California governor's office tells diners to wear masks 'in between bites'


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The intelligent see through your fake MSM , China, Gates , Fauci, Left posts.

They block the truth. You sheepman fall for it

It will all come to light. At your age and mental mind you will still not believe

you don’t want to believe.

but you are believing and posting lies

even though the truth is in front of you

just a gullible old man

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
What’s sad... This guy spends hours a day, day after day arguing with people that don’t agree with him about masks.

He’s done nothing to change anyone’s mind. The people that he argues with will never agree with him.

For what then? This guy apparently doesn’t have anything better to do than to spin his wheels all day for absolutely nothing.


He lies and tells us "dozens" of posters have PM'd him telling him they appreciate the service he's bringing to theRx

How fucking funny is that?

That's what low IQ superficial assholes think is going to impress or sway his adversary

In reality, he's just proving how stupid he really is. plain old weird

Oct 16, 2008
I'll suggest employing many thousands of the unemployed as C-19 rule enforcement officers. Get people back to work & kill the virus at the same time via enforcement. Kill two birds with one stone. Maybe even start with $1000 fines for first offences, or arrest & jail the covidiots. Hotels could be used for jailing purposes if the "accomodations" become full elsewhere. That could put hotel staff back to work rather than receiving free government payouts for doing nothing.

they are literally letting out convicted criminals to "avoid covid19" and your answer is to arrest and jail citizens for not wearing a mask lol

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
they are literally letting out convicted criminals to "avoid covid19" and your answer is to arrest and jail citizens for not wearing a mask lol

Oops, he does have a hard time keeping up with all the narratives his sources tell him to take, and he does tend to trip up over his own two feet too often, but that doesn't stop him from posting his next biased, moronic, one sided hit piece

New member
May 24, 2018
Let's be clear here. This is not science.

The science actually suggests fiddling with your mouth putting it on and off while eating will make you more likely to get Covid, not less.

New member
May 24, 2018
If that were true why aren't health experts telling employees to stop wearing them all day long at work.

Because masks are a political argument now, not science.

Biden and Trump spend half their time arguing with each other about masks and you don't understand that this is a political thing now?

Are you retarded?

New member
May 24, 2018
I'd suggest rereading what i wrote. You might get it the 2nd or 3rd time:

Suppose you're eating with one or more people nearby & after every bite you stop & talk for a few minutes. Why shouldn't you put your mask back on after stuffing your face?

OTOH if you're wolfing down a whole burger in two minutes while eating nonstop, there is less need to put your mask back on after every bite.

Oh, well geez you dumb bitch, I can answer this one for you pretty easily.

Let's say the guy who made your burger has Covid... naturally, some of the germs he breathed out while making your burger lands on your burger. If you eat the burger, along with the covid infected parts of the burger, it'll harmlessly enter your stomach in all probability, and you won't contract covid from that.

Now, what you're suggesting to do, is put down your burger after one bite, and then slide your mask back up to your face and mouth. Now, you have covid infected fingers touching right near your mouth and face and eyes. Now, you are more likely to get Covid-19 than if you never put your mask on at all while eating.

You should try to be smarter, if it's possible.

New member
May 24, 2018
Masks only lower the risk of infection for the general public and yourself if you wear them correctly.

Sliding your mask up and down without constantly sanitizing your hands is absolutely NOT wearing them correctly. Which is why masks are pointless, because 99.9% of people are not wearing their mask safely or effectively.

IF you aren't sanitizing your hands every single time you touch your mask, you are not wearing it correctly and you are increasing your risk of Covid-19. Sorry.
Feb 20, 2002
they are literally letting out convicted criminals to "avoid covid19"

Hardly any, actually.

and your answer is to arrest and jail citizens for not wearing a mask lol

I'd suggest forced solitary confinement - quarantine - for those rebels who refuse to obey mandatory safety rules re the wearing of masks, social distancing etc.

I'll suggest employing many thousands of the unemployed as C-19 rule enforcement officers. Get people back to work & kill the virus at the same time via enforcement. Kill two birds with one stone. Maybe even start with $1000 fines for first offences, or arrest & jail the covidiots. Hotels could be used for jailing purposes if the "accommodations" become full elsewhere. That could put hotel staff back to work rather than receiving free government payouts for doing nothing.

You are morally responsible to not murder others.

Wear a mask to protect those most vulnerable from dying as a result of - your - C-19 infection. IOW wear a mask so - you - don't murder others.

If you can't even do a simple easy little thing like put on a mask to protect others & society, do you even deserve to have a life or live.

As it's said "Karma's a bitch".

May 27, 2007
He lies and tells us "dozens" of posters have PM'd him telling him they appreciate the service he's bringing to theRx

How fucking funny is that?

That's what low IQ superficial assholes think is going to impress or sway his adversary

In reality, he's just proving how stupid he really is. plain old weird

I guarantee you no more than 3 posters have sent PM' to this useless fuck.
Feb 20, 2002
"In that case, try walking around the city with a bomb strapped to your chest and see how far that gets you. After all you're not responsible for anyone else's well being."

"OKAY, the above is extreme. I know. So let's bring it down into reality if you still know what that entails. Try walking into a store smoking or better, a police station. After all, who cares about second-hand smoke. Do it and prove to us YOU are not at all responsible for looking after folks around you."
Feb 20, 2002
Oops, he does have a hard time keeping up with all the narratives his sources tell him to take, and he does tend to trip up over his own two feet too often, but that doesn't stop him from posting his next biased, moronic, one sided hit piece

"Critical thinking is alive and well this morning. Next time have your morning shit first before posting on the board."

