There IS a difference between Bush type conservatism and Kerry type liberalism. And it DOES effect this industry.
In terms of pushing a social, "moral" agenda, the Bush administration has, incredibly, forced on American and International citizens what they see as moral behavior via big government strong arm tactics. Whether it is withholding already allocated funds to international organizations who support abortion as a legitimate birth control and AIDS control, or using Federal grand juries to harass American advertisers of off shore gambling, the Bush administration uses extra legal Big Government tactics to uphold what they see as moral behavior.
There are many true conservatives who abhor this type of approach, but this is what Bush/Cheney has done. The Bush administraton has used similar tactics in the enviromental area. It's one thing to work with Congress to re-write legislation. But it's another thing entirely to withhold funding to emasculate Federal agencies designed to uphold valid environmental legislation, or to appoint former loggers and oil men to make decisions about Federal land use.
And those who think that there is any chance in hell that what Bush has done in Iraq is going to REDUCE the number of Islamic fanatics out there have really swallowed the best spin on a bad war there ever was. America's incursion into Iraq is the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda ever had. All the soldiers in the world cannot put down fundamentalist beliefs. Don't believe me? Israel has tried to strong arm Palestine into submission for 50 years now. If anything, Israelis are in more danger now than they were before. It is certainly no better. I know we are "in it for the long term" as Cheney has said. But 50 years?
It takes a much more nuanced, international approach to have any chance to achieve changing people's minds in other lands. And ENDING hard line approaches have had some success. Examples: France and Algeria. The current way Turkey handles its Moslem population.
This more creative, less combative approach is closer to Kerry's views than Bush's. And yet, Bush has succeeded in convincing Americans that American Might will actually strong arm the world into becoming Western type democracies, and get rid of the fundamentalists to boot. I wish this simplistic, militaristic approach would have a chance, cause that's where Bush has put us, but it is very wishful thinking indeed, especially for a country like Iraq.
The same thing is going to happen to us that happened to the British when they tried to westernize Iraq in the last century. The Brits failed so miserably after spending so much money and sending so many troops, the government failed.
I hope we change the government in 2004 instead of having to wait for 2008, but our current policy will fail. Men with guns (american troops) cannot change a country's heart and soul.