BIZ tout service reviews, comments, record tracking, info, etc

Feb 20, 2002
This is the last time I'll respond.

Evidently a lie. Where have we heard that tune from Biz. before. See posts #17 & #19 in this thread.

Odds he'll be back again in this thread or any other thread/s i start re tout Biz:

Yes, he'll be back: -1000
No, he won't be back: +1000

Can you trust the word of touts?

About as far as you can drop kick a Mercedes-Benz?
Feb 20, 2002
This is the last time I'll respond.

We've heard that from Biz at least 2 times before & it was a lie. See posts #17 & #19 in this thread.

Odds he'll be back again in this thread or any other thread/s i start re tout Biz:

Yes, he'll be back: -1000
No, he won't be back: +1000

Can you trust the word of touts?

About as far as you can drop kick a Mercedes-Benz?

New member
Nov 22, 2020
Hey XFiles..Biz has already said he wants to keep things positive and move move on...youve made your point..youre a "hero of the people" a modern day Robin Hood for copy and pasting plays to your go find another thread troll.
Feb 20, 2002
Hey XFiles..Biz has already said he wants to keep things positive and move move on...youve made your point..youre a "hero of the people" a modern day Robin Hood for copy and pasting plays to your go find another thread troll.

What Biz wants is irrelevant. The work of a tout critique or a tout watchdog or a tout investigative reporter is not to "keep things positive and move on". Duh.

Of course he wants to "keep things positive and move on". He doesn't want to talk about losing seasons in various sports. He has a lot to hide & keep secret.

This is my thread & i'm in this forum to inform whoever cares to listen - the naive & intelligent alike - re (1) the scumbag tout business and (2) where they can get free picks from proven long term winners. This may very well prove to be very helpful to many. The latter has already been beneficial to a lot of people, as have my highly successful NFL, NCAAF, NCAAB, etc, picks threads.

As to points made, i've barely begun doing that & have yet to respond to the rest of Biz's latest post, his video, etc.
Feb 20, 2002
Back to the topic of this thread which is BIZ's tout service. Since posting the OP (quoted above) i see a number of red flags:

1) When requested to post his year by year records by sport, BIZ responded with:

Originally Posted by Biz

I'm not digging up years of records.

That's a huge red flag.

He should have had those records handy in a file & posted them in about 3 seconds.

Instead he cherry picks certain alleged positive records, like his 2020 MLB season, like other touts cherry pick records that put them in a good light & mislead readers, particularly the naïve.

This is a failure of full disclosure, a failure to be up front, a failure to be transparent. What has he got to hide?

Does he expect us to believe he kept a record for MLB 2020, which he continually cherry picks, even putting it in his every post, but he hasn't kept a record for the present season of 2021? Or MLB 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, etc. To say nothing of all his other year by year records in other sports: NFL, NCAAB, NCAAF, etc.

He continually boasts about his alleged great 2020 MLB season. But a guy can lose as many units a previous year or next year as he won in a good year. So 2020 doesn't tell us if he's a long term winner or loser at MLB, let alone other sports.

This is the last time I'll respond.

1) "alleged" positive records. Its 100% documented right here on this forum

Don't you get it. From my perspective they're alleged until i verify the record is accurate. Anyone can fudge posted records.

And of course you ignore the real issues i've addressed.
Feb 20, 2002
(2) Another red flag. Never answered this question properly:

That's just lousy customer service. Don't expect it to get any better via private emails, if it's that bad in public where many people are reading it.

2) This answer was so crystal clear, only an idiot wouldn't understand it.

Nonsense. My post #20 contained a multiple choice (A, B, or C) for you to answer. Did you answer it, saying A, B, or C? No, your only apparent answer, in the next post, post #21, was "Immediately. Anyone signing up today starts service today." Which obviously doesn't address the issue i raised in post #20. Evidently you didn't even read what i said, or didn't understand it, or something. So in post #23 i ask for clarification. But that post is never answered and you soon thereafter started a new thread requesting everyone stay out of it. And now you've lowered yourself to name calling over a sincere inquiry that you never answered from a potential customer who at that point was leaning towards buying your service. Not any more. I invite anyone interested to see for themselves that i'm telling the truth.
Feb 20, 2002
(3) Another red flag. Doesn't have a FAQ page. This would save him the trouble of repeatedly answering the same questions via email.

A FAQ page would be also be public knowledge. Why not have this, then. What's there to hide or why want to keep FAQ info private via private emails?

3) Having people send an email with questions actually is better. It gives me chance to speak to them directly and introduce myself.

You can speak to them directly (in private) via email & introduce yourself, but you can't do that via posts on a public forum?

What's there to hide?
Feb 20, 2002
(4) Another red flag. There hasn't been even one customer here, posting in this thread, to vouch for this service.

I don't know how many years this guy has been betting or had a tout service, but if his rep is so great on this site, as he alleges, why hasn't he documented over all the years he's been here at least a dozen supporters he can provide links to their posts that support his service?

Maybe more later. Including some remarks re his youtube video of some 12 minutes.

