Come on J, of all the ppl, you should know the rules more than anyone. It was not a play at 11am. You know the rest, no need to explain.:toast:
This is the exact reason I regret giving out my system and the exact reason why I refuse to share the changes I've made. I get all these ppl now posting "well isn't XYZ a play?" If somethings a play, believe me, I'll post it.
I will say this one last time and I truly hope everyone will cooperate as this is getting frustrating now. I post my plays at 11am pacific time M-F and between 7am-8am pacific on weekends. Early weekday plays are posted by about 7am. If the lines and/or percentages indicate a no play at the time I post, it is NOT A PLAY. If lines and percentages change throughout the day, that's the way it goes. Baseball has constant moving lines and to check all the time would be both exhausting and futile. This works both ways. A play I post as a play at 11am may become a no play with line moves, but by sticking to one time, it creates consistency for the system and eliminates any confusion. Taking my example, lets say I post a play at 11am and everyone plays it, then suddenly because of line moves, it wouldn't be a play anymore at 1pm. That's not fair to everyone who has already played it.
Again, I appreciate the cooperation of those who have accuscore and are using my system to determine plays to not post plays or those you may think are plays in my thread. BOL to all and thank you! :toast: