Trump Lands Knockout Blow On Joe In Campaign Kickoff
Former President Donald Trump delivered a knockout blow to President Joe Biden in his campaign kickoff saying the United States under Biden’s leadership is like having April’s fools day every day. Trump said:
“We need a fighter who can stand up to the left, stand up to the swamp, stand up to the media, stand up to the deep state. Am I allowed to say stand up to the RINO’s, too?
“There’s only one president who has ever challenged the entire establishment in Washington, and with your vote next year, we will do it again. Together we will complete the unfinished business of making America great again!
“I’m more angry now and more committed now than I ever was.”
“The 2024 election is our one shot to save our country, and we need a leader who is ready to do that on day one.
“To change the whole system, you need a president that can take on the whole system.
“We’re begging foreign nations for oil when we have far more oil than they have and then on top of it, we sell China millions and millions of barrels of cheap oil…