4) I can send out an email right now, and ask people to come here and write a testimonial. This page would be filled. I don't. Ya know why?? Because I don't have to. Also, I have had hundreds of people respond in my hundreds of winning posts thanking me for a winning day.

You don't have to, but it would be of a great benefit to potential clients considering your service. And why not leave the choice up to your customers. Of course many would call your bluff & BS on your claim that this "page would be filled". Many people understand that the tout business is full of bull shit artists. Ditto for used car salesmen. As for your "hundreds of people respond in my hundreds of winning posts thanking me for a winning day" of course you ignore the hundreds of your losing posts. Are you a long term winner? Prove it.
Feb 20, 2002
This is the last time I'll respond.


Have a devoted beautiful wife that would do anything for me. 2 dogs, many friends. A job.

...In my spare time I handicap sports and have been doing so successfully for the last 10 years.

So you have a job and on the side another job which you call handicapping sports? IOW 2 jobs? Where does your tout business fit into that? The first job, the second job or is it a separate third job?

Added to everything else going on in your busy life it becomes apparent why you may keep stating you don't have time to respond to posts. An overly busy life will have an impact on the quality of your handicapping & tout services.

What do you do with your time?

Since you don't have the talent for this,

The subject of this thread is you, not me, and whether or not - you - have any talent as a tout. So let's not change the subject as an attempt at distraction from what you are hiding, namely your sport by sport records year after year. Though i will clue you in this much:

"Won 200 units from Dec.19 thru Feb/20.":

you spend your days furiously pounding your keyboard, sweat dripping from your brow, in a desperate attempt to discredit those that are successful in a space that most fail.

Which successful people have i been trying to discredit? Can you name even 3? I doubt it. How would you know if anyone else is successful?

If you are successful, why are you still hiding your year by year records in multiple sports? You know, the ones you said you were refusing to dig up?

You are obviously confused & have little clue about me. My purpose here is not to "discredit" anyone (though obviously many touts are scumbags who deserve to be discredited. Do you deny this?) It is to speak the truth about touts & the tout industry for the benefit of informing the naïve and intelligent alike, resulting in them hopefully being able to make more informed choices and avoid scumbags. (Something you don't appear to have much if any interest in doing, from what i've seen). Such as re what touts would be best to sign up with. Or, alternately, avoiding touts altogether and going with the option of following the free picks of long term proven winners.

Send me your Venmo for a commission.

I have no interest in anything from you.

Feb 20, 2002
Inquiring minds don't want a report only on the 2020 MLB season, which was reportedly a good season for Biz. They want full disclosure on records in every sport he bets in every year.

Inquiring minds don't just want the one good season. They want the "good, the bad, and the ugly".

Inquiring minds want full disclosure, transparency, honesty, truth.

Inquiring minds don't want a used car salesman on a commission only income keeping it only positive and only telling them the good, positive things about the lemon car they are trying to hook you on. Welcome to the scumbag tout industry.

Inquiring minds want to know. What's Biz hiding?

The same could be asked of every tout on this forum. Just substitute their name for Biz in the question above.
Feb 20, 2002
Inquiring minds don't want a report only on the 2020 MLB season, which was reportedly a good season for Biz. They want full disclosure on records in every sport he bets in every year.

Inquiring minds don't just want the one good season. They want the "good, the bad, and the ugly".

Inquiring minds want full disclosure, transparency, honesty, truth.

Inquiring minds don't want a used car salesman on a commission only income keeping it only positive and only telling them the good, positive things about the lemon car they are trying to hook you on. Welcome to the scumbag tout industry.

Inquiring minds want to know. What's Biz hiding?

The same could be asked of every tout on this forum. Just substitute their name for Biz in the question above.

The jury is still out re Biz sports.

New member
Nov 22, 2020
Hey Biz i pushed this guy to work with you lol. 1st post who's ghost is this Biz? lol what a bull shit post buddy for your 1st post.

Hey Street are so full of ?. Dont worry about the number of posts Ive made..cuz I have a feeling after this one people will know the slime ball you are..Here's a lil sample size for ya✌

How you guys can continue to harass Biz, while Ninja’s boy StreetSmart continues to be the biggest con artist in this forum’s history, is amazing.

I, like many people, have followed Biz for years. I “met” him 10 years ago, and this random connection was one of the best things to happen to me. Is he the greatest handicapper of all time??* No, and he will be the first one to tell you that. But what I do know from first hand knowledge is that the guy works hard and has made me a lot of money.

Now X I don’t know why you have such a weird obesession for the guy. I really don’t. You act like you’re the IRS, asking for an audit for his entire history of betting. Like he said, he has littered this forum with winner after winner.* Never brags.* Never badgers people over and over to give him money. I have bought his Breeders’ Cup reports and the guy literally put 10s of thousands of dollars in my pocket. The day he won 10k at Saratoga, I followed along.

We have had our share of losing days and losing months. He doesn’t make excuses, owns the losses, and tries to make the next day or months a winning one. I trust him.*

Unlike SS.

