Britney Spears is a douchebag


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Feb 15, 2006
mofome said:
hard to see how people could judge her so poorly.
she is with a child, has 4 million people following everything she does, 50 billion people lying about her life, but she should just be able to deal with it.

no morals? how do u figure that? u know her well im guessing. thats the problem with all these e-warriors we have here, they think they know people or can judge based on 0 knowledge.

chewing gum durring an interview? who cares? im sure u have been interviewed many times while pregnant, you know just how she feels and should be judging her. well done.

shes a 24 year old girl, let her be.

its always funny to come here and see people putting others down. sit your fat butt behind a pc and judge away mr perfect.


you were right on one thing. perfect.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002

Awesome pic man, whatever happened to this bodacious female.

Kevin Federline is a noob.

Nov 29, 2004
B.S. is garbage. Not saying this in a bad way. Just a sign of the times we're in. In just a few more short years or shorter, B.S. will be history. It's garbage in, and garbage out. She's disposable. She's hangin' on to her fame by a thread with the help of tabloids and tabloid TV. The public is always in constant demand of the next superstar. Spears has almost completed her cycle. It's not fashionable anymore for anyone to establish staying power, unless you've already established it about 17 or more years ago and you're still around. Spears is a product of the disposable generation.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
im not sure if its an insult for you to call me "ignorant" about Brittany spears.

ummm....she was the #1 selling artist for a period of years i believe, thats not a bad thing i wouldnt think. she is good at what she does. so bash her, way to be insecure

perhaps you are even slower than i originally thought...if she has all these hormones going thru her it is LESS likely she is thinking clearly, so your point about the interview is slightly stupid. is it not?

all i need to know about her is that you know nothing about her.

nope, all you got to do is do a google image search for Spears Pimples or Spears Fat or Spears Skank

that speaks wonders about the life you have. time well spent

any other 24 year old millionaires that you are smarter than, better looking than, and better than?



No insult intended. If you were aware that she...A) got married after a night of drinking to a highschool friend she never dated, then when her peeps got wind had it annulled, then B) followed suit with K-FED, that C) she was drinking and smoking and partying WHILE she was pregnant, and D) she is needlessly reckless with a baby and is willing to put that baby's life in danger...after this and you still think she is not white trash filth, you must have a lot of good friends

She was the #1 selling artist, yet she can't sing a lick. What does that tell you.

I am slow. Near retarded. But I'm guessing her new Manny, 24 make up artists, 18 publicists, and 12 lawyers are not, and were smart enough to tell her to not go on national TV in this condition....she chose to anyway.

I'm sure there is a ton I don't know about her and NEVER EVER want to know.

No argument there, but this entire thread has kept me amused most of my work day, so why not continue

Finally, Yes. But Britney tops the cake, so we'll leave it at her. I have no issues with anyone that actually has talent...Beyonce, Aguilera, Ciara, their mic is turned ON.

Britney's primary skills are being airbrushed and wearing the stupidest T-shirts and Trucker Hats ever made

Here's another reality shot of Britney


Nov 29, 2004
Some more Brit Reality

This is Spears opening wide for the dentist.

Airbrushing, make-up, and Crest whitening strips sure does one hell of a job on her.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
whalewager said:
you were right on one thing. perfect.

philly +$1.07 (2 units)

atl +$1.46
clev +$1.16
kc +$1.93
tor rl +$1.06


New member
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
philly +$1.07 (2 units)

atl +$1.46
clev +$1.16
kc +$1.93
tor rl +$1.06


Good job kid, can't get more bottom line than that


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Good post WC.

