Dime is right, sure you can take a shot, if you lose you put together as much cash as you can, and slow pay the rest, I know I have done it, loan companies, pay advances, family, friends etc. Problem is that only lasts so long, pretty soon you run out of places to go to borrow. Now you come to a cross roads you either smarten up having leared a hard lesson or you end up like the guy Dime talked about, it happens everyday. Go to any Gamblers Anonymous meeting a listen to the stories. That is why the offshore post-up explosion is actually a good thing for problem gamblers, you have to have it to play it. A two dime bet is a two dime bet wether you posted up hard earned money or are in a position to get credit for the money. In both cases you will be paying attention to the score. You are not necessarily stand up if you bet money you don't have, but you are if you take care of your obligations like a man.