SS said buy my sheet and I’ll never ask for another dollar.* Nothing could be further from the truth.* He has badgered me and I’m sure every other person that has purchased his sheet for hundreds of dollars, with a stable of “experts” that will make you rich.

Yes, as a lurker here I saw his baseball picks and thought why not. Its cheap enough.*

He sold his original sheet in April.

June rolls around and he has a “wiseguy” text service for $75.*

June 13:

“Please treat these as 1-2* plays until they get hot then increase. I need my sheets to make you money and not have these cut into my profits. I too play these but at a minimal amount. The WNBA guy has been ice cold BUT I have been using him for 10 years now and he NEVER had a losing season. I'm not keeping records on these and I know they have all been off BUT my system for WNBA totals was overhauled yesterday by my partner who originated these systems and he wants that play on my daily sheet BUT I told him no way until I see results.”

June 15: now we get golf

“Any golf players or bettors out there? Tomorrow is the US Open. I have 2 plays going tomorrow I want to share with you. Just letting you know. I do ok at times in Golf wagering.”

June 18:

“Yesterday was the worst day I ever had gambling. Not only losing every play on my sheet, I bet 3 additional sides and all 3 lost. If I wasn't doing this, I would take a break for a couple days but can't do that so hoping for a much better day today using these systems.”

June 26:

“I am taking a break from gambling for a while. Now you people will win, Can't deal with the way I am losing. Don't mind losing but it's the way I am losing. No text service today, watch your email if I get any wnba or wise guy action, hopefully not the way they have been going too. Smashed my cell last night so have to get a new one sometime today. There will be NO TEXT SERVICE TODAY! Worst week I had in years!”

June 29:

“Horrible last 2 weeks. Destroyed everything . Yesterday's best bet was based on a pitcher who has a 7 era and he throws up on the mound in the 2nd inning and leaves the game in comes relievers with a 2 era. Not making excuses just facts. Can't make excuses for the unbelievable downfall of these systems. First time in 5 years my son-in-law says these systems have been negative at any point in a season.”

June 30:

“My daily sheet will not be delivered until 11am et from now on. Getting emails where the lines I give are off. I understand your frustration as I am too, I am getting killed too. My lines I get from my locals' websites overnight lines, I will bet them. I will be updating and using current lines at 11am daily.”

July 1:

“No texting today! 10 losing days in a row. MY WNBA total will now be on my daily sheet. Texting will be for only the Wise guy play or any late play. WNBA total's records start today at 0-0 on this sheet as it's been a working progress, my partner wants it on this sheet from now on. Lines are from as of 9:45am et”

July 13: After a full month of losing, he sends this…yes asking for MONEY.

“Good morning,

* Please read the entire email and if you don't want his play just ignore it. Please don't respond with any bull shit emails. The originator of these systems is on board now FULL TIME and will be helping daily with the 2nd half of baseball system plays into football season. He has a system he uses for sides on games as well that he's been using for 3 years now and he keeps it to himself because that's just the way he is. I found out about it from his local that is a good friend of mine telling me that he won like 10+ in a row many times. I questioned him about it and was pissed that I was told. He said Ok then offer it to all your paid people to have his absolutely best bet daily on sides. He says most are -150 or lower in baseball, some underdogs. He said he used this system in football last year and betting one game per day (each sport CFB and NFL) this system went 82-37. He caught many underdogs using the money line. He said the lines only come into effect maybe 16% all season long. I know I said my sheet will never ask for another penny to my life time members. BUT in order to get his side play as my sheet is for totals only, he wants ONLY $75 from any customer who is on my 365 day or lifetime list, for his CGB,NFL side action. This will be on my list for any newcomer but the price for his plays for them is $225. He found out I offered life time membership AFTER he was on board and not telling him. Me personally, I would recommend you take his deal and IF he doesn't make you money, I will personally pay you back your $75 and get it back from him in my own way. You'll get approximately 150 plays for $75, cost is 50 cents per play with a complete refund on his side play system. Now if you don't like laying the -150 in bases take this and wait till football. Now the guarantee refund I am backing him on is for football only. I will be keeping a separate section just for his football plays (records). Plus this will keep him happy not getting anything yet from you, he'll get something ($75).*Remember, if you don't want this just delete this offer. This is not included with my sheet as it's only for totals. Oh also he bets 2nd half in football sides as well and those will get text to you if you sign up.* I know bases has been on a down fall, but expecting huge dividends this 2nd half. He is on board now full time so he'll be doing alot of the system capping from now on.* Best bets are going into the 2nd half on a 9-2 run, expecting to keep this run going. If you want his side plays just deposit the $75 to ****** today. Knowing him he'll probably want more after todays offer on this deal so do so today if interested. This will complete this sheet as if there are any additions after this they will be free. Don't say you should get this free after losing badly, as I agree but like I said before he wants to get something and making you money while getting something is all good for everyone involved. Asking for more money after the downfall in baseball was not my idea so don't kill the messenger thus why I personally will pay you back the $75 after football is over IF you don't make money following him. Enjoy this all-star game tonight. deposit today if you want in. ****** Please no negative emails.


