Brittney Griner released from prison in 1-for-1 prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout.


Jul 14, 2007
huh? what did I edit?

I'm asking you a simple question, are you saying what I am saying about your lack of knowledge about crime demographics is not being truthful on my part? You're too fucking scared to even answer a question and I'm the one acting hysterical?

Less than transparent lol....I think you have 0 clue what you are talking about but figure no one is reading this so just throw a bunch of mud and eventually I'll get bored, which probably is best course of action for you.

Again, I dunno how you couldn't know such a thing having lived in this country for over 50 years. But should you feel the need to condescend to me on some MSNBC/CNN insufferable "I trust our intelligence I'm a Patriot" nerd bullshit, I'll probably just keep ragging on you for it.

Dec 15, 2017
find it...go for it... if it'll make you feel better.
"Guatemalan kid" you have one too?
why the lost the kid Guatemalan already ? or did you realize it supports what I'm saying about you being less than transparent

Lying? you're acting slightly hysterical ... it was difference of option.
Bozzie just admit you know black people commit disproportionately more crime

Argument is more centered on why that's the case anyway

Givin us libs a bad name :)

Dec 13, 2007
huh? what did I edit?

I'm asking you a simple question, are you saying what I am saying about your lack of knowledge about crime demographics is not being truthful on my part?

Less than transparent lol....I think you have 0 clue what you are talking about but figure no one is reading this so just throw a bunch of mud and eventually I'll get bored, which probably is best course of action for you.

Again, I dunno how you couldn't know such a thing having lived in this country for over 50 years. But should you feel the need to condescend to me on some MSNBC/CNN insufferable "I trust our intelligence I'm a Patriot" nerd bullshit, I'll probably just keep ragging on you for it.
1.72 an hour's in the thread...not knowing what you edited 5 mins ago disqualifies you from reality
Yeah you danced around the conversation we had months ago basically blamed crime on a single demographic.
cool, rag away... bring up whatever you like..bozzie could give two shits dude but you should know this.

Liberating really...give it a try.

Jul 14, 2007
LOL what the fuck is this guy talking about. I can't add stuff to posts now? I didn't take anything out of a thread. Who cares if I added that? It's a joke. Obviously I don't have 3rd world kids on the payroll doing my sleuth work. This is just you trying to obfuscate because you don't want to answer my question of why you are at such a massive information deficito n something so simple.

Hot damn, this is what happens when an intelligent man systematically dismantles a less intelligent man. Back to the poli forum for you Bozz.

Anyway kids, don't put yourself in that position. Try to be well read and objective.

Jul 14, 2007
And again, we're all smart/successful enough not to live in those areas so this isn't that big of a deal.

I just find it funny this guy comes on this site day after day and acts like a condescending douche to everyone when he doesn't know something so basic. If you're gonna be a dick, atleast be of superior intelligence. That isn't the case here, it just isn't.

There will never be a time this clown says shit to me and I can't just bring that up and rag on him. Gift that keeps on giving. So do that "Aww gee golly shucks I'm a Patriot that trusts US intelligence" CNN/MSNBC libtard fan boy shit elsewhere.

Dec 13, 2007
Sure you did....WTF
just for the might need to see a doctor if you don't remember this edit.
The content isn't a big deal just pointing out you're full of shit and maybe in early dementia
LOL what the fuck is this guy talking about. I can't add stuff to posts now? I didn't take anything out of a thread. Who cares if I added that? It's a joke. Obviously I don't have 3rd world kids on the payroll doing my sleuth work. This is just you trying to obfuscate because you don't want to answer my question of why you are at such a massive information deficito n something so simple.

Hot damn, this is what happens when an intelligent man systematically dismantles a less intelligent man. Back to the poli forum for you Bozz.

Anyway kids, don't put yourself in that position. Try to be well read and objective.
PatsFan1283 said:
No I didn't, lol. C'mon dude, don't make me go find it.

You didn't know what I'm saying you didn't know. That is true.

Are you saying I am lying about that? (if the answer to this is yes then I'll have to pay a Guatemalan kid on the internet $1.72 an hour to search for the post in question)

Dec 13, 2007
And again, we're all smart/successful enough not to live in those areas so this isn't that big of a deal.

I just find it funny this guy comes on this site day after day and acts like a condescending douche to everyone when he doesn't know something so basic. If you're gonna be a dick, atleast be of superior intelligence. That isn't the case here, it just isn't.

There will never be a time this clown says shit to me and I can't just bring that up and rag on him. Gift that keeps on giving. So do that "Aww gee golly shucks I'm a Patriot that trusts US intelligence" CNN/MSNBC libtard fan boy shit elsewhere.
too wound up bro...think about a little break in the anger level

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
My favorite Bozzie moment on this site was when he said he supports the police, then we get into which demographic commits the crime in this country and he didn't know. I'm not making this up, I could find the post if I wanted.

I generally like him more than most here and he's nice to me, so I don't bother ragging on him for it. But how the fuck are you an American citizen (A Patriot nonetheless, civic minded individual who believes in our institutions) and you don't know such a basic reality of American life?

That was maybe the most bizarre thing I've ever read on this site.
He lives, breathes, eats and shits narrative-driven media. That's the problem.

The NYTs, like all corporate 'news' media is just propaganda - 100% top-down narrative-driven, rather than objective bottom-up truth-driven. All these so-called "news" organizations are filled with woke corporate cubicle slaves making 40k a year....losers by any objective standard. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative gets tossed by upper management - so much for "objective journalism." Propaganda-killers like footnotes, references, and original documentation are never provided.

