Bibi vs Trump


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
While Dmocrats shun the Israeli leader, because the most ignorant people on earth (a/k/a their base) call themselves Hamas, Trump invites Bibi to his home

It ain't rocket science people

Dec 15, 2017
While Dmocrats shun the Israeli leader, because the most ignorant people on earth (a/k/a their base) call themselves Hamas, Trump invites Bibi to his home

It ain't rocket science people
lol who calls themselves Hamas?

A lot on the left support the people of Palestine, not Hamas

The most ignorant people on earth think they’re the same thing

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
lol who calls themselves Hamas?

A lot on the left support the people of Palestine, not Hamas

The most ignorant people on earth think they’re the same thing

Watch a protest, get back to me. They're part of the backbone democrats need (along with every other vote for a living demographic)

And who governs the Gaza strip again? That would be Hamas.

Palestinians could live in peace. Living within Isreal which continiously flies right over your head because you can't make that fit into your silly Bibi is happy narrative, or by taking control of their government and out Hamas

Hamas cannot exist until they change their purpose

But I know I know, Bibi made all this happen to stay in power and he is happy. Just follow the yellow brick road

Dec 15, 2017
Watch a protest, get back to me. They're part of the backbone democrats need (along with every other vote for a living demographic)
Some minority pack of idiots at protests don’t represent how the overwhelming majority of people feel:

-Hamas is bad and should be destroyed
-Israel has not approached its retaliation in the most sensible way
-Netanyahu is a corrupt, lying politician

And who governs the Gaza strip again? That would be Hamas.

Yes, and Palestinian people hate Hamas more than anyone else for this reason

Palestinians could live in peace.
Yes they could, if Hamas — who they HATE — wasn’t in charge.

Living within Isreal which continiously flies right over your head because you can't make that fit into your silly Bibi is happy narrative, or by taking control of their government and out Hamas

Hamas cannot exist until they change their purpose

But I know I know, Bibi made all this happen to stay in power and he is happy. Just follow the yellow brick road
Living within Israel? Well no, Israel has occupied territory that most of the world believes they have no legal right to.

That is a legitimate gripe of the Palestinian people, independent of the Hamas war

And this is coming from a Jew who lost a large amount of my mom’s family to the Holocaust

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Watch a protest, get back to me. They're part of the backbone democrats need (along with every other vote for a living demographic)

And who governs the Gaza strip again? That would be Hamas.

Palestinians could live in peace. Living within Isreal which continiously flies right over your head because you can't make that fit into your silly Bibi is happy narrative, or by taking control of their government and out Hamas

Hamas cannot exist until they change their purpose

But I know I know, Bibi made all this happen to stay in power and he is happy. Just follow the yellow brick road
Tell that giddy bibi

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The dumbest people do the most talking, the power of the internet. Giving a voice to the tinfoil hat crowd. The very people that have no voice in the real world

Bless their hearts

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
ha ha you just make shit up as there's not a single Zionist saying they want peace. Its the exact opposite...they want Gaza erased to steal their natural resources and then Iran bombed by USA to eliminate a legit threat not to mention the Houthis murdered along with 1M Yemeni and Hezbollah taken care of

you twats retweeting "saving Israel for last" act like Trump's done anything but drain the swamp to find his Cabinet. He's sucking uncut cock all day long while JD Thielstein does his fundraising

50 fn standing ovations from that murdering cunt asking for your tax money to fund his next round of killing. Trump got away with jerking off for Israeli once (Soleimani murder) but lightning won't strike twice as Iran has waited until this fucked up country has fagged up the military and drained their military resources. Everything about to happen to America is justified and planned
it's Iran's turn right after Palestine, Yemen, and Syria

war machine go vroom


Dec 15, 2017
You’re allowed to disagree tWillie

I dont agree with a lot of your political positions but you’re a solid guy

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Its okay right?

Deys filthy mooslims after all.
Imagine having to debate something like this...expect nothing less from the SOS

Thankfully Israeliis are waking up to the treachery of their State in the same way Americans are waking up to theirs.


