Bill Cosby and his bogus senile and decrepit walk


Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
you forgot to add that all of them are like 60 years old - outside of a bunch of nuns I don't think I don't think you could ask for a more credible pool of people - this ain't the Duke Lacrosse escorts here

his wife disgusts me as much as him - have some self respect - divorce him - and let him die in a homeless shelter
His wife should be in jail too

Dec 12, 2006

He is also convinced, says the source, that racism is to blame for his ordeal.

"[Cosby] truly believes that this prosecution is racially motivated," explains the source. "He's rich, he's famous and the world loved him. But if it were, say, a Robert Young or Fred MacMurray, if they were ever accused, America itself would not stand for it."

But as the Post points out, those actors -- the respective stars of "Father Knows Best" and "My Three Sons" -- who are also famous for playing beloved dads on hit shows, were never accused of sex crimes.

The "Cosby Show" star, however, has been accused of drugging, raping or otherwise sexually assaulting more than 50 women over the years, many of whom have tried to sue him amid his claims the acts were consensual.

Cosby is delusional..................
Sep 21, 2004
<header class="articleheader" style="color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 16px;">[h=1]Bill Cosby Breaks Silence, Hopes to Begin ‘Next Chapter’ in Comedy Career[/h]


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Victoria Will/Invision/AP, File)

</figure>by JEROME HUDSON26 Apr 201710
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[h=2]Embattled comedian Bill Cosby is preparing both for his long-awaited day in court and, he hopes, an eventual return to performing stand-up comedy.[/h]“I miss it all and I hope that day will come. I have some routines and storytelling that I am working on,” Cosby told the National Newspaper Publishers Association ((NNPA) on Tuesday.
Raw: Bill Cosby Arrives for Latest Court Hearing

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“I think about walking out on stage somewhere in the United States of America and sitting down in a chair and giving the performance that will be the beginning of the next chapter of my career,” he added.
The 79-year-old TV star’s comments, his first in more than two years, come weeks ahead of a jury selection process in his sexual-assault case.
Cosby has been charged with drugging and molesting Andrea Constand, a Temple University employee, at his Pennsylvania home in 2004. It is the sole criminal case stemming from more than fifty allegations of sexual assault or harassment, many of which have exceeded the statute of limitations.
Cosby, whose trial is set to begin in early June, has pleaded not guilty and insists that his encounter with Constand was consensual. If convicted, he could face up to ten years in prison.
In his interview with NNPA this week, the comedian also confirmed that he has gone blind. After losing his vision, the man dubbed “America’s Dad” needed rehearsed visual assistance to make it on stage before performing his comedy routine.
“When he would perform, we’d draw a wide straight yellow line from backstage to the chair on the stage and he’d rehearse the walk, hours before the show,” PR rep Andrew Wyatt, who worked with Cosby for many years, told the outlet.
Cosby did not address his case in the interview, though he shared his thoughts about the nation’s history.
“The history about African-Americans is a history of the United States; but the true histories, not the propaganda that is standard in our nation’s history books,” Cosby told the group of black-owned newspapers. “The great writer, James Baldwin, said, ‘If you lie about me, then you lie about yourself.’ The revolution is in the home. There is something about someone saying, ‘I didn’t know that,’ that could cause a change in that person’s thinking.”
Meanwhile, Cosby’s daughter Evin described in an essay published by the outlet on Tuesday how her father’s legal battles have negatively affected her family.
“The harsh and hurtful accusations…that supposedly happened 40 or 50 years ago, before I was born, in another lifetime, and that have been carelessly repeated as truth without allowing my dad to defend himself and without requiring proof, has punished not just my dad but every one of us,” Evin wrote.
“The public persecution of my dad, my kids’ grandfather, and the cruelty of the media and those who speak out branding my father a ‘rapist’ without ever knowing the truth and who shame our family and our friends for defending my dad, makes all of this so much worse for my family and my children,” she added.

Sep 21, 2004
my 1st time of seeing this guy was at Harrahs at lake tahoe in the 80's for a show, did not like him from the 1st sentence

Aug 20, 2007
Many seem to already have their mind made up that he is guilty. I don't know many facts on this case, can anyone share the details?

Mar 20, 2009
And now he's blind, lol, wtf

Bill Cosby Says He's Blind, While Daughter Defends Him in Essay: He 'Loves and Respects Women'

As his sexual assault trial looms, Bill Cosby broke his silence early Wednesday to say he is now completely blind.

Also, in an emotional essay published early Wednesday, Cosby's youngest daughter Evin defended the entertainer.
My father "loves and respects women," Evin Cosby, 40, wrote in an essay published on the NNPA Newswire. "He is not abusive, violent or a rapist. Sure, like many celebrities tempted by opportunity, he had his affairs, but that was between him and my mother. They have worked through it and moved on, and I am glad they did for them and for our family"
Cosby, 79, is charged with three counts of aggravated indecent assault for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple employee Andrea Constand, now 44, at his Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, mansion in January 2004. Cosby has pleaded not guilty and denies similar claims from more than 50 other women. He is scheduled to go to trial on the charges on June 5. Jury selection begins in Pittsburgh on May 22.
In his interview with the NNPA Newswire, Cosby said he's blind. About two years ago, he awoke two years ago and said to his wife, Camille, "I can't see," he told the outlet.

"Doctors later confirmed the worst: that there was nothing that could be done to repair his vision," the story says.
"When he would perform, we'd draw a wide straight yellow line from backstage to the chair on stage and he'd rehearse the walk, hours before the show," Andrew Wyatt, one of Cosby's spokespeople, told the NNPA Newswire.
Cosby spoke mostly about his passion and support for education in the interview. He said he misses performing and that he hopes to resume his career. He stopped performing after he was charged in December 2015 with sexually assaulting Constand.

