On one hand, I'm totally disgusted with the actions of "some" in the black community. On the other hand, to lump all blacks
as being bad, and to talk about killing blacks in general is disgusting and makes the white people making those racist comments
look just as bad as the people they are criticizing.
On one hand, I'm totally disgusted with the actions of "some" in the black community. On the other hand, to lump all blacks
as being bad, and to talk about killing blacks in general is disgusting and makes the white people making those racist comments
look just as bad as the people they are criticizing.
On one hand, I'm totally disgusted with the actions of "some" in the black community. On the other hand, to lump all blacks
as being bad, and to talk about killing blacks in general is disgusting and makes the white people making those racist comments
look just as bad as the people they are criticizing.
This post takes the cake. Exploding racist comments on social media?
Just look at all the racist shit in this very thread
On one hand, I'm totally disgusted with the actions of "some" in the black community. On the other hand, to lump all blacks
as being bad, and to talk about killing blacks in general is disgusting and makes the white people making those racist comments
look just as bad as the people they are criticizing.
Vitterd. 2 questions. Is BLM a legitimate group and should Obama and Hillary be talking to them as though they are legitimate? Do you think that Sharpton should be an advisor to Obama and be invited to the White House?
White people sticking up for cop killers....LMAO
Now things are really getting bad.
A legit group? Yes....I understand why it exists. They have some horrible people involved. Many want peace and just to be heard. In fact, the majority seem to be decent people but some in the group are poison.
I dislike Sharpton and think he's an opportunist that only cares about himself. I'm not sure he's an advisor to Obama in any way. And certainly Obama is smart enough to understand that Sharpton is a clown.
Where did you see anyone in here sticking up with the cop killers? If you want to be able to be taken seriously in here, and want to have rational
discussion on an issue, you need to actually understand and articulate the position of the people you are arguing with.
But he is not sharp enough to understand the words radical muslim terrorists?