Active member
Jun 18, 2007

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
in the past 24 hours Israel has bombed Beirut, blown up the oldest Christian church in Gaza, and started a domestic riot at home to preserve the rights of their military to gang rape non-Khazari, errrr, non-Jewish prisoners.

sounds like last week's meeting went as planned with the USA giving the green light to back their murderous rampage in the Middle East. Time for Turkey and Hezbollah to take some revenge. Expect full scale by end of August

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You’re allowed to disagree tWillie

I dont agree with a lot of your political positions but you’re a solid guy

None of my real mockings have been directed at you. You might have misinterpreted something

Can have a mostly respectful disagreement with

Others think they're much smarter and much more informed than they are. Rather amusing

Although you're fucked in the head about Hamas. Not enough harm can come to them in my world

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
in the past 24 hours Israel has bombed Beirut, blown up the oldest Christian church in Gaza, and started a domestic riot at home to preserve the rights of their military to gang rape non-Khazari, errrr, non-Jewish prisoners.

sounds like last week's meeting went as planned with the USA giving the green light to back their murderous rampage in the Middle East. Time for Turkey and Hezbollah to take some revenge. Expect full scale by end of August
And the horrible optics continue for the increasingly cornered and isolated Shitty Little State, eh?

Just like the FAKE war in Gaza triggered by a FALSE FLAG attack ("Israel Under Attack by Hand Gliders!!" 😂) turned into a total public relations nightmare for Bibi Satanyahoo, who has been reduced to sounding like an unhinged caged animal nobody listens to anymore.

But don't just blindly take "my" word for it. If you have neither time nor resources to discern FACT from FICTION, focus on the Narrative Convergence of this FAKE war 👉the Winners vs Losers.

Now Israel is on the brink of civil war because the regime wants soldiers to rape and sodomize Palestinian detainees without consequences.

Therein lies your answer as to WHO is pulling the strings and in FULL Control 👉 5th Generation Psychological Warfare.

Trust the plan.


Dec 15, 2017
None of my real mockings have been directed at you. You might have misinterpreted something

Can have a mostly respectful disagreement with

Others think they're much smarter and much more informed than they are. Rather amusing

Although you're fucked in the head about Hamas. Not enough harm can come to them in my world
Yeah I mistook myself for an Alex Jones apologist for a second

And I agree with your views on Hamas

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
In the context of the nonstop barrage of "bad news" Israel is being pummeled with, it is important to understand the view from 40,000 feet and why events are playing out as they are.

👉Israel is a Cabal puppet state and Rothschild baby 👉 the Belfour declaration

👉 "Israel became a lab for Pfizer" - Psychopath Bibi Satanyahoo with absolutely no regard for human life, even his own people!

👉 From the JFK assassination to 9/11, Mossad has their dirty fingerprints on every American tragedy.

👉Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were Mossad intel creations who ran blackmail honeypot operations, which used children and other sick fetishes/sexual perversions to blackmail politicians, Pedowood celebs, judges, scientists, intel assets etc.

👉 "America has to be bombed into war" 👉 The "War on the Terror" was a Bibi Satanyahoo/Khazarian mafia brainchild which did that and more, luring American blood and treasure all over the middle east to fight Israel's wars.

👉 Hamas, ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc are all Mossad proxies. Many ISIS fighters were suspiciously fair skinned and a captured ISIS commander revealed Mossad and the CIA were involved in creating ISIS 👉 Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. As President Trump stated, "Obama and Crooked Hillary founded ISIS." On related note, all the gullible dupes brainwashed by FAKE "news" who believe the official 9/11 "story" have absolutely clue "Osama bin Laden" was a CIA agent his entire life.

👉 Most members in Congress and government are completely compromised and beholden to Israel and the powerful AIPAC lobby (now dismantled 👉 EO 13818). However, since we're currently under Continuity of Government, nothing is actually being sent to Israel, except the constant drip, drip, drip of "bad news" playing out for normies worldwide.

👉80% of Americans have been brainwashed into believing "Israel is our greatest ally" (see above), which has to be undone carefully but methodically before many of these shocking TRUTHS can be revealed to the public.

Q asks..

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
Do you attack it from the front?
Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?

Anyone with a bull-in-a-China-shop mentality toward Israel would end up dead in a plane crash (7/10 are targeted kills), fall over walking home from a bar (Andrew Breitbart) or robbed at gunpoint and murdered (Seth Rich).

To wit, attacking Israel must be done gingerly and covertly, while outwardly smiling and shaking hands for the cameras.

Just know that Israel is not under attack from Hamas, Palestinians, Iran or any other nation state.

Israel is under nonstop assault by the global White Hat mil-civ alliance, with some painful TRUTHS ahead for normies. And by the time the public learns about JFK, Epstein, 9/11 etc, nobody in the world will want anything to do with the Cabal's Shitty Little State.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
If they didnt lie about EVERYTHING they might have a tad more credibility....war mongers gonna war monger..

This guy has receipts

Cuckervatives need to wake up. Just because Hamas is evil it doesnt make the IOF and the Israeli Mob/SOS the good guys.


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