brainiac.

My thoughts exactly. People rape and murder all around the world, does that mean every person in the world should die? Regardless of what it is, military, sports, clubs, organizations, companies, etc., there will always be people that are fucked up. When you generalize based on the few youl ose sight of reality and live in the paranoid world that a lot of people currently experience, where you think you're going to get robbed, murdered, or raped every night because that's your view of society.

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
yea every person should be killed for rape or murder IMO , now go back to church

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
You guys are suckers, that's totally fake.

The sound is the biggest giveaway. Not only does it not sound like a dog, the yelps don't fade away like they would if he were really being launched that far away. And check the guys throwing motion, that pup looks like it is about 10 lbs. no way he could throw a real dog that far with such an easy lob.

totally agree

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