Bill Belichick drops Vaccine truth bombs on brainwashed media…


Dec 27, 2011
If my memory serves me correctly I took the anthrax shot when I didn’t have a choice I was under the ucmj. I was not thrilled about it but it wasn’t my choice. Maybe in time I would consider taking the vaccine possibly after way more testing. What you seem to miss out on is so far this is not a vaccine at most a therapy. I also realize when polio vaccine was developed it took up to 4 doses at first however wasn’t mRNA . Your not at all worried about any side effects ? Sorry guess I’m just not ready to get back to “normal” . Go fuck yourself if you think this is patriotic duty.

I think we agree on things

Dec 27, 2011
20 years they have been working on this shit and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people all over the world have taken the shot. You would be seeing side effects by now and your not. The fact is the unvaccinated is causing the virus to mutate and thats gonna be bad news for everybody. If you all paid attention in school, you would have learned that someday virus or germs would wipe out mankind. They are at the top of the food chain. But hey all the twitter, facebook and you tube people know more then doctors and scientists. Its just a big plot by bill gates to kill the population off, so he can then start working in the fields. lmfaoooo

Another one with sarcastic comments who completely misses the point .. keep making it about wether the argument here is that the vaccine is dangerous or not ..

funny you guys always using Facebook and twitter as examples , seems to me thats where you live at , im never ever there

Dec 27, 2011
20 years they have been working on this shit and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people all over the world have taken the shot. You would be seeing side effects by now and your not. The fact is the unvaccinated is causing the virus to mutate and thats gonna be bad news for everybody. If you all paid attention in school, you would have learned that someday virus or germs would wipe out mankind. They are at the top of the food chain. But hey all the twitter, facebook and you tube people know more then doctors and scientists. Its just a big plot by bill gates to kill the population off, so he can then start working in the fields. lmfaoooo

your a clown based only on you saying that its a fact that the unvaccinated are causing the virus to mutate. done responding to you on your statement about that being fact alone

Nov 20, 2004
Its not about them trying to kill us .. wise up .. your logic is the same as the person who says , im not buying bitcoin until the day I can pay for coffee with it at Starbucks.. your missing the point entirely. in that scenario your hurting yourself .. in this scenario you're hurting every American that is trying to exercise their constitutional rights .. your ilk sitting there arguing nonsense points is allowing all of our constitutional rights to get steamrolled

There exercising what Constitutional rights exactly? Oh i know the ones where trump tells these dopes that the election was rigged. Come on man grow up. If trump wins the election is honest and fair, but if trump loses the election is rigged. Is this gonna be republicans new strategy for every election? If they lose its rigged. Rigged by who? His own judges thru the election rigging cases out court. This such total BULLSHIT with all these clowns saying elections are rigged. also only democrats can rig elections, republicans cant rig them. See how dumb this sounds?

Nov 20, 2004
your a clown based only on you saying that its a fact that the unvaccinated are causing the virus to mutate. done responding to you on your statement about that being fact alone

go educate yourself dumb ass. yes instead of us killing off the virus, its getting stronger and making new strains. Maybe you should have payed attention in school, for you i would say grade school. Probably only made it to 5th grade

Dec 27, 2011
go educate yourself dumb ass. yes instead of us killing off the virus, its getting stronger and making new strains. Maybe you should have payed attention in school, for you i would say grade school. Probably only made it to 5th grade

carry on pussy

Dec 27, 2011
I hope you use your last gasp saying " Ifff.... only ... gasp .. the entire world .. gasp.. had taken the vaccine gasp " ..

I hope that's your last words .. according to you that is what's coming too

Dec 27, 2011
according to you if we all had taken the vaccination before it had a chance to mutate ( your logic ) then we wouldn't be spiraling to an uncertain death ..

I mean it was so efficient during the rollout both testing AND vaccination.. that was totally practical right big shot ? that we could've all done the vaccination , all at the same time across the world .. like the world was taking one shot of whiskey together .. a countdown from 100 and then we all vax ourselves and
we would've beaten this altogether, right Dr Koop ?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
go educate yourself dumb ass. yes instead of us killing off the virus, its getting stronger and making new strains. Maybe you should have payed attention in school, for you i would say grade school. Probably only made it to 5th grade

You dumb fucks are gonna be dumb no matter what.....Parrot the same MSM head that lie to you over and over.

