The police should stage a massive sick out and let lose left wing sht heels run crazy. The white Demotards will say "where are the police? They are supposed to protect us!!!".
There will be no retraction or apology from the mob. Fuck these people. George Floyd was a fucking criminal thug. He got a funeral for a dead president. Fuck him. I am sure the pregnant woman he held up at gun point isnt mourning his demise.
There will be no retraction or apology from the mob. Fuck these people. George Floyd was a fucking criminal thug. He got a funeral for a dead president. Fuck him. I am sure the pregnant woman he held up at gun point isnt mourning his demise.
Every person I talk to about this case doesn't know the facts. He was high on meth and fentanyl at the time of his death. This was not exactly someone who had turned their life around. He should already have been dead. Again, don't mistake this and think that I am excusing what happened to him because I am not. However, if this is your poster child you have serious problems.
No mob, he made himself a criminal by making life changing decisions. Bad decisions have consequences. You never think about the people that this piece of shit victimized by committing an occupied armed burglary. I care about the victim, not the scumbag criminal.