Breaking News: Raiders require vaccine for all fans attending Las Vegas home games


New member
May 13, 2020
Skoda - I assume you are talking about MIA @ Cincy preseason week 3? My Seattle week 1 went for 299 ea. I only get get 90% because of ticketgaymaster (who also charged buyer 20 - 25% more). They are a racket. My Cincy tickets 11/21 - in Vegas - went for 469 each (buyer paid +19%^); I get 469 - 10% each. I'm cool with a a plus (net) +128.16% profit on the game; I'm cool with selling all games at an almost 168% profit for season. Sadly; wont see a game this year; but have seen my seats back in early June at PSL holder viewing. It is a beautiful stadium. I think ticket prices start going down from here; and the article is for real as I got an email from Raiders saying it. I could be wrong on pricing going down from here; we shall see; good luck rest of year gents. I got two more years of free tickets comin my way.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Boycott the Raiders? That'll be the day. Way too many fans around the globe.

Unvaccinated don't have a choice, they're not boycotting but they may eventually

I wouldn't want to implement any policy that literally kills a substantial part of my market.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Skoda - I assume you are talking about MIA @ Cincy preseason week 3? My Seattle week 1 went for 299 ea. I only get get 90% because of ticketgaymaster (who also charged buyer 20 - 25% more). They are a racket. My Cincy tickets 11/21 - in Vegas - went for 469 each (buyer paid +19%^); I get 469 - 10% each. I'm cool with a a plus (net) +128.16% profit on the game; I'm cool with selling all games at an almost 168% profit for season. Sadly; wont see a game this year; but have seen my seats back in early June at PSL holder viewing. It is a beautiful stadium. I think ticket prices start going down from here; and the article is for real as I got an email from Raiders saying it. I could be wrong on pricing going down from here; we shall see; good luck rest of year gents. I got two more years of free tickets comin my way.

Sounds like your tickets sales occurred before this announcement

Jan 5, 2008
I was being facetious how are they going to boycott if their not even allowed in the park. Thinking a lot of Raider fans are not vaccinated.

You missed the point and stupidity of the situation. You can go to the game vaxed or not. You just have to wear a mask if not vaxed. So once you walk in the stadium you can simply remove your mask. Which you know many if not all will do. And the ones who do wear a mask will likely be the ones who are vaxed.

You don’t have to wear a mask when eating or drinking. You know people will be eating and drinking. There is no way to enforce and control this stupid ideology of “look at us we care about health so much we are doing this” yet we care so much we will not make our players get the jab or get cut. You can divide half the stadium for vax other for non and have security try and enforce non vax who take mask off. But logic says just buy a beer and saybtou are drinking.

End of the day it’s pointless and stupid! It makes no logical sense. And it’s a NFL game not to mention crazy raider fans. Add in alcohol and the moment security or other fans see people remove mask and say something you will have flat out brawls.

Again, If Mr Davis cares so much then why is it not mandatory for his players? It’s all BS fake ass precaution that some deep throating clowns like 3peet praise like it’s a great idea but too stupid to see there is no logic behind it that makes any difference. The raiders no damn well what they are doing. And if they cared soo much it would be mandatory (SS) vaccine passport or no entering game. Mandatory (SS) vaccine passport or your cut as a player. But they aren’t going to take health and safety over losing $.

Aug 4, 2013
The Raiders will offer the opportunity for fans to receive vaccinations on site at Allegiant Stadium prior to Raiders home games, permitting newly vaccinated fans to enter wearing a mask.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You missed the point and stupidity of the situation. You can go to the game vaxed or not. You just have to wear a mask if not vaxed. So once you walk in the stadium you can simply remove your mask. Which you know many if not all will do. And the ones who do wear a mask will likely be the ones who are vaxed.

You don’t have to wear a mask when eating or drinking. You know people will be eating and drinking. There is no way to enforce and control this stupid ideology of “look at us we care about health so much we are doing this” yet we care so much we will not make our players get the jab or get cut. You can divide half the stadium for vax other for non and have security try and enforce non vax who take mask off. But logic says just buy a beer and saybtou are drinking.

End of the day it’s pointless and stupid! It makes no logical sense. And it’s a NFL game not to mention crazy raider fans. Add in alcohol and the moment security or other fans see people remove mask and say something you will have flat out brawls.

