by deleting his selections,has journey lost credibility?


New member
Feb 4, 2003
rchrdschn said:
Until Journeyman or anyone else pulls a "Madcapper/Wannabe Whale" or "Alan Palmer & C-LO/Kruser6" move I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Those 2 were REAL cash scams and we're talking about a TRACKING forum error here involving no REAL CASH. No harm, no foul.

I see people bringing up the point of "there is no prize for people tracked in that forum, so who cares?"

This is EXACTLY what MadCapper was accussed of years ago before trying to suck money out of people. He would regularly pad his record. Many other wanna-be touts do the same thing here every day. I believe that is why the "tracker forum" was created.

Now, if moderators are in cahoots to fix records there, you may as well just delete the whole friggin thing, because it serves absolutely no purpose
Sep 21, 2003
RobFunk said:
Theyre saying that Journey wiped out his plays after 1-6 day

Well I dont know if thats true or not, but Journey gave me a figure to put in the tracker standings that he says included the 1-6 so I dont see what the big deal is.

Funk the big deal is 1)He asked you to make the adjustment AFTER the original thread was started,questioning him.
I respect you guys (Kojak-Funk) for backing Journey on this,but dont make us the assholes for questioning him.
The fact remains he deleted a 1-6 day.Posted his updated year record without the losses,and then asked you to make an adjustment for his day after the thread was started.You cant argue those facts.

Sep 20, 2004

I respect your feelings on this issue as you have valid points. What I am asking is to give the man the benefit of the doubt. Yes it looks questionable and should not be tolerated. I am sure if he could do it differently he would. But should we lynch him for 1 mistake. I don't think so. As before many of you were posting on here, he was and has always been an asset. That is not to knock that you have as many posts as he does as it shouldn't matter in this situation. But in a way it does count as if the same thing occurred with someone at below 100 posts he would not have had a chance to develop a solid reputation. Only Journeyman can answer for his actions.

In regards to looking bad on this forum, it is not only moderators responsibilities but those of every poster. I don't know what everyone wants out of a site like the prescription but the reason I joined was it brought the opportunity to get varying opinion from different people from different parts of the country. Sometimes it enhanced my pick and sometimes it helped me get off of a game. I very seldom felt I should waste my time starting a long drawn out issue regardless of right or wrong on that person or myself as it only hurt one person and that is me ! It wastes my time in trying to handicap games to build the bankroll. Pure and simple. Maybe I am in the minority maybe not. Overall I think it is great that even a moderator can be questioned as it shows the process works. I hope if ever one of you guys are in a similar situation that I wouldn't treat it any differently. Though I am now a moderator, I feel the same about all the issues as I did as simply a poster and that is to be fair and understanding to everyone until an issue becomes blatant. I ask you all to do the same and if you do you will find this site will become better than it ever has or was before.

New member
Jun 16, 2005
"until an issue becomes blatant",,if what he was caught doing is not blatant,i dont know what is.

Sep 20, 2004

Like I mentioned in my above posts, I do not know the details except on what heresay is on this thread. I have not spoken to Journeyman or any other mod. I explained that he has to answer for his own actions. What I ask of you is why are you so obsessed with this? Is having to waste time replying to a thread like this more important than doing your handicapping and making some money? I think not. This may or may not be blatant I am not the judge as I do not have all the facts of the situation but the fact is we are wasting time on this subject.

New member
Apr 18, 2005
Kojak, you said: "Should we lynch him for 1 mistake? I don't think so."

Here's the problem: According to him, there was no mistake. He makes himself out to be a victim, and to those who caught him, he responds: "fuck you kid" or calls them a $10 bettor.

To make a mistake of this magnitude is certainly not "lynchable," but to lie about it and attack those who have called him out on the lie is disrespectful.

If Journeyman admitted to the mistake and apologized, I think that everyone would drop the issue. Owning up isn't too much to ask, is it?

Sep 20, 2004

Ok, what I ask you is what do you want done about it if you are correct? Instead of talking about it , what do you think should be done? This reminds me of talking to my wife or girlfriend. They want to discuss the problem in 31 different ways like the flavors of Baskin Robbins Ice Cream but when it comes down to solving the problem they never have an answer but feel better about it since they discussed it 31 times. So like I said above what do you want done about it if true? How would you solve it?

Sep 20, 2004

Thanks for giving a solution to the problem instead of adding to it. If you feel he should own up to it if true and apologize that is a solution. How is everyone with this solution?

New member
Feb 4, 2003
Kojak said:

Thanks for giving a solution to the problem instead of adding to it. If you feel he should own up to it if true and apologize that is a solution. How is everyone with this solution?

you are "over-moderating"

I don't think anyone wants a settlement here

people want to know the truth of what happened.

it is that simple

New member
Sep 21, 2004
by deleting his selections,has journey lost credibility?
some of these 10 dollar players live for this shit...this gets them off
Don't you have to have some credibility first before you can lose it :think2:

And don't forget flyerboy if it wasn't for what you refer to as "some of these 10 dollar players " you wouldn't even have a mod job :103631605

Sep 20, 2004
good point MVBSki...I never denied the plays though...the point is some people live for this shit...they love to run back to their forums and give high fives, mistakes happen, its been researched and the information is there for was never an issue of whether I made the plays...why would I go around admitting I went 1-6 (before this was even an issue) if I was hiding anything?

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
For anyone that comes here first, there is a full explanation of what happened in a new thread in the offshore forum

New member
Jan 1, 2001
i doubt they are really interested in an explanation rob..... lol....

New member
Sep 20, 2001
drunkguy mentions maddcapper padding his stats like everyone else who wants to become a tout does and i think thats a great point because in the time i've been here (4yrs) im still waiting to find a records mistake that hurt a posters unit total instead of padding it. Nobody who ever posts plays short themselves they only seem to error on the plus side.

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