Kevin Federline is a noob. He took America's sweetheart and ruined it for everyone.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Jay Leno just said that "To avoid attention from the Media, Britney spears has been going out with jet black hair. yeah. And to avoid attention from the media kevin federline has been going out as kevin federline."


what a coincidence

He also said something like. "It's been hot out. Hot like Dick Cheney reading the NY times." haha


Jan 15, 2005
mofome said:
hard to see how people could judge her so poorly.
she is with a child, has 4 million people following everything she does, 50 billion people lying about her life, but she should just be able to deal with it.

no morals? how do u figure that? u know her well im guessing. thats the problem with all these e-warriors we have here, they think they know people or can judge based on 0 knowledge.

chewing gum durring an interview? who cares? im sure u have been interviewed many times while pregnant, you know just how she feels and should be judging her. well done.

shes a 24 year old girl, let her be.

its always funny to come here and see people putting others down. sit your fat butt behind a pc and judge away mr perfect.


I knew you were KFed!

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
919 said:
I knew you were KFed!


whats kfed?

im guessing not something good. this stinks when u are so mean to me on what was such a nice night. i think i will go to myspace and make a blog to see if anyone will send me e-hugs



Jan 15, 2005
mofome said:

whats kfed?

im guessing not something good. this stinks when u are so mean to me on what was such a nice night. i think i will go to myspace and make a blog to see if anyone will send me e-hugs


Don't you remember when you asked about your avatar, I said you looked like Kevin Federline?

New member
Dec 14, 2005
WC Bias said:
Dude, you need a chill pill. Maybe you didn't realize this but Buttface Spears CHOSE TO PURSUE A CAREER THAT SHE WOULD BE JUDGED BY BILLIONS OF PEOPLE! If she wanted privacy, then she would not do interviews explaining her skank self or go out and be seen in public, and yes, she has been out in clubs here in Vegas WHILE she is pregnant. She marries white trash (twice) and can't even take care of her own child. Why would you defend this shitbag?

The girl is pure filth and I feel sorry for her NOT AT ALL! She is famous for being able to dance and make videos. She can't sing, she can't act, she can't play piano (which I have seen her fake). It is sickening to me because I know people who have more talent in their little pinky (including Shirley Murdock) who don't get one billionth of the praise or celebrity or money that talentless skanks like Brittney Spears or Paris Hilton get.

Sorry, I cannot tolerate anyone defending this filth. She is a hypocrite to her fans (10 year old girls), and she is a poster child why Hollywood and the Music Industry has become an absolute joke.

And I guarantee she will make a comeback and we will have to spend another five years turning our heads away from the magazine rack at the check out counter because her airbrushed skank face will be adorning every friggin' rag....and for $2.99 you can find out how she gurgles K-Fed's or some other stupid wannabe's semen to improve her 2/3 octave vocal range.
I agree 100%. Its idiots like mofome who help make talentless trailer trash like this and idol by actually paying money to see a preteen act like a porn star. She started making millions by being a pre teen sex bomb. Yeah now any sick drug addict or money hungry parent could dress their 13 year old daughter up like a hooker and sell her to a petifile audience. Reall classy. Now shes no different than a trailer trash whore except she has lots of money.

New member
Dec 14, 2005
mofome said:
im not sure if its an insult for you to call me "ignorant" about Brittany spears.

ummm....she was the #1 selling artist for a period of years i believe, thats not a bad thing i wouldnt think. she is good at what she does. so bash her, way to be insecure

perhaps you are even slower than i originally thought...if she has all these hormones going thru her it is LESS likely she is thinking clearly, so your point about the interview is slightly stupid. is it not?

all i need to know about her is that you know nothing about her.

nope, all you got to do is do a google image search for Spears Pimples or Spears Fat or Spears Skank

that speaks wonders about the life you have. time well spent

any other 24 year old millionaires that you are smarter than, better looking than, and better than?

Did you get rejected from a Backstreet Boy audition or something. LOL. You sure are putting a lot of effort sticking up for a piece of shit. What happended to the stuff that is imposed to impress people, like talent,dignity, class. It seems all you focus on is her bank account. I guess anyone who is rich is cool to you hugh. What are you like 16 or something?

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