the problem is leverage and the banks creating this alternate marketplace and than they packaged them up and dispersed them all over the globe and nobody know who owns what
the crashing housing market wouldn't be that big a deal without all the banking leverage as well as the fancy CDOs, SIVs and other shit associated with it
5% fucking up can fuck up everything and spill into the whole economy as we are seeing
what the treasury is attempting to do is now create a market for this toxic trash nobody wants to take so they can take losses on this garbage and move on.....
the treasury isn't saving the banks many will still go under and they will have to take losses on this shit
they just averting the doomsday scenerio where the whole system locks up
If the derivatives are restructured to pay less interest, then the mortgages securing them can be refinanced to bring down the monthly payments. Consequently, the value of the houses may not be less than the cost of the mortgages. This would allow many homeowners to stay in their homes and continue to make their payments.
If the Government correspondingly buys these derivatives at a significantly reduced price, there would be no default on them and no claim on the CDS insurers. The financial institutions would then be relieved of their bad debt, and investors are likely to then provide the much needed liquidity. The Government will purchase these securities at a discount, so that the loss incurred by restructuring them won't be too costly. But not such a large discount to force the selling institutions into bankruptcy. The Government will then refinance the mortgages based on current housing values, and resell them on the open market with guarantees to make them more attractive to investors.
Hopefully, this will stabilize the housing market and stem the flow of foreclosures. If so, the refinanced mortgages will be repaid, and the Government will recoup most of its outlays.
But, even in a best case scenario, Government borrowing will have to increase significantly. And if this is not addressed, it will ultimately result in higher interest rates and a new downturn in the housing market. And neither Bush, nor McCain, nor Obama seems willing to recognize this fact.