July 15: sends the same email again with this note

“Below was an email sent a couple days ago. His side play for today was just sent for tonights game. He says to guarantee this play for this $75 deal below. IF you already signed up just ignore this email and you should've got his play moments ago. IF you want this deal $75 lifetime addition for my partners side action (ALL ACTION PLAYS) with his guaranteed play for tonight covering this package, just email back confirming your acceptance if not once again ignore this email and I will take you off this deal.* He originally said he didn't want to offer it as a guarantee but as long as you are currently on our TOTALS sheet, he said offer it as a guarantee. ALL others are paying much more. He did say that if you take the guarantee, there is no refund. IF you pay the $75 today without the guarantee there is a guaranteed refund paid back by me Not him on this $75 if after football, if you are not + units you get your $75 back. Just keep this email and send it back for your guarantee return on your $75 investment.*“

July 18:

“My Partner nailed his side action play yesterday easily with Atlanta Braves winning. He has a guaranteed winner for today. He has gone on 10-0 runs many times using his private system on sides that he won't even share with me. He says todays plays fits a PLAY OF THE MONTH ACTION PLAY. He charges $250 for any new customer but you as an already existing customer of my lifetime/ yearly package get it for only $75 with a guaranteed refund IF for football coming soon doesn't win units at seasons end. A COMPLETE REFUND! IF you take his guaranteed play for today, there will be no refund. Because if it loses you get his plays FREE. IF you pay the $75 you will get a complete refund ($75) after the Super Bowl. SO, sign up today, we expect a huge 2nd half for baseball heading into football. Remember with over 100 college football games my partners side system catches at least 3-4 games off the #'s that lines makers make mistakes on. He said last year using this system in CFB alone it was 49-21 ats and 18-5 money lines. ONLY $75, WILL BE THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE!* GUARANTEEING HIS SIDE ACTION PLAY TODAY FOR THIS DEAL. Even if you stopped playing because of the bad run this system has had in bases, jump back on ship because the 2nd half will be a cash machine for you going into football.* If you want his guaranteed game for today, please email back here and text me for his play if you have my text service. Otherwise just deposit the small amount of $75 and get a complete refund after football if he doesn't make you money for football. BUT he says he guarantees you make money following his side action plays for football.* IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON HIS SHEET AND GET HIS PLAYS AND RECIEVED THIS EMAIL, JUST IGNORE IT PLEASE!* ALSO, IF YOU TAKE EITHER HIS GUARANTEE OR PAY UP FRONT, HIS SIDE ACTION PLAY IS A LIFETIME PACKAGE (all sports). OTHERWISE, HE'LL BE CHARGING FULL PRICE PER SPORT AFTER THIS.* HE TOLD ME OFFER THIS TODAY AND CLOSE OUT THIS OFFER AFTER TODAY. AFTER TODAY IT'S $250 FOR EVERYONE!!!!

Jeff “

July 28: Uncle Benny the “genius” is 2-4 NCAAF so far

“OK this is our final decision based on our meeting yesterday with our website designer. Football is coming and this website is in the works. Wasn't going to do the website after June's baseball system's implosion. BUT since we have got things righted and offered best bet plays and they are 28-17 +42.75* to date.*PLEASE READ ENTIRE EMAIL. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE THE EXTRAS THEN JUST IGNORE AND DELETE THIS EMAIL.*


I know the $500 and the additional $75 was for our totals sheet and my partners additional side action (LIFETIME). BUT yesterday going over things with our website design we have decided to have 3 additional handicappers on our website. My partner has brought on Uncle Benny (CFB genius who won his cfb bowl bracket contests 4 of the last 5 years and last season was a crazy 42-19 ats in CFB and another 38-20 in NFL). He also added The Doctor who competes in all kinds of NFL contests and wins many of them. The 3rd capper is still being contracted but my partner says he'll be on board and is a must have for any player. Now here are the pricing that will be on our website (Street Smarts winners)

Totals Daily: $9.95 (You get already)

Totals Weekly: $49.95 (You get already)

Totals Monthly: $175 (You get already)

Sonny's Side Action: Same pricing as above (You get already)

Uncle Benny's, the Doctor and the 3rd addition will have the same pricing as above but you WILL NOT get those plays. There will be a certain section for you to access all our plays (Just like our daily sheet) for you to see our plays.* all halftime plays will be on this site only. my text service has exploded can't text 175 people in a 15-minute window of any football halftime.**



After this you will NOT be asked for another penny. IF next year or after we add more cappers this $100 will include those as well. 3 cappers adds up to to $33 each.*


Aug 1: Sends it again with this note

“Below was an email sent a few days ago. FOOTBALL STARTS in 3 DAYS. The Doctor said he'll be releasing his Pre-Season Football action on our sheet starting August 5th Pittsburgh vs. Dallas.* IF the website is not up and running by seasons start, these plays below will be emailed on your daily sheet. Either way you will not miss any action. Only offering this once again because some missed the last email and emailed to late. OFFER good for today Monday only!* IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS JUST IGNORE THIS EMAIL.*“