Nov 7, 2008
go educate yourself dumb ass. yes instead of us killing off the virus, its getting stronger and making new strains. Maybe you should have payed attention in school, for you i would say grade school. Probably only made it to 5th grade

when a virus mutates it becomes less lethal, possibly more contagious, but less lethal.

Aug 4, 2013
All the hospitals across the country whos ICU units are filled to the max with un vaccinated people dying are all lying. Its all just a big scam. Yup its a huge scam by the drug companies and rich to kill off the population, that way all the rich people can then start working all the hard manual labor jobs, lmfaooooooooooooooo My God some of you people on this site and across the internet are totally brain dead and couldnt add 2 + 2 together to save your lives. Keep believing the BS as soon the virus will make its way into your life at some point. Good luck getting a room in the ICU unit. Dont worry thou, you can always drink some bleach or take horse dewormer, cause dopes on the internet told you it works lmfaooooooo
You can’t argue with the mob they do this for a living down in the basement. All your doing is bringing it to the main forum and that gives them a hard on because now the have an audience. In the basement when they are pissing and moaning how the sky is falling all they are doing is talking to is each other. Don’t feed the trolls.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Their are two questions not being asked.

1.) How the hell is a respiratory virus having an outbreak in the middle of the summer?

2.) Per the CD C.......331 million people in the USA/ 215 million vaccinated & 41 million recovered from covid= 256 million. That leaves only 75 million unvaccinated or without natural immunity. So with 256 million supposedly "protected" how can we have a 400% increase in cases from this same time last year per the CD C when there was NO VACCINE?

It's not adding up.

Exactly what I have been saying/asking, plus out of the number they say is left not vaccinated besides the 41 million recovered how many of the ones left
have been sick and recovered without getting tested? I would say at least a third of that 75 million.

The numbers do not add up if you know what you are talking about.
This time of year there should not be respiratory infections like this happening.
It goes against the proven science.

Obviously you would have to look at the vaxx's as that is the only thing that is different now than before.
No other explanation besides they are making it up

New member
Jan 18, 2005
This is a perfect example of just listening to dopes on twitter and face book. First off they have actually been working on this type of virus for the last 20 years, secondly we now have computers that can do billions and billions of calculations a second, thirdly we didnt just have 1 drug company working on a vaccine, we had the entire world working on a vaccine. Thats the reason we got 1 so fast. You really think the drug companies want to kill us, then who the hell are they gonna sell all their other drugs to? Stop listening to internet dopes on social media and start using your own damn brain that God gave you. Dont get the shot, i dont care. Just dont go crying when you get hit with the virus and your begging for help, cause you wouldnt take a shot, even thou we have been taking shots all our lives.

Yes, they have been working on one for the past 20 years, none of them have been successful. They have had no luck in having any of them work
past the same issues every time. So tell me how all of a sudden they supposedly come up with one that all of a sudden does?

How did they make a supposed vaxx without the virus never been isolated anywhere by anyone.
How do they have a test if they do not have isolated the supposed virus?
How did Gates have a patent for a Coronavirus a few years ago?

You can't patent anything from nature, you do know that... Can only patent man made things...

I could go on and on and on....

Get your head out of you ass and use what little brain power you have

New member
Jan 18, 2005
20 years they have been working on this shit and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people all over the world have taken the shot. You would be seeing side effects by now and your not. The fact is the unvaccinated is causing the virus to mutate and thats gonna be bad news for everybody. If you all paid attention in school, you would have learned that someday virus or germs would wipe out mankind. They are at the top of the food chain. But hey all the twitter, facebook and you tube people know more then doctors and scientists. Its just a big plot by bill gates to kill the population off, so he can then start working in the fields. lmfaoooo

If you had any clue about what you are talking about I would give you a little credit but I can see how ignorant of a person you are
with your statements.

You know nothing about viruses at all. Fucking moron

Aug 4, 2013
You can’t argue with the mob they do this for a living down in the basement. All your doing is bringing it to the main forum and that gives them a hard on because now the have an audience. In the basement when they are pissing and moaning how the sky is falling all they are doing is talking to is each other. Don’t feed the trolls.
And then they resort to name calling.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
If you had any clue about what you are talking about I would give you a little credit but I can see how ignorant of a person you are
with your statements.

You know nothing about viruses at all. Fucking moron
Hey now. CNN tells them facts !

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