MC - We have been nothing but generous to you.
You said that there would be "AT LEAST" 100 participants. Thats EXACTLY why I structured the prizes to be that high.
Just so you know - 20k in signups DOES NOT mean 20K in profits. First of all we have to pick up the fees, second we give the 20% bonus, and 3rd we still have to win.
So dont act like we were just taking 20k and then giving it back. BHB was giving PLENTY away.
Also, dont act like you idnt say "at least" 100 participants. When you asked me to structire the prizes, I asked "how many" participants will you get us. You said "at least" 100. THEN i decided on the prizes.
Once again, the only complaint you guys have conjured up against BHB in all this time is "free money, and free contest" gripes.
Most books would bow to to you guys on this one because of the time of year. But I will not. It is the principal here.
You guys should know FULL WELL the BHB will take care of you with MANY other contests throughout the year!
Instead you gripe like we STOLE your money. And threaten to not say any more good things about us. LOL. These contests are not bribes. I do them because I am generous. Anyone who knows me knows that.
I am so frustrated at your whining right now. I just closed a deal with Platinum VIP tours in Vegas and will be giving away a trip for 14, thats right 14 people. Its like a 10k deal without the airfare and hotel. Cral like this makes me second guess my generousity.
Why be so generous, for WHAT? So people can act like their being taken advantage of.. What a joke. Maybe I should cancel the mailer thats going out with hats for all the posters who we have addresses for too.
MC get over yourself, and admit that you structured a contest that wasnt as popular as "YOU" promised. Then maybe we can move on.
Ken, I love you player. I cant give in on this one though. You know I will be more than happy to give cash, trips, etc away. But not when people threaten me, or when people act like I owe it to them. I am refunding the "$50" to the players.
What am i supposed to do, run a contest with 20 guys in it? MC- you want to do that ALL YEAR LONG? LOL. Matter of fact, lets do that. I will TRIPLE THE $50 each (thats 200 for each entry) That $ will go in a pool. MC - you divide the total amount of cash by 13, and that will be the weekly prize money. You can run the contest since you are the man.