Again, If Mr Davis cares so much then why is it not mandatory for his players? It’s all BS fake ass precaution that some deep throating clowns like 3peet praise like it’s a great idea but too stupid to see there is no logic behind it that makes any difference. The raiders no damn well what they are doing. And if they cared soo much it would be mandatory (SS) vaccine passport or no entering game. Mandatory (SS) vaccine passport or your cut as a player. But they aren’t going to take health and safety over losing $.

OMG, now that's funny. Here I thought you were not allowed into the stadium without a vaccine card, but those people only have to wear a mask

Damn that is silly, it's not even news worthy

Don't most Raider fans wear masks anyhow? :)

PS: none of my previous statements in this thread apply, firgetaboutit

New member
May 13, 2020
Willie99 - Correct; sold 7/10 games May 14 - 18; sold KC May 23; chargers not mentioning; Denver sold today 20 minutes after I dropped price from $450 per ticket to $350 per ticket; hope that helps 10/10 gone baby gone as long as games go off. Seattle went off at full capacity as all should be well aware of - and preseason (are you kidding me?). So pray rest of season goes off for me and good luck in Sharkey's draw should you want a game...... Otherwise I'm sold out (in theory at this point). Ja mon..

Apr 2, 2020
Outstanding! Bravo Mark Davis. Hey and Kudos to the ATL Falcons for having a 100% vaccinated team.

I have a feeling -- although NOBODY is talking about it -- that any unvaxxed players "on the bubble"
will be cut, so that most teams, if not all, will be 100% vaccinated.

After all, a COVID outbreak on EITHER team (home or visitor) can lead to a forfeited contest!
So, if you (or I) owned a team, would you want some unvaccinated scrub possibly cost your
team a playoff berth?

Not likely.

It's a BS move by the NFL as far as I'm concerned, but they will undoubtedly spin it as
"guarding the health and safety of our players."

...When in reality, of course, they'll be guarding their MONEY.

All for some BS superflu, and the accompanying political agenda that slithered in with it.

Jesus Christ, this has regressed to absolute lunacy at this point.

Aug 4, 2013
Come on man read the article. Take the jab they’ll let you in but promise to wear a mask. Why don’t they offer free tickets if you get vaccinated at the door. State of Nevada can afford that.
Nov 8, 2012
I have a feeling -- although NOBODY is talking about it -- that any unvaxxed players "on the bubble"
will be cut, so that most teams, if not all, will be 100% vaccinated.

After all, a COVID outbreak on EITHER team (home or visitor) can lead to a forfeited contest!
So, if you (or I) owned a team, would you want some unvaccinated scrub possibly cost your
team a playoff berth?

Not likely.

It's a BS move by the NFL as far as I'm concerned, but they will undoubtedly spin it as
"guarding the health and safety of our players."

...When in reality, of course, they'll be guarding their MONEY.

All for some BS superflu, and the accompanying political agenda that slithered in with it.

Jesus Christ, this has regressed to absolute lunacy at this point.

no doubt. If 2 players are equal, the vaccinated player will give the team a better chance to win based on covid protocols

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Can someone explain the logic behind this? This can’t be a real article lol. So let me get this straight, the shit raiders and their all mighty intelligent round table board has mandated all employees be vaccinated? Well sure as fuck seems like a person who gets paid to play football and wears the raiders uniform is an employee to me. How many get cut before the first game then? Or do those employees get a special pass? As a fan where can I find legit verification of Mr. Davis and his vaccine (SS) card or how about the governor also?

So if you took the jab you don’t have to wear a mask and can attend a game. So this means if you took the jab you don’t have anything to worry about. So why does it matter who has or hasn’t? And the logic behind you can take the jab at the stadium and walk on in but just have to wear a mask. Jesus fucking Christ where is the logic behind any of this shit lmao. So if a person hasn’t had the jab they just show up at the gate with a mask and walk in. Then they just take the mask off lol (because you sure as fuck know this is what 75% will do)! Yeah okay great plan.

So the state of Nevada cares about the health of people. And so do the raiders. So they will just jab ya up right at the gate and your good to go. Care so much about health they think that jab immediately takes affect and your good to go hahaha. Just come on back week 8 for that 2nd jab.

If the raiders really care so much about the health of people they would make it mandatory (SS) vaccine passports be shown to enter game. No Nazi card no game. But no way they sacrifice money and empty seats over health and safety of people.

