Bucsfans sucking up to Kodiak


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Bucs- How the hell can I make a serious post when you guys just want me to post in the RR. Anytime I make a serious post Kodiak, General or Wil crap it up.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
Just trying to waste your time, Im at work so I have to find something to do during the time, you have no where to go, nothing to do but ***** so you can keep me company till halftime gets here.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
The first post I make General and Wil start lies about me saying that I posted stale lines.
Raiders I am getting tired of you accusing me of lieing. Show me where I lied about you or shut the hell up.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
For the record, no one wants you making posts, be they serious or your trademark bullzhit posts.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
raiders72001 said:
Two guys that no crap about gambling.

Slim says no one can win at gambling.

I saw Bucs betting in person. He's an action player. The guy bets every race without a racing form. He takes guesses at a sport where the hold is 17-25 %.

You two are the last people that should be giving gambling advice.

At least Wil and Fish have been around the block.

You are one of the dumbest people i have ever read......you know my betting style from 1 hour at a vegas sportsbook....you are amazing Kreskin....

It was my last day in Vegas, so you better believe i was gonna be betting and having fun......if you really think I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SPORTSBETTING you are stupider than i ever thought, and thats saying alot....

And exactly where did i give anyone 'BETTING ADVICE"?

I post my picks like everyone else, i have never went and told anyone what to do, every man is on his own, when deciding......

I would be happy to meet you in any challenge that you would care to do, to see who knows more about capping.........

Geez what an idiot you are......" you dont know anything about sports wagering cuz i saw you bettting on horses in vegas".....yeah that proves it.....:neenee:

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Wil- You gave the impression that I was using stale lines. It wasn't an outright lie but you were the one that directed the thread that way and it was confirmed by General. What really pisses me off if that you will not say a thing to anyone else when they are using stale lines.

Bucs- I've been watching you since you were an infant here at the RX. We use to post in some threads together. You would jump in some TB Bucs threads and yell booyaa everytime the Bucs scored. Then you had your running battle with T2W. Then I saw you betting in person on horse races you knew nothing about. I know what type of player that you are.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Bucs- Why do you say that all my threads are bashing the RX where I normally post when such a small percentage do that?

New member
Jan 1, 2001
bucs, you should be proud, you have your own personal biographer taking notes.....

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Slim- You have to profile everyone. You wouldn't know about this because according to you no one wins.

Question for you, does your sportsbook book on air, action or to faces?

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
raiders72001 said:
Wil- You gave the impression that I was using stale lines. It wasn't an outright lie but you were the one that directed the thread that way and it was confirmed by General. What really pisses me off if that you will not say a thing to anyone else when they are using stale lines.

Bucs- I've been watching you since you were an infant here at the RX. We use to post in some threads together. You would jump in some TB Bucs threads and yell booyaa everytime the Bucs scored. Then you had your running battle with T2W. Then I saw you betting in person on horse races you knew nothing about. I know what type of player that you are.

I dont believe i ever typed the word "BOOYA" unless it was in a t2w thread because that is what he was always doing to us.......

And like i said before YOU KNOW NOTHING about me, or the way i bet........

and yes, for almost 2 hours in LAS VEGAS i bet on horses, and I DID NOT HAVE A FORM.....i was watching the pool movements, and the horses.......I also turned 100.00 into almost 400.00 in that 2 hours, and it was fun....SO F'ING WHAT?

you are so obsessed with what other people do, it is amazing...i would have thought u had more of a life than that.....but like i said before, i have seen your agenda, and everyone else is aware of it as well, but if it makes u feel better to believe i know nothing about sports, then beleive it.....others know better, and most importantly, i know better......

I will still try and sleep at night, knowing that you have "pegged" my incompetence from watching me bet horses for 2 hours....lmfao

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I hate it when I'm pissed off. Glad I don't make a daily habit of it. Raiders, you are a strange guy. You are like hamneggs in a way, but not nearly as talented. You were scared of Elmer and you cry an ocean daily. Thanks for your posts though. It is fine for you to post your opinions here. We are all learning from you.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Wil- You gave the impression that I was using stale lines. It wasn't an outright lie but you were the one that directed the thread that way and it was confirmed by General. What really pisses me off if that you will not say a thing to anyone else when they are using stale lines.
Impression I was lieing eh? "It wasn't an outright lie" but it's good enough for you to call me a liar I see. Unbelievable.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Bucs- Once again can you tell me about why you have said many times that all my posts across the street are about bashing the RX when a very small percentage do that?

Slim- Do you even know how your sportsbook books?

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Slim- Where you at? I want to know how your sportsbook book bets where no one wins. Air,action,faces?

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
raiders72001 said:
Bucs- Once again can you tell me about why you have said many times that all my posts across the street are about bashing the RX when a very small percentage do that?

Slim- Do you even know how your sportsbook books?

That question doesnt warrant an answer.....if u dont see how many threads about the rx that u start "at your site" then there is no talking to you....

anyone can see it......

go back and look yourself, u seem to have plenty of time on your hands....hell you went back a year, to compile quotes to try and make Ken look bad all over again from the panam mess, that was over a year ago....but you felt it was worth you "valuable" time to go back and find quotes from a year ago to try and bring it up again, like everyone doesnt know the mistake he made....problem is you are like a dog with a bone, u just cant let go of anything...its sad that there isnt something else in your life to replace all this anger........

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
by the way, i am going to watch the games now......

you know action guys like me, we have money on the games.....

but please do like u usually do, and when i dont answer you in 5 minutes, please go back to OGD and start a thread saying that i was afraid to answer you, I ran from you, and that you "showed me".......

besides i dont know anything about capping, so i need to get out my voodoo dolls, and lucky socks so i can win.....

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Bucs- When PanAM opened all the posters across the street including myself were posting here at the RX. We said that it's best to take a wait and see approach on PanAM. Shrink and the mods jumped on us calling us bashers. PanAM went down and lots of guys were screwed.

There's a couple of books at the RX right now that I do not trust If you want my opinion why I will post it. If you want me to let if go I will do that also.

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