7 out of 10 yanks dont even have a dental plan.
While about 99 out of 100 Brits don't even have healthy teeth. Dude. I liked hanging out in London, but those were some of the scariest smiles I'd seen in my life.
Oh, and show me a link to support your 7 out of 10 claim. That could mean that their health insurance plan doesn't cover cleanings, check ups, etc...but the vast majority of our health insurance plans will cover emergencies (like cracked teeth, oral surgeries, etc) as a regular medical expense.
A quick look on the net at US dental stuff exposes a minefield of plans with 20-80% off 'fees'....subject to blah de blah blah.
Can you be a wee bit more unambiguous than "US dental stuff" please? What exactly did you see that was so shocking? Our system needs massive overhaul, but is still better than any socialized system (despite most of our own feebile-minded American left insisting on trying to drag us down into the socialized health care gutter).
I'd like to have you find me a link showing where an American waited for 10 years before he was able to see a doctor on US soil, please.
Over here:
You go to the fúcking dentist.
Then you go home.
After having waited 10 years, by which time all your teeth have probably fallen out.
Grand...I get to go to the dentist so he can scratch my empty gums with cold metal instruments.
BTW. NHS dentists only have a contract with a quota of patients.
They can do as much private stuff as they want outside that contract.
Then how in the hell do you explain a patient having to wait 10 years to see a
dentist? And couldn't that practice be considered making money off of the "sick of injured"...a concept which horrifies most of the left? Why is that somehow okay, but a private health care system is not?
As far as "waste of resources" is concerned, learn some basic arithmetic.
We cover 100% of the population with 10% GDP.
You have your private pig-in-a-poke system and it costs you 15% of GDP.
So what? The Brits are an island that's about the size of Ohio. The USA has around 260 million residents. I think its somewhat of an apples and oranges comparison, but if you want to play, I can.
Screw GDP, and lets get down to brass tacks. Through work, my health insurance costs me about $30 a month. Out of pocket expenses have average maybe $500 a year (I don't get sick very often, and try to keep myself in good physical condition). 500+360=$860, but lets be nice and round that number up to me having to pay $1,000 per year to keep myself healthy. I'll guaran-damn-tee you that the amount you pay into your tax system which goes directly to funding health care is a hell of a lot more than $1,000 per person, per year.
7 out of 10 yanks dont even have a dental plan.
While about 99 out of 100 Brits don't even have healthy teeth. Dude. I liked hanging out in London, but those were some of the scariest smiles I'd seen in my life.
Oh, and show me a link to support your 7 out of 10 claim. That could mean that their health insurance plan doesn't cover cleanings, check ups, etc...but the vast majority of our health insurance plans will cover emergencies (like cracked teeth, oral surgeries, etc) as a regular medical expense.
A quick look on the net at US dental stuff exposes a minefield of plans with 20-80% off 'fees'....subject to blah de blah blah.
Can you be a wee bit more unambiguous than "US dental stuff" please? What exactly did you see that was so shocking? Our system needs massive overhaul, but is still better than any socialized system (despite most of our own feebile-minded American left insisting on trying to drag us down into the socialized health care gutter).
I'd like to have you find me a link showing where an American waited for 10 years before he was able to see a doctor on US soil, please.
Over here:
You go to the fúcking dentist.
Then you go home.
After having waited 10 years, by which time all your teeth have probably fallen out.
Grand...I get to go to the dentist so he can scratch my empty gums with cold metal instruments.
BTW. NHS dentists only have a contract with a quota of patients.
They can do as much private stuff as they want outside that contract.
Then how in the hell do you explain a patient having to wait 10 years to see a
dentist? And couldn't that practice be considered making money off of the "sick of injured"...a concept which horrifies most of the left? Why is that somehow okay, but a private health care system is not?
As far as "waste of resources" is concerned, learn some basic arithmetic.
We cover 100% of the population with 10% GDP.
You have your private pig-in-a-poke system and it costs you 15% of GDP.
So what? The Brits are an island that's about the size of Ohio. The USA has around 260 million residents. I think its somewhat of an apples and oranges comparison, but if you want to play, I can.
Screw GDP, and lets get down to brass tacks. Through work, my health insurance costs me about $30 a month. Out of pocket expenses have average maybe $500 a year (I don't get sick very often, and try to keep myself in good physical condition). 500+360=$860, but lets be nice and round that number up to me having to pay $1,000 per year to keep myself healthy. I'll guaran-damn-tee you that the amount you pay into your tax system which goes directly to funding health care is a hell of a lot more than $1,000 per person, per year.