The wealthiest country, with the best medical, most resources, and the biggest media outlets somehow is the epicenter of the virus. Meanwhile, the entire continent of Africa has 1/8th the deaths of USA with a population 5x more. Yet, more poverty, less resources, no mask mandates or lockdowns and way less vaccinated population.

This clown world is nothing more than one big simulation matrix. Narratives controlled by the internet and A.I. Bots. Manipulate the minds and produce constant fear. The most powerful thing in the world is fear. Establish fear and you establish control. They did this years ago in the form of religion to control people. Just like a religious God, the virus is invisible. Just like the Bible informs and educates the truth, the media will be the source of truth on covid. But the minute a logical question is brought up that can disprove something, the goal post are moved once again. Just keep on moving them goal post and fencing in all them sheep.

NFL should make unvaccinated players where pink cleats!
There is no logic with the vaccinated being spreaders now. Prob a few hundred illegals have been given season tix as well as they came across the border

Dec 15, 2004
They are allowing season ticket holders to roll over their ticket purchases to the following season if they don't wish to comply and get vaccinated. As far as the previous posters. I still don't think you understand. You can't enter the stadium without being vaccinated. They are making people who get their shot at the stadium wear masks because the it takes two weeks for the vaccination to become effective. No one is getting in without having at least one jab.

Jan 5, 2008
They are allowing season ticket holders to roll over their ticket purchases to the following season if they don't wish to comply and get vaccinated. As far as the previous posters. I still don't think you understand. You can't enter the stadium without being vaccinated. They are making people who get their shot at the stadium wear masks because the it takes two weeks for the vaccination to become effective. No one is getting in without having at least one jab.

Where in the article does it say ONLY vaccinated can enter? Not saying it’s not true but I know how they love to spin words. I just see it says (SS) passport fans will not have to wear a mask. It never clearly states that ONLY vaxed can enter. Just that ONLY vaxed can enter without having to wear a mask. Stating it will require all fans to show proof of Vax to enter without having to wear a mask. That’s pretty subjective to interpretation imo and never clearly says who can’t enter.

If true, do we bet the raiders since Lamar Jackson won’t be able to enter the stadium?

New member
May 13, 2020
JackStraw77 - The entire stadium (all 65,000) is PSL owned. They only way to get a ticket is on the secondary market or if you know a friend who has a PSL they can transfer tickets to you. You are correct you can get a full refund for 9/10 games as Seattle went off; just like the entire stadium was refunded or transferred what they paid for 2020 to 2021. The PSL's were extended for 30 years from 2020 to start in 2021. If you sold the tickets; it is now the ticket owners responsibility to be vaxxed. Bottom line take the two shots if you haven't already if you want to see a Raiders game (and more teams will start doing it too).

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I’m a die hard Bengals fan. If they require a vaccine to attend a game, it will give me a reason to never go and watch this pathetic team again. Lol
Nov 8, 2012
I’m a die hard Bengals fan. If they require a vaccine to attend a game, it will give me a reason to never go and watch this pathetic team again. Lol

the difference is that demand to go to a raiders game is HIGH

the demand to go to a bengals game? Well, we know this answer

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
JackStraw77 - The entire stadium (all 65,000) is PSL owned. They only way to get a ticket is on the secondary market or if you know a friend who has a PSL they can transfer tickets to you. You are correct you can get a full refund for 9/10 games as Seattle went off; just like the entire stadium was refunded or transferred what they paid for 2020 to 2021. The PSL's were extended for 30 years from 2020 to start in 2021. If you sold the tickets; it is now the ticket owners responsibility to be vaxxed. Bottom line take the two shots if you haven't already if you want to see a Raiders game (and more teams will start doing it too).

when the Patriots are coming to Vegas, I'll be interested in buying your tickets

that may be our biggest road trip ever in terms of people, everyone wants to go to that game

New member
May 13, 2020
Willie; no problemo mon. Ya never know; could be next year depending on this year's final division stands. This year Vegas got Miami; next year Vegas gets AFC East at home again (one game). Peace.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
well SoCally at least you got a vaccine that enhances the transmissibility of a virus running through your least you got that going for you

All fans, regardless of vaccination status, will be required to wear masks at all Rams and Chargers home games. This includes while seated and in all other locations inside SoFi Stadium

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