Big thumbs down(Or middle finger up) to Jet fans.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 21, 2004
I have been going to Jet games since Richard "middle fingers" Todd when they played at Shea.

Wake up, it is not Jets fans just being an exception. They are no different than other fans. You are either part of them or with that guy in your avatar whom I am having hard times picturing watching a football game, you have to take a side here.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Lets continue this down here in The Rubber Room. FWIW - and this has not a thing to do with the teams involved. Personally I would be embarrased for anyone ignorant enough to profanely root for a player to be more seriously injured than he was just because their team was losing that particular day. There is a good chance that no one in that entire stadium wanted to win that game for the Jets yesterday more than Chad Pennington.

I know it's a cruel world and all that shit but when you bring your own child to to a bigtime sporting event hoping the youngster will have an experience that just might turn him into a life long sports fan only to have the single person you care about most in your own world being exposed to a stone cold ahole it effects you personally, no matter how street wise tough and worldly you are. The only thing in the world that can cause you real pain is to see your own young son feel even the slighest dissapointment.

I do not believe it was about the violence of the actual game for #7 and his son but what most likely was a long awaited father and son right of passage turn to shit because the performance of the home team angered some cretin who probably picks his nose in traffic.

Last edited:
Dec 30, 2006
Lets continue this down here in The Rubber Room. FWIW - and this has not a thing to do with the teams involved. Personally I would be embarrased for anyone ignorant enough to profanely root for a player to be more seriously injured than he was just because their team was losing that particular day. There is a good chance that no one in that entire stadium wanted to win that game for the Jets yesterday more than Chad Pennington.

I know it's a cruel world and all that shit but when you bring your own child to to a bigtime sporting event hoping the youngster will have an experience that just might turn him into a life long sports fan only to have the single person you care about most in your own world being exposed to a stone cold ahole it effects you personally, no matter how street wise tough and worldly you are. The only thing in the world that can cause you real pain is to see your own young son feel even the slighest dissapointment.

I do not believe it was about the violence of the actual game for #7 and his son but what most likely was a long awaited father and son right of passage turn to shit because the performance of the home team angered some cretin who probably picks his nose in traffic.

You hit the nail right on the head. Couldn't have said it any better myself.:103631605
Sep 21, 2004
Try going to a Chiefs-Broncos game in Denver decked out in Chiefs gear. Glass bottles being lobbed from various directions while walking across the parking lot and a never ending rain of the plastic bottles they sell at the game from the balcony above(of course, I never got hit-but most everyone around me did or nearly did), and punched in the back of the head while taking a piss-that actually led to a brawl that poured out of the can.

A lot of hard core NFL fans have a few screws loose.

New member
Nov 21, 2000
I do not believe it was about the violence of the actual game for #7 and his son but what most likely was a long awaited father and son right of passage turn to shit because the performance of the home team angered some cretin who probably picks his nose in traffic.

No wonder you sent this to the Rubber Room ... you end such a thoughtful and serious post with a remark like that?

PS: As for #7, the next step is to take his son to a strip club and complain about the nudity. What else should he expect at an NFL game?