Forget politics for a moment. Imagine you wanted to know the best motor oil for your car. Well, you can listen to automotive know-it-alls in the NYTs talking out of their asses... can do your own research and visit auto enthusiast forums, participate in robust debates, read online reviews, talk to mechanics and REAL PEOPLE etc.. and come away from that process ready to make a well informed decision.

That's what I mean by narrative-driven vs truth-driven.

Will these dinosaur corporate news organizations propaganda hubs still exist in 10 years?

I doubt it.

Decentralized open-sourced everything is the future.

Jul 14, 2007
Huh? It is still in the thread.

Yes I edited a thread. I often edit my threads immediately after I read them. But I didn't take anything out of it.

This is just you trying to change the subject because you know you sound dumb. It is irrelevant and immaterial to the discussion.

Jul 14, 2007
He lives, breathes, eats and shits narrative-driven media. That's the problem.

The NYTs, like all corporate 'news' media is just propaganda - 100% top-down narrative-driven, rather than objective bottom-up truth-driven. All these so-called "news" organizations are filled with woke corporate cubicle slaves making 40k a year....losers by any objective standard. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative gets tossed by upper management - so much for "objective journalism." Propaganda-killers like footnotes, references, and original documentation are never provided.

Forget politics for a moment. Imagine you wanted to know the best motor oil for your car. Well, you can listen to automotive know-it-alls in the NYTs talking out of their asses... can do your own research and visit auto enthusiast forums, participate in robust debates, read online reviews, talk to mechanics and REAL PEOPLE etc.. and come away from that process ready to make a well-researched decision.

That's what I mean by narrative-driven vs truth-driven.

Will these dinosaur corporate news organizations propaganda hubs still exist in 10 years?

I doubt it.

Yeah, I dunno how he couldn't know that. Lot of people in this country don't know a lot of shit so whatever. But they don't come to sites like this everyday talking about how patriotic they are because they trust US intelligence lol.

Dude probably still thinks the WMD's are in Iraq (oh wait, a Republican was President then so I'm guessing his trust of US intelligence wasn't quite as high.)

Dec 15, 2017
what facts? go on be specific greener don't hold back.
The fact that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime

Aka they commit a much higher % of total crimes than their % of the total population

Seems pretty specific and clear

Dec 13, 2007
Huh? It is still in the thread.

Yes I edited a thread. I often edit my threads immediately after I read them. But I didn't take anything out of it.

This is just you trying to change the subject because you know you sound dumb. It is irrelevant and immaterial to the discussion.
right....Sorry about your loss.

Jul 14, 2007
What's wrong?

I toe similar party line as you, but you can't just deny facts and play the vague game

lol he doesn't care

he's trying to play some gotcha game about me editing posts that I can barely even understand. Obviously he knows he fucked up, he also knows 3 people are reading this and in 10 minutes none of us will care.

then in the future he'll take me off his list of people to condescend to and go back to the poli forum crew

I generally like bozzie before shit like this, but he's gone way downhill lately. Just comes here to be a total asshole and pick fights. Probably a miserable human being, I'm not sure if you know this, but the further left you are and the more likely you are to have mental illness. White liberals struggle with mental illness a ton. You wake up everyday outraged, it just isn't healthy. That's this guy IMO.

Dec 13, 2007
The fact that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime

Aka they commit a much higher % of total crimes than their % of the total population

Seems pretty specific and clear
can you find anything to back that up...

Dec 13, 2007
lol he doesn't care

he's trying to play some gotcha game about me editing posts that I can barely even understand. Obviously he knows he fucked up, he also knows 3 people are reading this and in 10 minutes none of us will care.

then in the future he'll take me off his list of people to condescend to and go back to the poli forum crew

I generally like bozzie before shit like this, but he's gone way downhill lately. Just comes here to be a total asshole and pick fights. Probably a miserable human being, I'm not sure if you know this, but the further left you are and the more likely you are to have mental illness. White liberals struggle with mental illness a ton. You wake up everyday outraged, it just isn't healthy. That's this guy IMO.
like I care...I'm clowning the living shit outa you.
I enjoy this.

Dec 13, 2007
lol he doesn't care

he's trying to play some gotcha game about me editing posts that I can barely even understand. Obviously he knows he fucked up, he also knows 3 people are reading this and in 10 minutes none of us will care.

then in the future he'll take me off his list of people to condescend to and go back to the poli forum crew

I generally like bozzie before shit like this, but he's gone way downhill lately. Just comes here to be a total asshole and pick fights. Probably a miserable human being, I'm not sure if you know this, but the further left you are and the more likely you are to have mental illness. White liberals struggle with mental illness a ton. You wake up everyday outraged, it just isn't healthy. That's this guy IMO.
Being liked on the internet isn't anything I care about..maybe you do, if so check the self respect levels
keep analyzing ...fascinating the way this works

Jul 14, 2007
can you find anything to back that up...


See what I mean guys? The fuck is this shit?

A page ago he says that I omitted a lot of the discussion, I ask if he's saying I'm not being truthful, he doesn't answer.

Now he's right back to asking for citation on it again?

Any discussion that is more than "fuck you bitch" "nah fuck you" like he's used to in the poli forum, is just going to expose his lack of intellect.

This is a joke

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