Can CNN be more of a fucking joke?


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

nothing to see here, just keep the line moving

Jan 20, 2002
The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.

Do you read the posts here? This is at least the second time you made this claim about "liberals always calling names" do I really need to point out all the conservative name calling? I did it for you last time as well. You only see what you wanna see

Nov 4, 2009
Judicial Watch largely started the whole email/private server conversation via Freedom of Information Act requests as far back as 2014, without them possibly none of Hillary Clinton's transgressions where regards the email/server come to light.

Judicial Watch is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

In the video below,
Judicial Watch simplifies matters as these stand at this the final day of September 2016 just a little over 30 days before the election of our next President.

They cut thru the Political Bullshit that Mainstream Media trumpets as excuses for why Hillary was not prosecuted and lay out clearly and concisely what problems exist with The Clinton Foundation when that is combined with Hillary's role as Secretary of State.

Absolutely Worth a watch, the whole thing, when time permits cuz it really addresses matters in plain English, what problems exist with The response of The FBI and The DOJ to Hillary's Email situation and The Clinton Foundation but for those who wanna cut to the chase on these 2 specific affairs so as to quickly gain a crystal-clear understanding of these things:

13:00 (13 minute mark) for Clinton Foundation till 22:04

22:05 (22 minutes & 5 second mark) for the uppercut that'll knock The Guesser, vitterd and all other Apologists for FBI Director Comey & Hillary out the ring entirely, as relates to these people's excuses on why Hillary was not prosecuted on the email deal

.....Simple Truth and Reality on The Email Scandal/Government Response to this. till the 32:40 mark.

Judicial Watch started the discussion and they End that discussion, right here, with this Panel.

Any "Debate" (objection) to the realities they present within this Video could only be Partisan Political Bullshit borne of a Political Agenda and Brainwashing or just outright Stupidity as what is presented by the panel are Inalienable Truths.

Which, on a side note, as The Moderator of the video below informs: Congress has the ability to prosecute Hillary (for Lying to Congress) on their own, outside of any Government Law Enforcement Entity and entirely without a need for the approval of participation at all of such (or "approval" of ANY part of The US Government).

This is written within The Constitution, that Congress can Prosecute on their own.

So if Congressmen Trey Gowdy Chaffetz, Issa, Jordan and Ratcliffe's and the 5 Former Federal Prosecutors within our Congress who believe that Prosecution of Hillary should have been perused want to actually do something more than Sounding Off, Talking Loudly, creating Soudbytes so they and others can see themselves on television

if these "genuinely concerned" and "Honest" Gatekeepers of Our Justice System and Our Integrity as a Nation want to actually DO SOME THING.

There is an avenue open to them to do something. Beyond just (more) talking.



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.

It's the libtard way - they can't argue on substance or make their points using reason and logic, so they have to lob insults or call you racist, sexist, homophobic, selfish, greedy, stupid, uneducated etc.

Look at the first debate - Trump was killing the crooked witch on the economy, so she rubs her magic nose and Lester Dolt goes into attack mode (Trump is sexist, racist, greedy, selfish etc.)

It's the smell of desperation and the libtard way.

Sep 21, 2004
Don't even bother Joe trying to reason with them,they don't know and they don't know that they don't know,it's true

Sep 21, 2004
The Guesser, do me a favor and quit insulting me. I don't insult you and don't insult me by calling me a moron. I don't understand what it is with liberals, if you disagree with them over something instead of discussing the issues they either shout you out or insult you. I made a fucking joke. It was a joke. I am sure that I can hang with the sharpest of liberals in a debate.
Kenny, do me a favor and get off your double standard. Drumpf supporters are absolute morons. You have to be to support such a dolt. That is my opinion, and to paraphrase the idiot himself, "everyone is saying that", "I'm hearing that from lots of people":):). I'm supporting Gary Johnson, and I feel pretty stupid about doing it, and if someone insulted me for it, I fully get it. That's the state of this race.
Now when you post the same way when someone posts Liberalism is a mental disorder, and all the countless other insults the few moderates and liberals are subjected to here, I'll pay some attention.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It's the libtard way - they can't argue on substance or make their points using reason and logic, so they have to lob insults or call you racist, sexist, homophobic, selfish, greedy, stupid, uneducated etc.

