The Real DC (Dee Costen) DUKE -2 +125 50*
Krazee Karlos/The Greasy Rican - Powdered Milk & Government Cheese Play Duke +1.5 -115*
The Total Titan Over 139 / 15 100 Units
ADULT SWIM - Stay In The Shallow End Play: Duke 1st Half pk -105 PUSH
The Gambling Gourmet : Duke +1 Buffet Bonanza Play
Chili Dog Charlie: The Works: Duke & Over
GoGoTrips: Go Time Under 1st Half WINNER
VVV Vegas Vinnie Valentine Triple Play Duke 1st PUSH
The Sports Practitioner Duke 1st Half PUSH
Philly Larry: Say Hello To My Little Friend: OVER 140
Krazee Karlos/The Greasy Rican - Powdered Milk & Government Cheese Play Duke +1.5 -115*
The Total Titan Over 139 / 15 100 Units
ADULT SWIM - Stay In The Shallow End Play: Duke 1st Half pk -105 PUSH
The Gambling Gourmet : Duke +1 Buffet Bonanza Play
Chili Dog Charlie: The Works: Duke & Over
GoGoTrips: Go Time Under 1st Half WINNER
VVV Vegas Vinnie Valentine Triple Play Duke 1st PUSH
The Sports Practitioner Duke 1st Half PUSH
Philly Larry: Say Hello To My Little Friend: OVER 140