the amount of wrong info the media has released or jumped to conclusion is sickening. those people should be tried for their own crimes IMO along with the suspects. i dont know how the fbi managed to get it right, but they nailed it on the head and waited until they did enough DD to come out with it. i know everyone wants justice, god knows i do, i was only blocks away the day of the blast and i live at the top of boylston street where its closed off but to jump the gun and start pointing the finger without credable evidence i find disturbing. basically anyone walking around that day with a backpack if your picture was taken near the finish your presumed guilty. thats not what this country was founded on, i find it disgusting.
i have to tip my cap to all the investigators on this case, the amount of pictures and videos they had to pour thru is mindboggling to me and when i saw the video they released yesterday i was astonished i immediately thought to myself, those 2 must be shitting their pants right now. then the fbi released even more photo's last night that tied them together was amazing, they also choose not to release a pic of one of the suspects dropping the bag at the scene, they nailed this case dead to right. well done!