The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.
The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.
Kenny, do me a favor and get off your double standard. Drumpf supporters are absolute morons. You have to be to support such a dolt. That is my opinion, and to paraphrase the idiot himself, "everyone is saying that", "I'm hearing that from lots of people"The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.
It's the libtard way - they can't argue on substance or make their points using reason and logic, so they have to lob insults or call you racist, sexist, homophobic, selfish, greedy, stupid, uneducated etc.
Look at the first debate - Trump was killing the crooked witch on the economy, so she rubs her magic nose and Lester Dolt goes into attack mode (Trump is sexist, racist, greedy, selfish etc.)
It's the smell of desperation and the libtard way.
Kenny, do me a favor and get off your double standard. Drumpf supporters are absolute morons. You have to be to support such a dolt. That is my opinion, and to paraphrase the idiot himself, "everyone is saying that", "I'm hearing that from lots of people". I'm supporting Gary Johnson, and I feel pretty stupid about doing it, and if someone insulted me for it, I fully get it. That's the state of this race.
Now when you post the same way when someone posts Liberalism is a mental disorder, and all the countless other insults the few moderates and liberals are subjected to here, I'll pay some attention.
Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!
Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!
Do you actually ever watch MSNBC or CNN, or do you just believe what the Right Wing Media, including this place, says about them. The regularly rip Hillary a new Asshole.Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!
Do you actually ever watch MSNBC or CNN, or do you just believe what the Right Wing Media, including this place, says about them. The regularly rip Hillary a new Asshole.
Only "real Americans" support the Idiot Drumpf????Brain dead ones, who have checked their morals and conscience at the door, maybe.
I think your a moron!Do you actually ever watch MSNBC or CNN, or do you just believe what the Right Wing Media, including this place, says about them. The regularly rip Hillary a new Asshole.
Only "real Americans" support the Idiot Drumpf????Brain dead ones, who have checked their morals and conscience at the door, maybe.
This election is going to be totally different. Don't believe these polls. I haven't voted since Reagan. I have friends and family who have never voted but will be out this year for Trump. Trump has woke a sleeping giant!!!!!