Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Keep taunting-the reality is that Trump and folks like you are not "exactly" in the driver's seat with this matter, and are

setting yourselves up for a big disappointment when nothing comes of this.

We have heard this kind of delusional nonsense/ FAILED prediction too many times to count right after the Election with the 70 plus

FAILED lawsuits, self-serving/LYING cu nt Powell, The Pillow Guy, Lin Woody/Hard-on, etc.

But go ahead-fantasize that this time will be different and that "Patriots" all across the country aided by the Military

will storm the WH and/or demand and be successful toget the SCOTUS to declare Trump the POTUS!! lol

I have grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas' control," Hobbs wrote in the letter to the county's mostly Republican Board of Supervisors, which oversees the county elections.

Part time CNN contributor Katie Hobbs

Meanwhile in Georgia ...crickets !

Six months after the November 3, 2020 election, Fulton County has failed to produce complete chain of custody documents for 18,901 vote-by-mail absentee ballots deposited by voters into drop boxes.

The Fulton County missing documentation is a little more than five percent of the estimated 333,000 vote-by-mail absentee ballots cast in the November 3, 2020 general election for which chain of custody documentation is still missing

You won’t hear that on CNN


Nov 11, 2007
I have grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas' control," Hobbs wrote in the letter to the county's mostly Republican Board of Supervisors, which oversees the county elections.

Part time CNN contributor Katie Hobbs

Meanwhile in Georgia ...crickets !

Six months after the November 3, 2020 election, Fulton County has failed to produce complete chain of custody documents for 18,901 vote-by-mail absentee ballots deposited by voters into drop boxes.

The Fulton County missing documentation is a little more than five percent of the estimated 333,000 vote-by-mail absentee ballots cast in the November 3, 2020 general election for which chain of custody documentation is still missing

You won’t hear that on CNN


They can have all of the grave concerns they want.

All of the major and most respected polling firms in the country had Biden winning with both the EC and Popular Votes and comfortably

including the swing states.

They may have a bit off in the margin of victory, but the bottom line is that Biden won, and no one will be able to change

that fact SEVEN months later no matter what kind of FRAUDITS they try to bring forward.

If it could be proven, I would give odds that if there was any real cheating, it was on the part of Trump and his staff in any case, as I wouldn't

put anything past that slime based on his criminal activity in the past!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
They can have all of the grave concerns they want.

All of the major and most respected polling firms in the country had Biden winning with both the EC and Popular Votes and comfortably

including the swing states.

They may have a bit off in the margin of victory, but the bottom line is that Biden won, and no one will be able to change

that fact SEVEN months later no matter what kind of FRAUDITS they try to bring forward.

If it could be proven, I would give odds that if there was any real cheating, it was on the part of Trump and his staff in any case, as I wouldn't

put anything past that slime based on his criminal activity in the past!

Remember when they called the Hunter laptop story and the Wuhan lab leak conspiracy theories ?


Nov 11, 2007
Remember when they called the Hunter laptop story and the Wuhan lab leak conspiracy theories ?


What matters is that it is obvious that you and a lot of other folks can't accept defeat because Trump, the person you emulate and through whom

you lives vicariously, is not longer the POTUS, meaning that you have to latch onto something; in this case it means an alleged "fraudulent"

election in your minds in order to both justify that what you think about him is correct and also to try to hold out

hope that his absence is only temporary in nature, and that magically whether it be July 4 or some other date in the future,

he will right back up on the pedestal as POTUS for you to admire and worship!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
What matters is that it is obvious that you and a lot of other folks can't accept defeat because Trump, the person you emulate and through whom

you lives vicariously, is not longer the POTUS, meaning that you have to latch onto something; in this case it means an alleged "fraudulent"

election in your minds in order to both justify that what you think about him is correct and also to try to hold out

hope that his absence is only temporary in nature, and that magically whether it be July 4 or some other date in the future,

he will right back up on the pedestal as POTUS for you to admire and worship!

Looks like the widespread attention the Maricopa audit is receiving as witnessed by several other state lawmakers showing up to observe the process has becoming a little concerning for the administration .

And if Biden wants to send in his DOJ to shut it down, like Moscow Maddow and Katie Hobbs have been pleading for you can stamp “illegitimate “ across the puppet’s forehead .


Nov 11, 2007
Looks like the widespread attention the Maricopa audit is receiving as witnessed by several other state lawmakers showing up to observe the process has becoming a little concerning for the administration .

And if Biden wants to send in his DOJ to shut it down, like Moscow Maddow and Katie Hobbs have been pleading for you can stamp “illegitimate “ across the puppet’s forehead .


Al Gore had a lot more reason to bitch and moan about the 2000 Election than Crybaby Trump.

