Noreaga said:
collge football will not move to a playoff--- the regular season would become next to meaningless ...
What ???:WTF: R you sure you haven't joined Bush as being retarded?
If you follow college football at all, you'd better hope for some sort of playoff system. The regular season would be extremely meaningful as they could scrimmage off until early December to see who would be the "final 8" to play a 3 round playoff in January (after all the also-rans play bowl games in late december) . Imagine the money generated, and the ratings for 3 weekends of playoffs, with a College Bowl finale the week before NFL's Super Bowl.
Noreaga said:
ratings would take a huge hit int he regular season and they arent willing to do that.. every game matters this way and I prefer it this way.
Whatdoyou mean "ratings would take a huge hit" . They "arent willing to do that" because the NCAA is a bunch of socialist, racist, home-boy network squares with old fashioned alumni money, but very soon, they will be overtaken, and you're just gonna have to "prefer it the new way" because the smart majority will once again override your type (and the BCS principle's type ) of shallow thinking. Wake up.:kicking: