Bookie Report 2017 NBA

Oct 31, 2010
Hahahahaha been there plenty of times... Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Pinapple.

Poker like sports betting is a love hate relationship <:)<:)

I won the craziest hand of my poker life. Pot of night was 31k. I had 99 flop came A 9 5. I flop a set and 2 other guys betting and reraiseing into me. Turn comes K. They are still betting and raising and now I am thinking maybe one of them has pocket aces and it's set over set. The guy beside me goes all in. Now I am heads up in a side pot. I had been winning all night so I had him covered. 9 comes on the river and I hit QUADS!!!! the one guy who went in early had pocket 5s so he had a set. Once the 9 came on the river the guy bets his whole stack which was like another 10k with his aces full. I couldn't call fast enough. Turns out he had me til the river. I will take it!!!! I also won a high hand jackpot with the hand as well!! Crazy no limit game

Sep 6, 2015
Thx brah

New member
Feb 12, 2009
I won the craziest hand of my poker life. Pot of night was 31k. I had 99 flop came A 9 5. I flop a set and 2 other guys betting and reraiseing into me. Turn comes K. They are still betting and raising and now I am thinking maybe one of them has pocket aces and it's set over set. The guy beside me goes all in. Now I am heads up in a side pot. I had been winning all night so I had him covered. 9 comes on the river and I hit QUADS!!!! the one guy who went in early had pocket 5s so he had a set. Once the 9 came on the river the guy bets his whole stack which was like another 10k with his aces full. I couldn't call fast enough. Turns out he had me til the river. I will take it!!!! I also won a high hand jackpot with the hand as well!! Crazy no limit game

Hahaha man two boats 5's full and aces full DESTROYED by quads!!! That's a hell of a setup, just reeled em in... Better to be lucky than good always. I'd rather play against good players than lucky players.

Talk about a bad beat for them lol. Not sure what the guy with 5's was thinking, thinking he's still good with all that action.

Nicely done friend (<)<

Mar 20, 2014
Sorry to all you people that hate poker stories

I was playing small stakes cash at Winstar in Oklahoma.
I do not like to change tables once I get a seat I stay there no matter what.
For over 8 hours the biggest card I saw in my hand was a 6 hard to believe but it is true.
The table starts breaking up and the house decides to shut down the table
I am really PO because I love playing short handed.
Moved to another table this guy was killing the table and he was so drunk I do not know
how he was still standing he must have been on crack to keep him going.
He would play 1 hand and run out to the casino to smoke a cigarette he was extremely annoying
and everyone at the table was in their 20's.
He was around 50 and I was around 55.
He was constantly talking shit and I was laughing my ass off to me it was funny.
He wanted to play pool for money said he could beat anyone playing pool.
I noticed he had a half moon hole the size of a pool stick that took out half of 3 teeth maybe 4.
He goes out to smoke and comes back with a hamburger.
I am in seat 3 and he is in seat 4
He starts talking shit and hamburger meat is flying across the table and hitting
the guys in seat 1 and seat 2 in the face I thought I was going to die laughing he did not
realise what was going on the 2 guys started screaming and he just kept talking shit.

I started getting some cards and winning some pots he started calling me cowboy
since I was from texas.
I get dealt pocket 10's for some reason I never lose with pocket 10's.
I am exhausted been playing for over 12 hours so I decide win or lose
this is my last hand.
I open with a large raise he re-raises me and I shuff all in preflop.
For around 5 minutes he is asking me over and over cowboy do you want me to call.
Finally I looked him in the eye and I was very serious I told him I do not
give a fk. what you do and I was just being honest. He calls the flop comes Ace King and a small card rainbow flop.
I really think I am dead after the river I show my pocket 10's everyone at the table
is confused he looks at his cards and he says I can not beat him and mucks his cards.

Could not get up he starts trying to get a side bet for my whole stack.
I told him I will bet you my whole stack that my 2 hole cards are lower than yours on the next hand.
He looked confused I said 2 3 is the nuts about that time the dealer said enough and started dealing.
So no bet I was dealt a 6 2 and he had the 6 5.
I got up to go to the restroom when I got back to the table he was already cashing in and I am
racking up my chips.
One of the players said sir can I ask you a question I said sure he says how do you shuff pocket 10's
I said did you notice he was playing every hand and calling large bets with trash the young
man said yes. Then I told the table how lucky I was with pocket 10's they still did not understand.