Thankfully Gore did the mature right thing!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Ot-re:the Audit:

GOP Election Analyst 'Aghast' at Arizona Audit as State Senator Threatens U.S. Attorney General (

Barring something totally unexpected and unforeseen, July 4th will mark the return of savage1 to fpp/sbd's IVU Thread.


Oh look

Any interference with the state authorized election review is a violation of federal law. 18 USC 595

18 U.S. Code § 595 - Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments


Nov 11, 2007
Hmmm-all of this talk by sbd of the alleged trials and different forms of executions at GITMO led me to wonder as to what the form

of execution will be for Matt Gaetz's penis should it be apprehended and found guilty.

Perhaps the dick will be order to "stand up straight" while it is shot be a firing squad.

Another possibility would be the guillotine, which would either mean that that its head would be cut off or perhaps severed in tact from its testicles.

For that matter one could argue that it has already been severed, because its was detached from its owner/ Matt and sent to GITMO

before being sent there for psychological evaluation and detention while awaiting trial.

Another possibility for execution is that it could bed choked to death, and I don't mean in the traditional sense of "choking the chicken,"

the slang meaning of which is known by all normal males.

I am not sure if this would qualify as execution or not, but if Matt's penis is captured and found guilty of fucking sexually underaged girls, another

more time way for the dick to die would to put in in solitary "cu ntfinement" for the rest of its life totally sexually frustrated and unable

to indulge itself with any kind of sexual release whatsoever obviously including underaged girls.

The only other manner of execution I can think at the moment would be to euthanize the penis and then throw what is left of it into the woods, where

perhaps some hungry animal, bird, insect, etc., might "feast" upon it and/or at least provide something to eat to meet its daily needs. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here's one more for now from the desk/toilet od fpp(fantasy prone personality)sbd:

"Can an illegitimate president go overseas and represent America and the real president that’s backed by the military? [G-7]

Do you smell treason in the air?

The storm is going to get real strong this week.

Shit's about to get real.

Enjoy the show."

Lets take a look a little closer look at this:

In a nutshell and as usual, it makes no sense and is completely devoid of logic.

I mean think of it-fpp/sbd asks "Can an "illegitimate" President go overseas and represent America and the "real" POTUS that's backed by the military?

All I can is that if the "real" POTUS is indeed backed by the military, it must be a pretty weak military to have allowed Biden to make the

trip in the first place.

Perhaps fpp/sbd's "military" can be deemed as a "paper tiger."

This of courses make the insane assumption that there is another military other than the recognized one. lol

Thus to be politically correct and to place proper emphasis on the matter, the wording should NOT be "CAN" an illegitimate President "go overseas," etc

but rather HOW COULD an illegitimate President POSSIBLY "go overseas," etc.

Incongruous, contradictory, inconsistent and illogical stuff like this is what defines his thread, and why I and others have had a field day over

the last 15 months pointing this out, and exposing this totally incompetent lying, gutter slime for his inability to put

together anything which flies other than perhaps with fellow QAnons, who are far from the sharpest tools in the shed!


Nov 11, 2007
In today's segment of "One Year Ago," I am going to diverge and post MY OWN most significant post to fpp/sbd instead of his for the simple reason

that most of the posts on that day were personal attacks on me from the The Psychic, who was banned within days of these posts, and

my personal responses.

Fpp/sbd didn't say anything of much relevance on that day(actually nothing new), so I decided to post to him directly on that day and point out

his lies and bs both to him and others.

It was all true then and remains true today.

It is post 2105, is found on page 85 and was posted on 6/14/20:

Here we go:

First of all re: sbd's response to me, I will let it those reading it decide for themselves what hey think about it, and especially quoting the the Psychic who

ha stalked me ever since I came over to this Forum within SECONDS after I posted something in my QAnon Thread or in the discontinued Trump Thread

with a both a barrage of Trump caricatures but more importantly with personal name calling and insults, all of which are lies which I have pointed

out and documented as I did yesterday but which DO apply to the Psychic.

Again I will leave it for those who have read both my posts and his over time to decide who the REAL stalker is, and who tries to instigate

trouble not just with me but with other posters.

In short please consider whether it is me or the Psychic who like a puppy dog follows me all over this

Forum to try to discredit me with his repetitive multiple foul mouthed name calling, attacks and personal insults

and with feeble attempts to block what i have to say me or him-you decide for yourselves.

Also if sbd wants to believe that I believe that I am threatening him, lets just say that it is the other way around-in short he wanted

a cakewalk to say whatever he wanted with his QAnon with no questions and criticisms from anyone, but to his chagrin he didn't get it with

me anyways-that isn't going to change any time soon.

The fact that he doesn't respond to my questions and criticisms

is because he doesn't have any responses which will fly with fair minded and objective people.