Aug 3: Again

“Those of you who took the $100 for the remaining 3 capper additions to our website The Doctor will have his pre-season football selections here on this sheet. Those who haven't yet do so now so you don't miss any plays. Football starts in 2 days. Pre-season is easy money according to the doctor. If you still want in mail me for details.*“

Aug 5:

“Football starts today. There will be football played every Sunday from now until February. The 3 additional cappers will be sent on our daily sheet. Don't miss out, I am still holding this deal of $100 for all 3 cappers that will be on our website. That deal ends tonight when the game kicks off. After that if you want their plays, you have to pay the prices that I posted in previous emails.* I AM EVEN WILLING TO GUARANTEE THE DOCTOR'S NFL PRE-SEASON PLAY FOR TONIGHT TO COVER THE COMPLETE $100.* BUT NEED TO KNOW ASAP IN YOU ARE IN ON THIS GUARANTEE. YES, IT'S FOR THE $100 FOR ALL 3 ADDITIONAL CAPPERS.”

Aug 6: Its a daily thing

“As a life-time customer with my partner's side action this deal might just be worth it. Yesterday The Doctor guaranteed the UNDER 32 and it cashed easily. I watched the game with my partner last night and he told me a very interesting stat. He said the 3 new additional cappers that he wants on our site, when all 3 are on the same side that play ats is 24-3 ats the last 4 years combined, as he bought their plays from them. Might be a good buy at $100 and just wait till all 3 are on the same play, he said it usually happens at least 6-7 times a year. Just letting you know. Have a great weekend.


Aug 7:

“If you are reading this, it's because you have a life time subscription to our total's sheet. The 3 additions are cappers my partner has used privately for the last 4 years and when all 3 are on the same football play that play is 24-3 ats the last 4 years combined. The purchase of $100 is well worth it just for that, watch and wait till all 3 are on the same play, usually happens 6-7 times a year and send it in heavy on that play. He knows they are money so he wants them on our website. Even if you think there are too many plays just wait for their same pick and bet that only. I know you say it's probably lies BUT you need to trust me on this one. 3 cappers for ONLY $100 for football is a must have. Others are paying 3x's more for the same service. My partner is confident about his -1 1/2 runs Atlanta today and said he will personally guarantee his Atlanta -1 1/2 runs for the 3 additional cappers ($100) today. Heck take it, hope it loses and you get them free. Need to know asap.if you want his guarantee.”

Aug 9:

“If you are reading this it is because you are a lifetime player on our totals sheet with my partners side action (off , but will come back strong ). My best bet section is 36-22 +55.25* currently on a 5-0 run. The 3 additional cappers that will be on our website (you will get emailed on our daily sheet for football) until our website is finished is a must have for you. These are 3 guys my partner has paid for the last 4 years for football and they made him very good money throughout the football season BOTH CFB and NFL. He says when they are all on the same side and it usually happens 5-7 times each season, they are MONEY! So even if you purchase all 3 for only $100 just sit and wait till all 3 are on the same side and bet that game only. The Doctor guaranteed the UNDER 32 Pittsburgh/Dallas game last out (WON easy). Thursday, he has a side that my partner said to guarantee towards all 3 ($100). That's 3 cappers for only $100. This will complete your service with us. These 3 are CFB/NFL, NBA/CBB cappers ONLY. You will get all playoffs, bowl games championship games, super bowl and bowl games sheet and their college March madness sheet included. Really this is an absolute steal for $100 and guaranteeing a game to boot is a no brainer.* Email back if you want this guaranteed side for Thursday's NFL pre-season game .


Aug 10:

“The Doctor asked me to ask if any customers are playing the NBA Summer League games? If so, he will release his NBA plays daily to those who has purchased his service along with the other 2 cappers . If you haven't yet purchased all 3 for only $100, do so today and get his NBA summer League selections.”

Also sends the Aug 9 again with this note:

“You can have The Doctor's NFL side for Thursday as a guarantee play below to cover the $100 OR deposit the $100 today and get his daily NBA Summer League play daily (Winner Sacramento -2 1/2) tonight. Using the guaranteed play does NOT get you his NBA Summer League selections.*

Aug 11: Do you really think this is the last day like he says??

“Sign up today for the $100 get all 3 cappers for football BOTH CFB/NFL including all their bowl sheets, march madness sheets as I will even throw in their CBB/NBA action. Summer league NBA is going on and The Doctor gave out Sacramento -2 1/2 last night, easy winner. Get all his NBA plays now included. You are a lifetime total sheet player don't miss these 3. Like I said before this $100 investment will pay dividends just waiting for all 3 to be on the same side, then you bury your book. My best bets are heating up.* AFTER TODAY, THIS DEAL IS OFF THE TABLE.”

Aug 12:


Aug 15: Wasn’t Aug 11 the “last day”? Of course it wasn’t.

