Betting prophets who by his own submission is a compulsive gambler. He calls all the books up trying to get on the inside and is known throughout the industry as a pest. I will repeat a post I placed on this forum last month.
Problem is the guy is a pain in the balls. My sources tell me he bothers people in the offshore world daily with some fahgazzi e-mail list(probably his buddy Mark Dell's) he is trying to sell. He has a tout site that is basically dead which he tries to sell books on advertising. He acts like he knows much more then he does about the offshore world and just gambling in general.
Besides all that I guess he is just your everyday run of the mill degenerate.
I'm registered at theRX and haven't gotten anything. I'm registered at Olympic but with my junk email account. I just delete everything after a quick look but don't remember any emails lately like that.
I got the same email sent to my home account - which is scary. The only places that have that email are Pinnacle and bettorsworld. My guess is bettorsworld - they keep spamming me even after I have asked that loser jeff/brian to take me off of their list.
Hey, BettingProphets, how do I get off your spam list? I've been getting e-mails from you with phony return addresses for a couple months now. It's time for you to step up and clean house. This is a bad business practice.