C-LO quits MVP


New member
Jan 15, 2005
The bad thing is Lakers is a good guy when you get down to it. I sort of feel for him like you all did me! He just dont see it right now. At one time he did but I talked him out of booting her! WHAT A MISTAKE! I guess we will jsut see what happens!
Jan 19, 2006
He must be an idiot if he can't see that Roxy is a fraud. Sorry for
calling someone names, but that is pathetic.. Everything Roxy touches
turns into shit..

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
oldirtyku said:
I never heard of any of these sites... WTF does everyone have there own forum in which they are the only people posting.

Fawk... I think I am going to start www.browngamblers.com for me Skins, Dsethi, and Juice to post at... We can all be mods there and ban each other...


30 point quarters
Feb 28, 2006
why the hell would roxygurl make roxygurl sports? like wtf wat if her forum wanted to have a bash... fucking transvestite obviously wouldn't show
Jan 19, 2006
kobefan08 said:
why the hell would roxygurl make roxygurl sports? like wtf wat if her forum wanted to have a bash... fucking transvestite obviously wouldn't show


New member
Jan 15, 2005
Well guys, I thought someone was gonna shut their mouth but since their not going to. First of all she says ww is a lesser of a place to be which is false when her own posters are laughing saying they are gone cause of what they did with mvp. Second, YES, I had like 30 some names, I used maybe 2-3 and they didnt have over 20 posts. I got the damn idea from shrink! Did lakers have alot, yes he did, did roxy...........well hell yeah! The difference is that the ghosts me and lakers had didnt talk to one another like she does! She would post, then come back with sixkiller and back her ownself up! Also, I hate to mention this, when we were at the old style forum she was 2 people that actually would cuss me and lakers out for letting people talk about the "roxy" character. Thats when me and Lakers got her in the chat room and told her how it was going to be and we ended up letting her stay. It took ALOT for him to decide to keep her as well as I. Roxy, you also have this stupid post about some bought car and used car wtf ever! Lakers bought the vbulletin board cause he told me not to sweat it! Do you see him running his mouth? No, actually me and him has made some peace through emails. What are you doing?????? You say you hate controversy, why the FUCK would you have a site in your name and have people like the ace laugh in front of you and you think he was joking! Then you have good ole Kruser, atleast he is smart enough not to be there on the board. Im not saying he hates you but I know he isnt too fond of you. He does respect lakers though so thats why he doesnt hurt your feelings. Youre lucky you do have Lakers cause thats all you have that trusts you somewhat, oh yeah and tomb who is confused. In other words Roxy, you say you hate attention, you say youre not a drama queen, you want people to stop talking about you, you said once that you were gone for a while and you came back in 3 days, you said you were done with the rx and you still went back, you said you didnt want to make $ off forums but then you said it was a great business oppurtunity for you, you said you dont have a phone but you say you go out all the time, Roxy, hell yeah I was there for you alot, I still havent bashed you even after this thread is done I havent said everything I want cause I was trying to go on and let you actually not have ALL the ATTENTION on you that you say you dont want. Come on, you pulled a good one over on me and some of my closest friends, youre not harming me by making yourself look like a lil kid blabbering their when noone is answering you at all. Maybe "JOE MONTANA" or "SIXKILLER" will come in that thread and take up for you! Maybe I should file internet harrasment on you like you try to do some? I mean come on! Whos who in this whole situation? Are all of us the bad guys and youre the only good one? Good luck with your job........Chad

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You continue to refer to Roxy as a her, which leads me to believe that you are
A) absolutely sure she is female
B) defending her continued fraud

I will go with A, since you seem to be well-respected here and I've always liked the way your present yourself, you seem like an honest guy (except for the ghost thing)

But if it is B, I think there will be a wrath of Rx fury since everyone is pretty sick of his/her bullshit and then one would have to question your motivation.

The rest of your post...pretty funny, I'm glad I never went over to MVP and posted, what a total shit hole that place must be.
Jan 19, 2006
Joe Montana and Sixhiller are Roxy's ghosts LOL.. Wow she should just
quit this biz. Pure trash..

Oh yeat btw I put two in two together and figured out a few things. Roxygurl
is an internet transvestite. She is a man who actually believes she is a female.
That is why she hasn't called anyone and has been so evasive with things.. Read
through her posts, in EVERY POST she always trying to be feminine, throwing it
in there that she is a female.. look at other females that
post they don't try to throw out the femininity in every post like ROXY does..

Nov 20, 2000
oldirtyku said:
I never heard of any of these sites... WTF does everyone have there own forum in which they are the only people posting.

Fawk... I think I am going to start www.browngamblers.com for me Skins, Dsethi, and Juice to post at... We can all be mods there and ban each other...

great post olddirty...

