tHx Michel. since I started tracking it's the best number I have finished with. this game is a lot about experience and using logical thought imo. and we each look for the things that work for us.Jack: Invest $1500/return $1427.40 ROI: 0.95
Doing what we love to do. That's a win as far as I'm concerned, Jack. Nice job.
R1: scratchedJack1999 what a great job of handicapping, I’ll finish up my bankroll today
are you interested in doing an Oaklawn thread it starts next Friday
1st: 4-Con Permiso $6 W-P
2nd: 7-The Angry Man $6 W-P
3rd: 1-Ask Bailey $6 W-P
4th: 5-Nimble Beast $6 W-P
5th: 10-Very Savvy $6 W-P
Jack1999 I’m staggering to the finish line
You were brilliant
I’m looking forward to Oaklawn
1st: 6-Miss Over There $6 W-P
3rd: 7-Franco’s Team $6 W-P