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
I agree , not for nothing , but comeon ?? what do you expect ?... Im sure most 7 year olds probably don't know professional wrestling is fake either. Yet imagine trying to justify an evening at one of those events... Eyes gouged , groin kicks, face scrapes, piledrivers and leglocks and more foul language and inappropriate yelling then you have ever heard.... If you honestly expect a cordial afternoon(save from a private box) at the Meadowlands on week 1 against Arch rival New England ... then my friend , you are either brain dead or retarded. Instead of instantly condemning this certain hooligan , you should have embraced the situation and taught your son about the real brass tacks of going to a live game; some fans are rowdy while others are civilized. You could have made an example of the ruffian by undermining his remarks, and instead of driving back on the turnpike disgruntled and upset.... you and your son could have been laughing it up and reminisicing about the wild crazy fan at the Jets game. Instead of making him a villian, you could have referenced him as the infamous anti-hero. And not for nothing #7, you make it sound like the Jets fan was responsible for 9/11 ... he's a fan watching the sport he loves and cheering for it enthusiasticly. Mr. Richard Todd , have you ever been to a boxing match at the Garden ?? Ever hear the remarks and catcalls there ?? "Kill him, Take his fukking head off!!!, Come on you fukking bum !!!"How hunky dory would that be for your average 1st grader ?? The world we live in isn't getting easier or watered down, its becoming more animated and violent and disgusting every day ... watch the six oclock news and tell me the top 3 lead stories aren't as disturbing as your incident yesterday. Watch TV or go to the movies , or read about the war. You are taking your son to a football game and it sounds like you are the one that fumbled this one, not the rowdy fan, or the Jets losing big ...It was you that choked under the pressure of a heckler. Your post should have read, "I took my son to his first Jets game and even though we sat next to a bunch of assholes and the Jets sucked shit ... we managed to have a good time" Then you earn my respect right there and many others ... But calling out Jets fans from all over , because you were too much of a p ussy to handle the situation ?? What the fukk do you expect?? a red carpet waltz on the way to your Pulitzer ?? .... and everyone from this post that said , its the same everywhere 100% correct. It is the same, be it Denver, Dallas or Jacksonville ... Football fans are fanatics, they are diehards. As a diehard Jets fan myself ... I got a newsflash for you - Pennington hasnt exactly been our saviour. Sure he lead us to a few first round playoff wins, but overall .... he's a bum. And I guarantee the fan in question was merely pumped up for the moment. I mean do you honestly believe the fan was dissapointed when Pennington wasnt injured, do you think he skipped a beat ? Its called a passionate fan... If the Jets were up 24-10 when that play happened and Penny had 3 td passes, the same guy probably would have said .."Noooooooooooo , Oh God noooooooooo" and then would have looked back to you for support, and guess what? you would have given it. You are definetly barking up the wrong tree on this one ... I think you had the right intentions yesterday and probaly had a solid gameplan for the game with your son, but when the Meadowland diehards started blitzing ... you panicked ... and had no answer. Hence this rediculous post which is a cry for help. Because sympathy you could have got ... but by calling out the whole bunch because of one bad apple ....? You my friend are the classless one here ... Grow a sack and make the best of it. Fucnluck was on the money from the get go ....

Just calling it like I see it


ps - great post Will , in a perfect world , thats the way it is ... but this world is far from perfect .

New member
Nov 8, 2004
"some cretin who probably picks his nose in traffic."


So say your driving down the road and you get one of those hard little boogers in the corner of your nostril. You know the kind that tickle your nose almost enough to make you sneeze.

What are you supposed to do?


in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
So say your driving down the road and you get one of those hard little boogers in the corner of your nostril. You know the kind that tickle your nose almost enough to make you sneeze.

What are you supposed to do?


i agree. i pick my nose in traffic all the time...its the only time i can do it where no one i know can judge me. except this one time when i was driving home from work...

Sep 25, 2006
As long as you pick and flick its all good. If you pick and lick..ewwww

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Just for the record the picking your nose in traffic comparision is a metaphor. I am fairly certain that I have also done it sometime in my life. However I am aware at the same time that it is a disgusting habit.

Essentially it defines a sub species of modern man that has no consideration about what anyone around them thinks of their social behaviour, which as Rupert points out is to be expected almost anywhere you go these days. You could say the same thing about a female that farts at the movies on a date with a new boy friend and just lets it rip.

I could go on further about the matter but I would hope by now you see my point.


My real point is that a 7 year old youngster attending his first NFL game with his dad most certainly had to be very puzzeled about how a fan of the same team he was rooting for was also shouting that he hoped a marquee player (especially the starting QB, who may be the young man's favorite player) would die right there on the green grass of the playing field in front of 75,000 people.

