Bigger than Watergate


Jul 14, 2007
Fwiw doubt anything happens with Durham report

Pretty funny media won't even cover it though, after going hard on Trump collusion and possibly being a Russian asset for 2 years

The left likes to say Trump/the right are threats to democracy, honestly, at this point do these people even think they deserve democracy? People have lost it for being far less dumb than this. You can't feed the population something like that for 2 years and there be no consequences. Trust in the media is probably lost forever.

Not good!

Dec 13, 2007
Ooooo....the Martin Act. So esoteric and obscure you don't even know what the fuck it means, you had to "Wikipedia" it! :duh:

Nobody is above the law!!! - Libtards

You and your disgraceful corrupt Soros DAs can fuck off with your pseudo-moral and legal grandstanding.

Nobody is buying it anymore.
Not so obscure that Trump didn't understand the civil threat the Martin means to Org way back in 2016 but obscure enough that Joe looked clueless. Again. Note: did I try to help you with this this afternoon old Joe but you wouldn't have it...

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
think about that Joe the Dems are trying to pass two huge pieces of legislation ...let me know when GOP as any policy beside objecting to the Dems policy..I assure you Joe anyone following the GOP knows policy isn't their thing at this point.
How'd that Trump Tax cut pay off for you?..not so much unless you're rolling fat bucks ... you're not.

Not so obscure that Trump didn't understand the civil threat the Martin means to Org way back in 2016 but obscure enough that Joe looked clueless. Again. Note: did I try to help you with this this afternoon old Joe but you wouldn't have it...
Nah, you just went off and did some reading...

Nothing has changed. The fact Queen Letitia wants "the family" to testify hoping to set that oh so familiar perjury trap tells you nothing is on the books. At least nothing the IRS cared about. "Ivanka gonna flip!"... ah, for the good ol Mueller days!

Maybe she'll indict some low hanging fruit and call it a day. Regardless, this unhinged overzealous partisan hack makes Chuck Rhoades look ethical.

Aug 4, 2013
This thread is going to end up like your Epstein thread. Disappointed once again. But we shall see.

Dec 13, 2007
fukin liberal readers....Like I said I'm happy to let this play out..
Think Martin act Joe Joe... I have the feeling Mazars been pondering liability and DT's been thinking about Martin for years apparently.

Remember Mazars stood shoulder to shoulder with Org till last month in Trumps under Mazars bus.

Nighty night Joe
Nah, you just went off and did some reading...

Nothing has changed. The fact Queen Letitia wants "the family" to testify hoping to set that oh so familiar perjury trap tells you nothing is on the books. At least nothing the IRS cared about. "Ivanka gonna flip!"... ah, for the good ol Mueller days!

Maybe she'll indict some low hanging fruit and call it a day. Regardless, this unhinged overzealous partisan hack makes Chuck Rhoades look ethical.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yeah, yeah....we know YOU and Queen Letitia see fraud, but how do you prove it? The IRS doesn't agree with your assessment. Because until you actually sell it, the valuation on any property is speculation and guess work.

If my local tax district appraises my property at 1.5m but my bank appraises it at 2m...well, guess which number I'm submitting to the IRS?

Oh no!!! Dream about Sheriff Joe the tax evader!!! Indict!! Indict!! Queen Letitia says we got'em now!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This thread is going to end up like your Epstein thread. Disappointed once again. But we shall see.

Get away or not, I’m glad the Crooked One has to suffer the worry about it finally. Would be just as much justice if she were to stroke out about the prospect of finally being caught.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Fwiw doubt anything happens with Durham report

Pretty funny media won't even cover it though, after going hard on Trump collusion and possibly being a Russian asset for 2 years

The left likes to say Trump/the right are threats to democracy, honestly, at this point do these people even think they deserve democracy? People have lost it for being far less dumb than this. You can't feed the population something like that for 2 years and there be no consequences. Trust in the media is probably lost forever.

