Really. Whats his name? Is he an antifa fag like you?Thick foreskin..
My GF is sitting here cracking up at this interaction..she thinks you're probably gay..I don't but she does.
Are you..honestly 06 as they say in Italy..."you taste the sauce"? no big deal deal dude it just seems odd... the gay thing and you.
He's always been a crook and a cheat Joe then he jumped in the brightest fishbowl in the world.Maria Bartiromo: “I tell you, I hope Donald Trump sues them all for everything because they damaged his reputation throughout his four years in office. So much so, that he was constantly on defense, constantly explaining that there was no collusion, constantly explaining – that he had to explain why they were spying on him. All of this! Again, every American should be outraged by this! ….
This is the biggest scandal we have ever seen. Now we know for sure, they tried to cheat in the 2016 election. They tried to cheat in the 2020 election behind the guise of Covid”
At least you admit you suffer from the same mental illness as Queen Letitia...He's always been a crook and a cheat Joe then he jumped in the brightest fishbowl in the world.
surprised ?
You are a libtard prick. And have posted your preference for handicapping while wearing women's clothes. It is not hard to figure out what a mental midget you really are.Den of vipers..hahaha. .GD you're dramatic...I have no opinion on you beside the fact you sound like a all-time prick ..your politics or sexual preference makes no difference to me.
Be you goofball, a prick.
So the game is done?...I'd read up.LOL. Nothing has stuck in 5 years you moron?