The next morning for a poker player morning is after lunch around 2pm.
I set down at a 2 5 table the first 13 hands this is what I was dealt.

44 hit a set on the flop
AA I make a very large preflop raise and 2 people call pocket AA hold up.
AA hit a full house on the turn.
77 hit a set on the flop no one believes I am still hitting hands so they are calling.
KK they hold up
KK hold up
KK hold up

How do I get this when the day before the only thing I see is a 6?

Mar 20, 2010
I won the craziest hand of my poker life. Pot of night was 31k. I had 99 flop came A 9 5. I flop a set and 2 other guys betting and reraiseing into me. Turn comes K. They are still betting and raising and now I am thinking maybe one of them has pocket aces and it's set over set. The guy beside me goes all in. Now I am heads up in a side pot. I had been winning all night so I had him covered. 9 comes on the river and I hit QUADS!!!! the one guy who went in early had pocket 5s so he had a set. Once the 9 came on the river the guy bets his whole stack which was like another 10k with his aces full. I couldn't call fast enough. Turns out he had me til the river. I will take it!!!! I also won a high hand jackpot with the hand as well!! Crazy no limit game
crazy - nice win dude!

Mar 20, 2010
Sorry to all you people that hate poker stories

I was playing small stakes cash at Winstar in Oklahoma.
I do not like to change tables once I get a seat I stay there no matter what.
For over 8 hours the biggest card I saw in my hand was a 6 hard to believe but it is true.
The table starts breaking up and the house decides to shut down the table
I am really PO because I love playing short handed.
Moved to another table this guy was killing the table and he was so drunk I do not know
how he was still standing he must have been on crack to keep him going.
He would play 1 hand and run out to the casino to smoke a cigarette he was extremely annoying
and everyone at the table was in their 20's.
He was around 50 and I was around 55.
He was constantly talking shit and I was laughing my ass off to me it was funny.
He wanted to play pool for money said he could beat anyone playing pool.
I noticed he had a half moon hole the size of a pool stick that took out half of 3 teeth maybe 4.
He goes out to smoke and comes back with a hamburger.
I am in seat 3 and he is in seat 4
He starts talking shit and hamburger meat is flying across the table and hitting
the guys in seat 1 and seat 2 in the face I thought I was going to die laughing he did not
realise what was going on the 2 guys started screaming and he just kept talking shit.

I started getting some cards and winning some pots he started calling me cowboy
since I was from texas.
I get dealt pocket 10's for some reason I never lose with pocket 10's.
I am exhausted been playing for over 12 hours so I decide win or lose
this is my last hand.
I open with a large raise he re-raises me and I shuff all in preflop.
For around 5 minutes he is asking me over and over cowboy do you want me to call.
Finally I looked him in the eye and I was very serious I told him I do not
give a fk. what you do and I was just being honest. He calls the flop comes Ace King and a small card rainbow flop.
I really think I am dead after the river I show my pocket 10's everyone at the table
is confused he looks at his cards and he says I can not beat him and mucks his cards.

Could not get up he starts trying to get a side bet for my whole stack.
I told him I will bet you my whole stack that my 2 hole cards are lower than yours on the next hand.
He looked confused I said 2 3 is the nuts about that time the dealer said enough and started dealing.
So no bet I was dealt a 6 2 and he had the 6 5.
I got up to go to the restroom when I got back to the table he was already cashing in and I am
racking up my chips.
One of the players said sir can I ask you a question I said sure he says how do you shuff pocket 10's
I said did you notice he was playing every hand and calling large bets with trash the young
man said yes. Then I told the table how lucky I was with pocket 10's they still did not understand.

The next morning for a poker player morning is after lunch around 2pm.
I set down at a 2 5 table the first 13 hands this is what I was dealt.

44 hit a set on the flop
AA I make a very large preflop raise and 2 people call pocket AA hold up.
AA hit a full house on the turn.
77 hit a set on the flop no one believes I am still hitting hands so they are calling.
KK they hold up
KK hold up
KK hold up

How do I get this when the day before the only thing I see is a 6?
and this is awesome - used to play a ton of poker - love it!

Sep 6, 2015
Thanks book, gl

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