Look at the first debate - Trump was killing the crooked witch on the economy, so she rubs her magic nose and Lester Dolt goes into attack mode (Trump is sexist, racist, greedy, selfish etc.)

It's the smell of desperation and the libtard way.

Lmao.....Joe....all your posts are insulting people.

Face it....Trump got whipped in the debate....just like I said he would

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Kenny, do me a favor and get off your double standard. Drumpf supporters are absolute morons. You have to be to support such a dolt. That is my opinion, and to paraphrase the idiot himself, "everyone is saying that", "I'm hearing that from lots of people":):). I'm supporting Gary Johnson, and I feel pretty stupid about doing it, and if someone insulted me for it, I fully get it. That's the state of this race.
Now when you post the same way when someone posts Liberalism is a mental disorder, and all the countless other insults the few moderates and liberals are subjected to here, I'll pay some attention.


New member
May 1, 2006
Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!

New member
Mar 10, 2012
Lmao.....Joe....all your posts are insulting people.

Face it....Trump got whipped in the debate....just like I said he would
Well according to you, since he lost the 1st one he's due to win the 2nd one, right? :pointer:

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!

Better luck in 2020. You guys shouldn't have voted in a child who stays up all night tweeting insults to some girl over a decades old issue. Take ownership of your mistake. Haha

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!


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Sep 21, 2004
Cnn and MSNBC area a complete joke! 24 hours rip on Trump for the smallest things while totally ignoring the crooked woman he is running against. Absolutely pathetic. They have to be getting paid off because they are now in total desperation mode because all of us real americans will be out in force to vote for Trump. All of their bias coverage just enforces how crooked this government has become and we are absolutely sick of it. It makes people want to vote for our next president Donald Trump even more!!!!
Do you actually ever watch MSNBC or CNN, or do you just believe what the Right Wing Media, including this place, says about them. The regularly rip Hillary a new Asshole.
Only "real Americans" support the Idiot Drumpf???? :):) Brain dead ones, who have checked their morals and conscience at the door, maybe.

New member
May 1, 2006
This election is going to be totally different. Don't believe these polls. I haven't voted since Reagan. I have friends and family who have never voted but will be out this year for Trump. Trump has woke a sleeping giant!!!!!

New member
Nov 6, 2007
Do you actually ever watch MSNBC or CNN, or do you just believe what the Right Wing Media, including this place, says about them. The regularly rip Hillary a new Asshole.
Only "real Americans" support the Idiot Drumpf???? :):) Brain dead ones, who have checked their morals and conscience at the door, maybe.

As Hillary would say.....wheeew..okay?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
this election is going to be totally different. Don't believe these polls. I haven't voted since reagan. I have friends and family who have never voted but will be out this year for trump. Trump has woke a sleeping giant!!!!!

The silent majority!

New member
May 1, 2006
Do you actually ever watch MSNBC or CNN, or do you just believe what the Right Wing Media, including this place, says about them. The regularly rip Hillary a new Asshole.
Only "real Americans" support the Idiot Drumpf???? :):) Brain dead ones, who have checked their morals and conscience at the door, maybe.
I think your a moron!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
This election is going to be totally different. Don't believe these polls. I haven't voted since Reagan. I have friends and family who have never voted but will be out this year for Trump. Trump has woke a sleeping giant!!!!!

Hahahaha!! Trump supporters are pure comedy! Thanks for the afternoon laugh.

Sep 21, 2004
Numbers will tell the story. They always do in National elections in the modern, electronic era. Anyone who is so firmly ensconced in their bubble, that they don't believe the numbers, will have egg on their face, like the Fox News Idiots and their sheep did in 2012, when they all swore Mitt was ahead, and was gonna win. The fools were actually shocked when he was smashed, while normal people who followed Nate Silver and the Numbers knew the truth.

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