Of course it is not a perfect world and we all need to be prepared to suffer grief when we expose our much loved innocent offspring to it. Lets face it, we are all vulnerable no matter how macho we are in our own day in and day out activities when our very naive young ones are exposed to that same brutal world, especially one where we have zero or nearly zero control over the behaviour of others.

Most of the guys on this forum just shine it on whenever a social atrocity like I hope you strangle you weak fuck is overheard. Alone or with equals, who gives a shit, accompanied by a young son or daughter what we tolerate or shine on is quite a different matter.

At what point to you tell an obnoxious and profane stranger only a few feet away from your wife or child to watch his language? Can you move elsewhee in a packed stadium - most likely not - did you spend hundreds of dollars on tickets and travel to be forced out of your paid for with your hard earned money spot. - of course not.

Were they obnoxious assholes attending ballgames in the 30's, 40's and 50's etc - I am sure they were but today that type of sickening behaviour at a game is much more common and actually acceptable and natrually protected by our constitional right to be an asshole whenever we want. Of course do not even attempt to request an extra pillow on an commercial airplane anymore unless it is done with the outmost courtesy.

The problem is that our society has become a selfish and greedy for personal gratification mess where a man has to seriously consider the consequences of taking his own son to a ball game. The prize fight analogy is not a valid argument because of the nature of the sport itself. Even pro football as violent as it is will never compete with Raging Bull when it comes to inducing bloodlust from it's spectators. The professional wrestling comparison is also not valid.

Are all or even a significent minority of all Jets fans obnoxious, of course not. Most are regular people who want to see their home team beat up on a (lets face it) hated rival. The odd bad apple is what ruins it for everyone else.

Bottom line here is #7 came away very dissapointed by what occured in front of his son at Giants Stadium yesterday and decided to post a fuck you to the people he felt are responsible for that dissapointment. He has has as much right to bitch as the next guy.

Like they say "nothing is easy anymore"...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
You just have to remember, football appeals to everyone, so you have the lowest-common-denominator effect going on. You don't get people that know how to be civil, you get some decent fans, but mostly you get trash at those games.

It's sad that you can't even take a kid to a football game.

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 21, 2004
today that type of sickening behaviour at a game is much more common and actually acceptable

The odd bad apple is what ruins it for everyone else.

To sum up, the exceptions are much more common. Are you confused or what?

Are all or even a significent minority of all Jets fans obnoxious, of course not.

Of course yes, and again, not "Jets fans" but "sports fans" and they enjoy that. They remind me of little kids who fart and laugh at that. And no, they are not bad apples, that is what they are and just let them have their fun.

Sep 25, 2006
I'm taking my 7th grade niece and my 4th grade nephew to their first NCAA college football game - tailgating with my friends and all. My brother-in-law knows whats gonna happen - shit, he used to be one of them.

I already sat the lil ones down and told them they are going to hear some words they never heard before and people are going to be out of control. They're all excited and so am I. I bought face paint and they started to make posters.

I'm sorry, your son's first experience was a bad one. Cause if my li ones had a bad experience I would give a fuck you to everyone too. But it is after all a football game with bunch of drunks. You cant expect a classy turnaround as if your watching Golf.

Aug 11, 2007
I've been going to football games in Foxboro for 30+ years and for the most part, the fans are great. You always get the couple of drunken loudmouth assholes that get tossed and liven up the day a little. Then I went to a Miami/Jets game down here with a buddy and he warned me that you'll never see anything like this. I could not believe how obnoxius these Jets fans were. No one has the right to start throwing 20.oz cups of beer 10 rows down. I swear they came down by the bus load, 20-25 year olds mostly, cocked out of their minds, intent on one thing, seeing who can be the biggest asshole. And there were more Jets fans than Dolphins fans. Swearing and screaming is one thing, throwing food and beer down on people below you is another. It was the young beer muscle crowd who seem to think they're at the WWF. These are the assholes that give Jet fans a bad rep. Just my observation

New member
Sep 21, 2004
dont think they were cheering because got urt. just think they want a new qb in new york.
he is kinda of a pansie

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