“Yesterday the doctor hit both his NBA Summer League (Knicks -3 1/2) and NFLX Chargers -3 1/2, both winners. Today his NFLX play is being guaranteed towards the 3 capper deal. Don't miss another play. The 3-capper deal is for both football and hoops NFL/CFB, CBB/NBA. If you want his guaranteed NFLX play just email back. Then confirm after you get it. You are missing out.


Aug 18:

“Almost everyone took the 3 additional cappers for football/hoops. You are all set. To those who are on the fence about purchasing them for $100, after today starting with tomorrows football their price will be no longer available for the $100. Each will be sold separately for much more. Let me know what you want to do. Remember they are 24-3 ats when all 3 are on the same side or total.*“

Aug 21: Now he has a cousin that is an expert

“ALL Vip Customers,

*I know you guys like winners, who doesn't? You probably feel like you've paid enough, but trust me after football season you'll look back and say damn this service is the best damn investment I ever made. Best Bet run has been good but football will exceed baseball for the better by far!

*You all know my cousin works at the sportsbook up here and gives me the Wise Guy play every weekend and he is on an 8-1 run. I am only the messenger. He said last night that they get lopsided action on certain games, usually the books win on those but he says for some reason those games are killing his sportsbook. He said those lopsided games are 18-3 in favor of the player. So, I think I found a gem for you if interested. This will be huge for football. When he has a lopsided play which he says is 75% one sided he will text me letting me know. NOW do you want to bet the books side or go with the lopsided player's side. Years ago, I made good money betting on the books side BUT for some reason this sportsbook gets killed with players lopsided games. Only 75%+ differential is the play.*

*Anyhow you can have this play text to your cell, WILL NOT BE ON OUR WEBSITE when it's completed! This is valuable info on where the money is going for you to have. The Wise Guy Play will probably be on our website but this inside info will not! So don't miss this play via text only. How much is this info worth? I'd say Hundreds, BUT I spoke with my cousin at length last night and we came up with a #. For ONLY $50 you can have the remaining baseball and ALL OF FOOTBALL. If you want it longer how about ONLY $100 for lifetime inside info on lopsided action and that is a 7 day a week operation. You'll get where the lopsided money is going and you decide if you want to follow it or bet against it on the bookies side. BUT if you take it for the $50, once this shows a huge profit, prices will blow up, so maybe the lifetime and get locked in is the best way to go.*

**Don't kill the messenger with this one, I get nothing out of this , my cousin wants in. I really don't want to piss him off, he's been valuable to us lately with him texting me the wise guy play for free. Let me know. If you are reading this, you are most likely on my text service already. Have a great day.


Aug 22:


*My cousins added lopsided action play yesterday went 3-0 Buffalo and Jets NFL BOTH WINNERS. Tampa Bay MLB (Easy Winner)!Congrats to those who took the deal of ONLY $50/365 days or $100/Lifetime. Who wouldn't want to at least know where the major money is going. You could either bet on the side of the sports book OR bet with the smart players. Yesterday 3-0 day for the players.

*Still available for today only. Get on board. Well the Wise Guy is on an amazing run (9-1) my cousin called yesterday to let me know that this wise guy was playing black jack and I wanted to actually see him in action. So I sent to Turning Stone to watch him. He was playing in the special side room for high rollers. The pit boss is a customer of mine so he let me in. Was sitting at the next table not playing as it was empty but talking to my buddy the pit boss. This wise guy was betting 1k per hand and had stacks of $500 (purple) chips in front of him. All in all I left after a 1/2 hour and found out later he won over 100K last night in Black Jack along with his 25k winner with Denver in football.*

Al my text service people are watching his great 9-1 run. I think someone is feeding him the plays. Anyhow get on board today for my cousins extra added feature his lopsided action info. HUGE during football he says. $50/365 days or $100/lifetime. 3-0 yesterday more today.


Aug 23: 3 cappers still available. 2 weeks ago was the “last day”. Apparently not.

“Starting this week college football starts. IF I get plays from the cappers on our site before Saturday I will release them and those plays will be posted on the website or emailed sheet as to the lines I released earlier in the week. SO if I give out Uncle Benny's play on Thursday at a certain line, that is the line you will get on Saturday's emailed sheet. So I don't want to hear why is he -3 when it's -5 or -6. You will have his play and updated line when it gets emailed. So be aware. ALL graded plays will be on the line I send first. That goes for all 4 cappers, my partner, Uncle Benny, The Doctor and Mt. Vernon Bobby. My totals will be sent on gameday only because weather is part of the equation. Hope this helps and if you missed the dead line last night for adding the 3 cappers and still want them email me. Looks like I might have a couple from them coming out in a day or 2 for college this weekend.


Aug 24: Will never bother you again for his cousin’s plays.* The only casino in the world where the players beat the house.

“Players won again yesterday . My cousin called and said unusual lopsided action on a total, 80% OVER 8 1/2 Cub game, and 75% OVER 40 Saints game last night. The players won both. House loses. If you get this text addition you seen that. If you didn't it's well worth the price of $100/lifetime.