Not good!
Bingo. It’s pathetic. People should hit the streets
Media is the enemy as well

why after the Russia Russia Russia is this not front page all day everyday?

it tell you truly all you need to know

but the sheep follow blindly

RX Hall of Famer
Feb 26, 2008
Trump has been investigated for the past six years by every agency out there and that was done with a definite bias and was aided by the Democratic Party and the news media. The result of all of that with every person having a high motivation to, "get the guy," is that he has never been charged with anything.
This is the biggest tell IMO......I wasn't even a big Trump guy just due to the fact that I thought he was a dick and not a good character guy to be the face of the country.

Now after all this time of investigating him and running him thru the ringer.....I would be the biggest dick too. Imagine if for 4 years he had more time to concentrate on things that were important than to have to defend himself every single day. The media outlets couldnt keep his name out their mouths.

And NOTHING came about it

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is the biggest tell IMO......I wasn't even a big Trump guy just due to the fact that I thought he was a dick and not a good character guy to be the face of the country.

Now after all this time of investigating him and running him thru the ringer.....I would be the biggest dick too. Imagine if for 4 years he had more time to concentrate on things that were important than to have to defend himself every single day. The media outlets couldnt keep his name out their mouths.

And NOTHING came about it
Agree, was mostly neutral on the guy for the most part....thought he was semi entertaining at times in my life and other times thought he was a clown.......didnt pay much attention to politics or news in general too much when he became prez but tended to think all the stuff they lied about at the time was true(I was a msm sheep once)....then 2 years ago I started researching for myself and where once I was blind, I now see the light

Trump continues to expose the evil....his masterpiece is still in the making

Aug 4, 2013
This thread is going to end up like your Epstein thread. Disappointed once again. But we shall see.
Posted February 14, 2022 10:26 p.m. EST

By Charlie Savage, New York Times
WASHINGTON — When John Durham, the Trump-era special counsel investigating the inquiry into Russia’s 2016 election interference, filed a pretrial motion Friday night, he slipped in a few extra sentences that set off a furor among right-wing outlets about purported spying on former President Donald Trump.Upon close inspection, these narratives are often based on a misleading presentation of the facts or outright misinformation. They also tend to involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time — raising the question of whether news outlets should even cover such claims. Yet Trump allies portray the news media as engaged in a cover-up if they don’t.
The conservative media also skewed what the filing said. For example, Durham’s filing never used the word “infiltrate.” And it never claimed that Joffe’s company was being paid by the Clinton campaign.
Most important, contrary to the reporting, the filing never said the White House data that came under scrutiny was from the Trump era. According to lawyers for David Dagon, a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist who helped develop the Yota analysis, the data — so-called DNS logs, which are records of when computers or smartphones have prepared to communicate with servers over the internet — came from Barack Obama’s presidency.
“What Trump and some news outlets are saying is wrong,” said Jody Westby and Mark Rasch, lawyers for Dagon. “The cybersecurity researchers were investigating malware in the White House, not spying on the Trump campaign, and to our knowledge, all of the data they used was nonprivate DNS data from before Trump took office.”
In a statement, a spokesperson for Joffe said that “contrary to the allegations in this recent filing,” he was apolitical, did not work for any political party and had lawful access under a contract to work with others to analyze DNS data — including from the White House — for the purpose of hunting for security breaches or threats.
After Russians hacked networks for the White House and Democrats in 2015 and 2016, it went on, the cybersecurity researchers were “deeply concerned” to find data suggesting Russian-made YotaPhones were in proximity to the Trump campaign and the White House, so they “prepared a report of their findings, which was subsequently shared with the CIA.”
A spokesperson for Durham did not respond to a request for comment.

Aug 4, 2013
What happened did l debunk this thread it’s dropping like a rock. ROTFLMFAO

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What happened did l debunk this thread it’s dropping like a rock. ROTFLMFAO
Propaganda is flashy and provides instant gratification - think Russian "collusion"; non-stop deep state 'leaks' to the NYTs and Wa Post; bin laden-style raids live on CNN...

Real facts, evidence and truth take time to meticulously gather behind the scenes, which the NYTs will not be reporting.

Did Trump look worried during Mueller? No.

Does Crooked Hillary look worried now? Yes!

Don't worry, this thread will get loads of love soon enough.

Aug 4, 2013
I’ve got to be honest I don’t open links even if it’s libtard. But that’s just me.

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