"I hope that day will come," he told the outlet. "I have some routines and storytelling that I am working on. I think about walking out on stage somewhere in the United States of America and sitting down in a chair and giving the performance that will be the beginning of the next chapter of my career."
Cosby declined to discuss the current sexual assault case against him but Evin did not shy away from the topic in her essay.
"The public persecution of my dad, my kids' grandfather, and the cruelty of the media and those who speak out branding my father a 'rapist' without ever knowing the truth and who shame our family and our friends for defending my dad makes all of this so much worse for my family and my children," she wrote.
"Two years ago, and over 10 years later, several women came out," she wrote. Like the woman from 2005, they claimed to have been raped and drugged. But, like the one from 2005, their stories didn't match up. Instead of going through the criminal justice system, these stories never got investigated and just got repeated. They have been accepted as the truth. My dad tried to defend himself. His lawyers tried to defend him, but they all got sued.
"People were constantly reaching out to me about why doesn't your dad say something," she wrote. "I kept saying he's trying, but the media is only interested in the stories of the women. Friends of ours tried to help, but the media wouldn't print what they said or knew."
Attorneys for Constand and seven other women with defamation lawsuits against Cosby could not immediately be reached for comment.
Evin referenced the January 1997 murder of her 28-year-old brother, Ennis.
"I thought when my brother Ennis was murdered, that was the worst nightmare of all time," she wrote. "It's so hurtful to this day. I try to block out the day he was killed, but that pain has only worsened in these last years. For some reason, my family's pain has been a trigger for people to seize upon us harder."
Sep 21, 2004
[ Who would go to this? ]

Bill Cosby Announces Comedy Show Ahead of Sexual Assault Retrial

By Matt Fernandez
Matt Fernandez

Staff Writer@matt_fernFOLLOW

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<article class="c-content" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin-bottom: 1.875rem; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Graphik Web", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Bill Cosby has set a one-night public comedy concert in Philadelphia just months ahead of his April retrial for the alleged 2004 rape of Andrea Constand.
The performance, with jazz musician Tony Williams, is scheduled for Jan. 22 at the LaRose Jazz Club in Philadelphia. “This event is open to the public and tickets can be purchased at the door. Bill Cosby will honor his fans with a historic performance with the Tony Williams Jazz Quartet, and he will be performing a special comedy concert that will culminate the evening,” a Facebook post promoting the show stated.
<iframe name="wpcom-iframe-62548640030b3f8cec2b25e5c18c7f06-5a69fa5979269" id="wpcom-iframe-62548640030b3f8cec2b25e5c18c7f06-5a69fa5979269" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="199" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" class="wpcom-protected-iframe " style="box-sizing: inherit;"></iframe>Upon hearing the news, many social media users voicing their displeasure with the event. Others referenced the Time’s Up movement and women’s marches that took place across the world last weekend.
The disgraced actor and comedian has been accused of drugging and sexually assaulting dozens of women since the 1960s. Despite the numerous allegations and Cosby’s own admission that he acquired prescription Quaaludes to with the intent to give them to women he wanted to have sex with, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict which resulted in the June 2017 being declared a mistrial. Cosby remains free on bail and will stand retrial in Philadelphia, delayed from November so that Cosby’s legal team could have a chance to better prepare their defense.

Sep 21, 2001
Open to the public - yeah, OK - dude would be verbally raped - there will be 50 people there all related by blood
Sep 21, 2004
<header id="story-header" class="story-header" style="position: relative; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: cheltenham; font-size: 16px;">[h=1]Janice Dickinson at Cosby Trial: ‘Here Was America’s Dad on Top of Me’[/h]By GRAHAM BOWLEY and JON HURDLE<time class="dateline" datetime="2018-04-12T19:01:53-04:00" itemprop="dateModified" content="2018-04-12T19:01:53-04:00" style="white-space: nowrap; font-size: 0.6875rem; line-height: 0.75rem; font-family: nyt-cheltenham-sh, georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-left: 0px;">APRIL 12, 2018</time>
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</header><figure id="media-100000005847054" class="media photo lede layout-large-horizontal" data-media-action="modal" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope="" itemid="" itemtype="" aria-label="media" role="group" style="display: flex; margin: 0px 0px 45px; position: relative; flex-direction: column; clear: both; width: 705px;">Photo

<figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption description" style="font-size: 0.8125rem; line-height: 1.0625rem; font-family: nyt-cheltenham-sh, georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); max-width: 630px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px;">The former model Janice Dickinson, 63, testified at Bill Cosby’s sexual assault retrial, telling the jury that the entertainer had drugged and raped her in 1982. CreditMark Makela/Getty Images North America</figcaption></figure>NORRISTOWN, Pa. — The former model Janice Dickinson told a jury Thursday that she could still remember Bill Cosby’s smell from an encounter with him in a Lake Tahoe hotel room in 1982. She had gone there to meet him, she said, but was feeling woozy from a pill he gave her for menstrual cramps.
“His robe opened,” she testified during the fourth day of Mr. Cosby’s retrial on sexual assault charges. “He smelled like cigar and espresso and his body odor.”
Ms. Dickinson, 27 at the time, said the pill paralyzed her, and Mr. Cosby, then 45, seized the opportunity to sexually assault her.
“Here was America’s Dad on top of me,” she said, “a happily married man with five children, on top of me.”
Mr. Cosby, now 80, is not charged with raping Ms. Dickinson. But her account was one of five the prosecution presented from women who say they believe he drugged and sexually assaulted them. The jury is considering whether Mr. Cosby is guilty of assaulting a sixth woman, Andrea Constand.


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