*This service has boomed unexpectedly, as most customers want to know where the big money is going overall. I always liked to know. this service will be good to have for BOTH College and Pro Football.

IF you chose not to, just ignore this email. This is the last email I will send for this, so I will not bother you again.


Aug 25: The very next day, still available…after being told “I will not bother you again”

“Anyone else want this hidden gem from my cousin when he is working. He gets al lopside action 75% or more one sided and lets me know and I relay that to my text customers on that service ($50/365 days) ($100/lifetime, most popular). Started it a few days ago and many signed up and so far, (3-0, 3-0, 2-0) 8-0 in favor of the players. Can be huge for football just knowing where most of the money is going. Me as a player always asked my locals what game do you need. I am only asking again today because I got emails late yesterday saying they missed this deal and want in. SO, if you too want in its very little money for important info. Let me know asap. Have a great week everyone. College football, this Saturday we are locked and loaded.

Aug 26:

“Just as a heads up I had dinner with my cousin last night and he told me something crazy. He said last football season on NFL Sundays the players (75%) or higher won 17 out of 20 weeks. ALSO, he said players (75%+) on any total in CFB won almost every time.* So, this lopsided deal will make you good money.* Looking forward to his texts this weekend.”

Aug 27: Again offering the cousin’s lopsided player action deal. Absolutely last email…..riiight.

“To all my life time customers. 95% of you have the additional cappers with my partners guarantee in football along with my daily totals sheet. You are probably saying I ask for too much money. Well, I won't be asking after today as College football starts tomorrow and if you are one of the 5% who hasn't taken the 3 additional cappers todays your lst chance, I know I said that before BUT once football starts I end promoting sales here. The lopsided action is a service that surprisingly many have bought for the $100, they get where all the smart action is going 80% and 75%. The players are 8-0 so far following the action. So, if you want to know where the money is going let me know, my cousin lets me know every Friday thru Monday. If not so be it. This is my cousins deal I get nothing from it. You see what he does with the Wise Guy play 9-2 run losing by 1/2 point last Sunday, I want to keep him happy so he keeps sending me these plays. I wanted to cut back on texting but this is increasing it and it's for a good cause, you get to know where the action is going and you decide whether to follow the player or the book. I will have tonight's lopsided action roughly 6pm et. Tomorrow and Sunday, he texts me 12-3-6pm with lopsided action plays too. Enjoy our football total package. Website hopefully is done soon. 4-0 yesterday +17* Best Bets now @ 46-28 +73.15*. Just heating up for football. Let's make tons of cash together. Have a great weekend. If you want in just deposit before 6pm today and you won't miss where the action is going. Absolute last email promoting this! IF you choose not to take it just ignore this email, I'll mark your file as closed on this deal.”

Sept 4:

“Yesterday was the worst day in my life. Not only did my sheet lose every play given, found out yesterday morning my best friend of 40 years took his own life Thursday. So, losing everything yesterday topped off a life changing day for me.*“

Sept 7: Now we get his nephew’s picks. I can’t make this up.

“Good Morning Everyone,

* Today is my best friend's funeral. I will not be available until after 2pm et today if you have any questions. Found out there was no life insurance policy for my best friend. So, what I would like to do is put together some cash and hand it to her asap. Me and his 2 kids are splitting the cost of the funeral, least I can do for them at this time. All I can say to you is IF you can get life insurance, please do so.*

* My best friend's nephew is a well know gambler in the Buffalo NY area. He wanted to go on my website, BUT my best friend told me if I want to sell his nephew's plays, do so privately, BUT don't add him on your website for financial reasons. So, I spoke to him at the wake and told him if he wants to help out is Aunt, that I would try to sell your daily play to my customers and give all proceeds to your Aunt. He agreed to do so and will text me his play every day. He gets my totals sheet. But caps sides himself. Anyhow not trying to make money here, this all goes to my best friend's wife. I guess you can call it a donation/getting something for it too. Anyhow there is absolutely NO pressure on this deal as this is the only time, I will post this. I am surprised he agreed to let me sell his plays and receive nothing for himself in return. OK so here is the deal, you will get my best friend's nephews' play daily emailed to you for only a small $50 for football/ add hoops and it's $100. Like I said he gets nothing for doing this. I know he is good as a local is a good friend of mine and hates taking his action but won't get rid of him.* IF you don't want to basically donate the $50 or $100, please just ignore this letter. If you do, then God Bless. Hey, Best Bets are holding steady @ +90.65*, can't get over the +100* but once I do, it's on to +200*.*Have a great day people, time to get my suit on and go say goodbye to my best friend!