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Thanks WC! That means alot man, I am trying to stop all of it but I cant stand eharing things from other posters telling me about it. Its option "a" by the way! lol Whale, I think Ego needs some psychiatric help to help him decide which way to turn to hit! LOL
Jan 19, 2006
C-LO I am sorry that a good man like you had to cross paths with such
a two-faced lying POS like roxygurl. Everything happens for a reason bro!!

Nonetheless you are with a better team now!! Take care my brother!!
Jan 19, 2006
oldirtyku said:
Gyno... Y do u hate this person so much?

Have you seen what she says about me on other forums?

She went to the Admin at the forum I am a Mod at and spewed
lies and bullshit to him.Also I have a pet peeve with people that
play games and act like they are someone different then what they
are. Also Roxy is a liar and has twist up alot of shit I have said..

I don't hate this person, I just hate the idea that innocent people
will fall victim to him..

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
Naw. I don't goto other forums accept for Peeps spot and Roxy does not go there.

I was just wondering why you were beefing.
Jan 19, 2006
Hey I think your Redskins might be Superbowl bound this year.. They
are stacked. If they had a better QB they would be bomb..

New member
Oct 20, 2002
C-LO said:
Well guys, I thought someone was gonna shut their mouth but since their not going to. First of all she says ww is a lesser of a place to be which is false when her own posters are laughing saying they are gone cause of what they did with mvp. Second, YES, I had like 30 some names, I used maybe 2-3 and they didnt have over 20 posts. I got the damn idea from shrink! Did lakers have alot, yes he did, did roxy...........well hell yeah! The difference is that the ghosts me and lakers had didnt talk to one another like she does! She would post, then come back with sixkiller and back her ownself up! Also, I hate to mention this, when we were at the old style forum she was 2 people that actually would cuss me and lakers out for letting people talk about the "roxy" character. Thats when me and Lakers got her in the chat room and told her how it was going to be and we ended up letting her stay. It took ALOT for him to decide to keep her as well as I. Roxy, you also have this stupid post about some bought car and used car wtf ever! Lakers bought the vbulletin board cause he told me not to sweat it! Do you see him running his mouth? No, actually me and him has made some peace through emails. What are you doing?????? You say you hate controversy, why the FUCK would you have a site in your name and have people like the ace laugh in front of you and you think he was joking! Then you have good ole Kruser, atleast he is smart enough not to be there on the board. Im not saying he hates you but I know he isnt too fond of you. He does respect lakers though so thats why he doesnt hurt your feelings. Youre lucky you do have Lakers cause thats all you have that trusts you somewhat, oh yeah and tomb who is confused. In other words Roxy, you say you hate attention, you say youre not a drama queen, you want people to stop talking about you, you said once that you were gone for a while and you came back in 3 days, you said you were done with the rx and you still went back, you said you didnt want to make $ off forums but then you said it was a great business oppurtunity for you, you said you dont have a phone but you say you go out all the time, Roxy, hell yeah I was there for you alot, I still havent bashed you even after this thread is done I havent said everything I want cause I was trying to go on and let you actually not have ALL the ATTENTION on you that you say you dont want. Come on, you pulled a good one over on me and some of my closest friends, youre not harming me by making yourself look like a lil kid blabbering their when noone is answering you at all. Maybe "JOE MONTANA" or "SIXKILLER" will come in that thread and take up for you! Maybe I should file internet harrasment on you like you try to do some? I mean come on! Whos who in this whole situation? Are all of us the bad guys and youre the only good one? Good luck with your job........Chad

I remember you first fukkin post here at the rx,:lolBIG:

AND NOW 3K posts later your writing this shit......
cyberworld --you gotta fukkin love it.....:pope::pope:

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Hey kid, ALSO 2 years of marriage later too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dancefool :dancefool But youre right, welcome to the forum world:103631605

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
C-LO, you know Roxydude is a guy.

You are just so use to calling him a her, that you just cannot stop.

Roxyfraud is a HE, and many, many people know it. So do you. You only talked to Roxydude's girlfriend once on the phone and you were not convinced it was the real Roxydude from what I hear.

Fraud-city is he.

I got an email from another poster who showed me a bunch of posts from cfbguy and these posts are the same exact style as Roxyfraud/Roxydude.

This Roxydude is making personal threats against another forum owner, and you claim this Lakersfan is a "cool" guy, but he is also threatening the forum owner with violence.

These guys are frauds. Everybody hates scammers. Now we find out Roxy talks to himself with over 200 aliases on that scummy site. Look at MVP. One scammer after another there. JimFeistSux, Kodiak7, Chicago Scamsides and Roxydude ---- four of the biggest scammers on forums.

Gyno is doing the right thing by keeping this scammer in the limelight. HE is a dude.

C-LO, you need to expose HIM some more now that HE gave you the old pole up the ass.
Jan 19, 2006
It is true Lakersfan has been sending me extremely threatening emails..
There is obviously something wrong with Lakersfan for still being associated
with ROXYFRAUD. He must be one naive Muddafucker

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