And since he is "flattered" that I am back, well lets just say that for all intents and purposes,

I consider my QAnon thread discontinued until further notice and I will remain here and as I stated yesterday,

which will be leveling the playing field for reasons state yesterday.

And oh yes as far as his sarcastic reference to my high class, loving and Evangelical Christian wife to whom

I have been married for 14 years goes, is concerned, lets just say that I hope he has done as well-lets leave it at that.

In the next post which will follow a little later, I am NOT going to comment on the other posts

of his today because there is essentially nothing new-the usual attacks on Democrats, Obama, etc. QAnon propaganda you hear every day.

Nov 11, 2007
I notice that fpp/sbd has backed off the July 4th "Trump Return" to the POTUS date for the last few days.

Perhaps he is going to try do deny that he ever said that once July 4th comes and goes, and both his and Trump's finger are stuck up their ass as

Biden/Harris continue to rule.

It won't work though, as I have the actual prediction/post about July 4th being a date to remember for "centuries" to come as it regards Trump, and

I will BURY fpp/sbd in that post and others when savage1 returns to his IVU Thread on July 4th, unless of course is the

OFFICIALLY recognized POTUS by that dateand/or fpp/sbd admits that his prediction did not come true.

If he tries to "move the goal posts" for the zillionth time because of another failed prediction, lets just say that he and those goal posts

are going to meet a "little" resistance in the process if not smashed and shattered!!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The NY Times , who labeled Tom Cotton’s theory about the coronavirus leaking from a lab a “fringe theory “because the Chinese insisted the outbreak began in a wet market , has received a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I have grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas' control," Hobbs wrote in the letter to the county's mostly Republican Board of Supervisors, which oversees the county elections.

Part time CNN contributor Katie Hobbs

Meanwhile in Georgia ...crickets !

Six months after the November 3, 2020 election, Fulton County has failed to produce complete chain of custody documents for 18,901 vote-by-mail absentee ballots deposited by voters into drop boxes.

The Fulton County missing documentation is a little more than five percent of the estimated 333,000 vote-by-mail absentee ballots cast in the November 3, 2020 general election for which chain of custody documentation is still missing

You won’t hear that on CNN


File this under Fraudit and conspiracy theory . You won’t hear this on DNCNN or MSLSD .

Fulton County Election Official Admits Chain of Custody Documents Missing for 2020 Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes

This is the first time that any election official at either the state or county level from a key battleground state has made an admission of significant error in election procedures for the November 3, 2020 election.

Ooooh !

Nov 11, 2007
File this under Fraudit and conspiracy theory . You won’t hear this on DNCNN or MSLSD .

Fulton County Election Official Admits Chain of Custody Documents Missing for 2020 Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes

This is the first time that any election official at either the state or county level from a key battleground state has made an admission of significant error in election procedures for the November 3, 2020 election.

Ooooh !

Keep fantasizing, and let me know when Biden is kicked out and replaced by Trump because of this latest revelation. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Keep fantasizing, and let me know when Biden is kicked out and replaced by Trump because of this latest revelation. lol

Like the great Peter Navarro said . Arizona is nothing compared to the cesspool that is Georgia as the stooges sit there and listen to Moscow Maddow and the dumbest man on TV Don Lemmon label these allegations conspiracy theories .


Nov 11, 2007
Like the great Peter Navarro said . Arizona is nothing compared to the cesspool that is Georgia as the stooges sit there and listen to Moscow Maddow and the dumbest man on TV Don Lemmon label these allegations conspiracy theories .


If you want rely on bs artist Peter NaZERO for your information, well, good luck!

ps Don Lemon is one of the brightest and most perceptive commentators on tv.

Trump can't deal with him intellectually-thus he bashes him like anyone else who has exposed him and who has put him rightfully

in his place!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
If you want rely on bs artist Peter NaZERO for your information, well, good luck!

ps Don Lemon is one of the brightest and most perceptive commentators on tv.

Trump can't deal with him intellectually-thus he bashes him like anyone else who has exposed him and who has put him rightfully

in his place!


Nov 11, 2007

Typical response.

I have to go out for a while.

Suffice it to say that I am not going to stoop down to your level nor that of anyone else who doesn't have the intellectual capacity and/or willingness

to accept the deep understanding and perception of folks like Don Lemon, Thomas Friedman, Sue Glasser, Maggie Haberman, Anderson

Cooper, Don Lemon, Gloria Borger and Dana Bash.

None of the skin deep folks at Fox can hold a candle to any of these folks intellectually speaking, and that is being polite!

In all fairness though, not everyone was given the same God given brains/ability to think on the same intellectual folks as the people I cited.

Thank God I am not of the aforementioned have-not folks.

Out for at least 2 1/2 hours!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Somebody who gets their news from CNN is talking about stooping down to a lower level of intellect .


Oh boy , am I gonna have some fun with this .

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