Can someone explain the logic behind this? This can’t be a real article lol. So let me get this straight, the shit raiders and their all mighty intelligent round table board has mandated all employees be vaccinated? Well sure as fuck seems like a person who gets paid to play football and wears the raiders uniform is an employee to me. How many get cut before the first game then? Or do those employees get a special pass? As a fan where can I find legit verification of Mr. Davis and his vaccine (SS) card or how about the governor also?
So if you took the jab you don’t have to wear a mask and can attend a game. So this means if you took the jab you don’t have anything to worry about. So why does it matter who has or hasn’t? And the logic behind you can take the jab at the stadium and walk on in but just have to wear a mask. Jesus fucking Christ where is the logic behind any of this shit lmao. So if a person hasn’t had the jab they just show up at the gate with a mask and walk in. Then they just take the mask off lol (because you sure as fuck know this is what 75% will do)! Yeah okay great plan.
So the state of Nevada cares about the health of people. And so do the raiders. So they will just jab ya up right at the gate and your good to go. Care so much about health they think that jab immediately takes affect and your good to go hahaha. Just come on back week 8 for that 2nd jab.
If the raiders really care so much about the health of people they would make it mandatory (SS) vaccine passports be shown to enter game. No Nazi card no game. But no way they sacrifice money and empty seats over health and safety of people.
The wealthiest country, with the best medical, most resources, and the biggest media outlets somehow is the epicenter of the virus. Meanwhile, the entire continent of Africa has 1/8th the deaths of USA with a population 5x more. Yet, more poverty, less resources, no mask mandates or lockdowns and way less vaccinated population.
This clown world is nothing more than one big simulation matrix. Narratives controlled by the internet and A.I. Bots. Manipulate the minds and produce constant fear. The most powerful thing in the world is fear. Establish fear and you establish control. They did this years ago in the form of religion to control people. Just like a religious God, the virus is invisible. Just like the Bible informs and educates the truth, the media will be the source of truth on covid. But the minute a logical question is brought up that can disprove something, the goal post are moved once again. Just keep on moving them goal post and fencing in all them sheep.
NFL should make unvaccinated players where pink cleats!