Willie666 busted:
Feb 20, 2002
Because masks are a political argument now, not science.

Biden and Trump spend half their time arguing with each other about masks and you don't understand that this is a political thing now?

Are you retarded?

In your imaginary conspiracy nutjob fantasy world health experts are conspiring together for political purposes, not making recommendations based on science.

By your logic anything that Biden & Trump argue about automatically has no basis in science & is political.

You failed logic class in your young adult school training, didn't you.

This is not the first time you've been busted re your ill-logic:

If you really want to understand whether or not the science supports mask use, you should be examining the scientific evidence, not basing your decision on something so stupid as whether or not it is being politically debated. Can people be that thick. At the Rx it's a pandemic.

Scientific evidence that masks work:

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Science and medical probe mask do t work

over 1000 true health experts have come out against the fake info the Dr fraud and CDC and WHO and Left MSM and gates spew

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Science and medical probe mask do t work

over 1000 true health experts have come out against the fake info the Dr fraud and CDC and WHO and Left MSM and gates spew
show how easily the sheeps will follow

just last year (2019) WHO published an exhaustive paper (using 10 diff sets of studies) comparing heath measures for "mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza". It went through all non-pharma interventions like closing schools, closing airports, social distancing, hand washing, and face masks and found that using face masks were "NOT STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT" in reducing transmission.

AND they were doing studies using medical grade masks not an old Raiders t-shirt you fashion into a face covering. cloth masks are nothing but a way for people to think they're doing something but WHO concluded they are totally useless in stopping transmission of a virus. In fact they DISCOURAGED the use of face coverings due to potential health complications with impacted breathing.

you can read it at
Feb 20, 2002
Oh, well geez you dumb bitch, I can answer this one for you pretty easily.

Let's say the guy who made your burger has Covid... naturally, some of the germs he breathed out while making your burger lands on your burger. If you eat the burger, along with the covid infected parts of the burger, it'll harmlessly enter your stomach in all probability, and you won't contract covid from that.

Now, what you're suggesting to do, is put down your burger after one bite, and then slide your mask back up to your face and mouth. Now, you have covid infected fingers touching right near your mouth and face and eyes. Now, you are more likely to get Covid-19 than if you never put your mask on at all while eating.

You should try to be smarter, if it's possible.

Actually let's not assume the guy who made the burger has C-19 because he probably doesn't. Then we won't be assuming things from your one-sided non critical thinking fantasy world. With that understood there is significantly less risk of an infection from the burger guy than from those sitting around a person in a restaurant full of maskless customers, whether or not that person wears a mask. His greatest risk is from those other customers & by wearing a mask inbetween bites he only increases his odds of not getting an infection.

Furthermore putting on a mask properly, as everyone should know how to do by now, does not get "fingers touching right near your mouth and face and eyes". Do you even understand the ABC's about C-19 & masks.

You are morally responsible to not murder others.

Wear a mask to protect those most vulnerable from dying as a result of - your - C-19 infection. IOW wear a mask so - you - don't murder others.

If you can't even do a simple easy little thing like put on a mask to protect others & society, do you even deserve to have a life or live.

As it's said "Karma's a bitch".
Feb 20, 2002
show how easily the sheeps will follow

just last year (2019) WHO published an exhaustive paper (using 10 diff sets of studies) comparing heath measures for "mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza". It went through all non-pharma interventions like closing schools, closing airports, social distancing, hand washing, and face masks and found that using face masks were "NOT STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT" in reducing transmission.

AND they were doing studies using medical grade masks not an old Raiders t-shirt you fashion into a face covering. cloth masks are nothing but a way for people to think they're doing something but WHO concluded they are totally useless in stopping transmission of a virus. In fact they DISCOURAGED the use of face coverings due to potential health complications with impacted breathing.

you can read it at

Irrelevant. Influenza is not C-19. C-19 is far more infectious, deadly & believed to have significant asymptomatic spreading.

Moreover, the risks of asymptomatic spread of influenza are not known & still being studied.

C-19 deaths have already far exceeded those of the annual flu.

"Influenza viruses circulate around the world every year. From time to time new strains emerge and cause global pandemics. Many national and international health agencies recommended the use of face masks during the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. We reviewed the English-language literature on this subject to inform public health preparedness. There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission. There are fewer data to support the use of masks or respirators to prevent becoming infected. Further studies in controlled settings and studies of natural infections in healthcare and community settings are required to better define the effectiveness of face masks and respirators in preventing influenza virus transmission."

Mask use was recommended during the 2009 Swine flu pandemic:

"Swine Flu (H1N1) and Face Masks
When and how to use face masks in home and community settings."

Note also the present recommendations re the annual flu:

"Avoid crowds. The flu spreads easily wherever people gather...Your local health department and the CDC may suggest other precautions to reduce your risk of COVID-19 or the flu. For example, you may need to practice social distancing (physical distancing) and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from others outside your household. You may also need to wear a cloth face mask when around people outside your household." infection,that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Mask wearing seems like a small price to pay to save many millions of lives in the future as well as spare many millions more from illness, hospitalization, loss of work, ICU, long term negative health effects, etc. Many people such as myself would only need to wear a mask for about 30 minutes a day.

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