capper I rely on ea. day. Ignore the slings & arrows from the G.E.D crowd and keep on keepin on! I also like 5* and a few others, there`s room for all. My personal opinion re. BG is that his WU`s were some of the best I`ve ever seen. In any sport. The amount of time he devoted to it must have been enormous as smartz said. If a guy is good enough & people are willing to pay for that hard work I see nothing wrong with making a job out of it. He, nor anyone else owes us anything, a free choice to make. "Tout" has become a scarlet designation in the sports betting world. But there are a FEW honorable ones, and who`s to say BG wouldn`t be one? Jibba you`re VERY good & I shamelessly tail you. Hell, that`s what these forums are for. BOL to all.