I've decided to go into a bit of detail as to why lines do not matter for my forumula. I'm sure some are curious as to how I can have a formula that doesn't take the line into account. And, how in the hell can I find any value in a game without knowing the line??? It's simple really, well now it's simple after doing my research and testing the forumula out.
As I said in my opening post, the term "value" is an arbitrary term. You could call it "chicken" or "beer". Whatever, I just use "value" as it is relatable to bettors.
The forumula has one constant, and that is actual lines. By way of testing, backtracking and just plain experience in sports betting, I've found that Vegas knows what they are doing, plain and simple. Some on here will go on and on about trying to find "where Vegas screwed up the line". Fact is, they don't. And if by chance they do, it is very very very rare. Plain and simple, Vegas sets sharp lines, that's how they make money. Ever notice how many NBA games are very close to the spread and it takes a missed shot here or there for one side to cover by a couple of points? That's what I mean. The lines are dead on at least 90% of the time.
So taking that constant into consideration, I don't worry myself with the actual line as it is a built in assumption that the line is accurate. Again, this isn't just me thinking the lines are sharp, it's me knowing they are from testing and experience. The "value" is found with the teams playing, not the line.
Hope this clears up any mystery to my statements that the line doesn't matter.
Merry Christmas!!