Sept 9: Now we get some guy with a beard. Uncles, Cousins, Partners, Nephews….Now a guy with a Beard.*

“I know my service has not been up to par lately and I know many are just playing the Best Bets, so hopefully what I am about to offer you will be a great investment. This has nothing to do with my investment in this service. As you know my cousin works at the sportsbook, he also works at the other 2 sportsbooks when needed up here Point Place and yellow Brick Road (All 3 are affiliated). He found out yesterday that this same wise guy is only a "BEARD" who places bets for some very powerful NY guy. He bets (25-50k) at Point Place on Mondays and (25-50k) at Yellow Brick Road on Thursday's and Friday's. Then checks in Turning Stone for the weekend where he loves playing Black Jack.*

*Yesterday my cousin filled in at Point Place and the other manager filled him in on when this guy who's being monitored is there. The other manager said that he gets his plays on Monday's when he works there and on Thursday's and Friday's when he works at Yellow Brick Road. My cousin asked if he can shoot him a text when he bets those days. They exchanged cell #'s and now my cousin will have access to this "Wise Guy Beard" plays all football season. Right now, I think he's on a 14-3 run. Anyhow my cousin said anyone who wants this wise guy beard action he'll take $300 for the entire football season. What I can do for you is cover 50% and I kick in $150 and it only costs you $150. Only doing it because of my crappy outcome so far, BUT it will get much better. My cousin owes me money so I can deduct the $150 for each customer. So, if you follow the wise guy action, you see what is going on lately., having his football plays CFB/NFL all season is a good investment. Like I said he bets for a powerful NY guy and the 2 guys with him all the time are body guards that the NY guy sends with this Beard.*

You might say how can I ask for more money with the way my system sheet is going? BUT once again this has nothing to do with my sheet. It's my cousin 100% all I am doing is covering $150 for you and deducting it off what he owes me. Let me know. I will even cover the whole thing $300, I will give you his play on Saturday as a guarantee, but then you have to pay the $300 on a win. OR 50/50 pay the $150 your choice.*

Please just delete this email if not interested. If interested get back to me asap.”

Sep 10:

“First off, congrats to those who took the Wise Guy Exclusive deal yesterday for the $150 offered as he bet 30K on Dallas +8. Those who did deposit the $150 yesterday,* I just refunded $50 to your ****** account if you have the 3 additional cappers on your sheet. So, anyone else who wants the Wise Guy exclusive just email me, it's now only $100 if you have the 3 cappers already. If not, you will still get his weekend plays when available on my text service. With the exclusive you get his plays on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturday and Sunday, not just Saturday or Sunday. He is now I think on a 15-3 or 16-3 run. All proceeds go to my cousin as I am just a messenger and money handler on this deal. IF you want his play deposit and shoot me an email. IF these 3 cappers don't get going, I will refund the additional $50 to those who take this Wise Guy Deal, that would = a total refund of your $100 overall.. ONLY $100 today. This is a text play.”

Tonight EVERY NFL play lost……….but the Wise Guy exclusive deal won.

So what am I supposed to play??

Partner, Uncle, Mt Vernon, Doctor, Cousin, Nephew?* Which one??

His Best Bets are 0-4 this week. Ninja hasn’t said a word. What a surprise.*

But he wants X-Files to update the Biz NFL picks.

What an absolute 100% con artist. That string of emails is an embarrassment.

All of his “experts” got their asses kicked Thursday night, but he wants to congratulate those that took the “Wise Guy Exclusive”.

This guy never even mentions the shit picks that lost and weren’t close to winning.

I am a sucker, yes I am. So are a lot of people. We were duped.

BEST BETS = 54-34 +79.15* NFL*

UNDER 26 (1st Half) Tampa Bay vs. Dallas -110 (5*)


Overall = 323-283 +1.20*

2nd Half MLB:

Overall = 108-82 +9.80*


White Sox vs. Oakland Lopez vs. Manaea

UNDER 4 1/2 (1st 5 innings) -120 (4*)

UNDER 8 1/2 (Full Game) -110 (4*)


Partner: NFL 0-0 CFB 4-3 +3.5*

Dallas +4 1/2 (1st Half) -110 (5*)

The Doctor: NFL 0-0 CFB 3-3 -1.5*

UNDER 51 1/2 Dallas vs. Tampa Bay -110 (5*)

Uncle Benny: NFL 0-0 CFB 2-4 -12*

UNDER 26 1st Half Tampa Bay vs. Dallas -110 (5*)

Mt. Vernon Bobby: NFL 0-0 CFB 2-3 -6.5*

Tampa Bay -8 -110 (5*)


Oct 29, 2011
What a fucking embarrassment.

And this asshat Ninja wants to know how I’m doing?? LOLOLOL

This scumbag gives out nothing but losers Thursday night, then brags about a win from some bullshit “Wiseguy” picks??

Isnt StreetRetard the guy saying people complain I give out too many plays.....and they lose??

This scumbag asshole gives out 5 plays on ONE GAME......goes 0-5.......never mentions that shit show but some Wiseguy play wins so it’s time to yank himself off??

He is a scumbag liar, nobody that has ever had my service has complained about losing.

The guy who posted this is a long time friend and customer.

StreetIdiot you have been exposed for the scum fraud that you are.
Feb 20, 2002

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